

Sony E3 2018 Predictions

Image result for sony e3 2018We have already been given the knowledge that Sony plans to focus heavily on four upcoming titles this E3. Those games are "Spider-Man," "The Last of Us Part 2," "Ghost of Tsushima," and "Death Stranding." Despite the emphasis on showing off the large-scale exclusives, Sony will of course let us in on some third party and indie games. A few surprises along the way are presumably there as well. At the time of writing, Sony has just said they have announcements leading up to E3 2018 but we don't know what these are as of yet.

Insomniac's ambitious "Spider-Man" is out so soon. With a September release date, I don't think Sony needs to do much more to promote this, seeing as it has gotten a lot of attention for a few years now. With that being said, Sony did say they'd put an emphasis on this game and I think they will show off some more aspects of the gameplay in particular to help further sell gamers on the title they will get their hands on shortly.

Image result for spider man ps4
The Last of Us Part 2
"The Last of Us Part 2" is presumably getting full gameplay shown this year and that will probably be in addition to some cinematics. I believe Sony won't have a full-fledged release date for this hotly anticipated title but they will probably come out with a Q2 release window.

Ghost of Tsushima
Unfortunately, gameplay will probably be absent from "Ghost of Tsushima" and its trailer and emphasis Sony gives it at E3. However, there is no doubt that the concept of this game will be further explained and we will get a big cinematic trailer for sure. A 2019 release year will be all we get in terms of release date.

Image result for death strandingDeath Stranding
"Death Stranding" may finally get actual gameplay this year. I believe Hideo Kojima's first game outside of Konami will be cryptic and delightfully weird in its presentation as usual but we will finally get a grasp on what kind of game it is. No release date, window or year will given at the end of the trailer(s) though.

Image result for black ops 4Call of Duty Black Ops 4
The marketing deal allowing DLC out first on PlayStation for "Call of Duty" won't stop here. "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" will definitely get a gameplay trailer, showing off the new and old multiplayer modes, ending with the fact that you can get the map packs and other content first on PlayStation 4.

Devil May Cry 5
A new "Devil May Cry" game is all but confirmed officially. "Devil May Cry 5" will be announced with an official reveal trailer at Sony's press conference this year. The game will be a return to form, as in a sequel to the series prior to 2013's "DmC: Devil May Cry." A February 2019 release date will be given and some sort of pre-order bonus exclusive to PlayStation will also be included in there.

Kingdom Hearts 3
"Kingdom Hearts" is not an exclusive to the PlayStation brand anymore when it comes to main seris entries; however, "Kingdom Hearts 3" is still bound to be shown at Sony's press conference. I previously predicted we get the release date for this long-awaited game at Square Enix's press conference. I think another trailer of gameplay will be shown here though.

I believe Rocksteady's next big title gets revealed by Sony at E3. A long-rumoured "Superman" game seems to be their next project and I believe it. The press conference will see the debut of this game, titled "Superman" with a subtitle of some sort. The trailer will close with "2019."

Bloodborne 2
It is known that FromSoftware is hard at work on something new. What it is isn't so known; however, with the success that was "Bloodborne," it seems likely that a sequel is coming. I believe "Bloodborne 2" gets an official reveal this E3 with 2019 as the only clarity of release.

Media Molecule has shown off bits and pieces of this ambitious and creative title. "Dreams" will likely have its official release date provided by Sony at their press conference. I believe this game gets a release date of the very end of the year, a good time for something new to come out to cap off 2018 without being cluttered with bigger, mainstream titles in the fall. A release date of December 28 will be given but first, their trailer will also close off with an open beta release in August.

Resident Evil 2 Remake
A remake of "Resident Evil 2" is inevitable after its predecessors got the treatment but it has been long-awaited. I believe we get the trailer for it at Sony's press conference with a January 2019 hard release date. This will of course be multi-platform but "Resident Evil's" marketing with Sony will still exist.

Days Gone
"Days Gone" has been seen here and there for a while now and GameInformer did a huge piece on the game and their hands-on experience with it. I think 'Days Gone" is close and the release date will actually be provided this E3. Sony will have a gameplay-cinematic trailer and a release date of February 2019.

Image result for jak and daxter the precursor legacyBluepoint
Bluepoint Games has said they are working on another remake. Apparently it is bigger than even "Shadow of the Colossus." There are plenty of games they could revisit but I think they will stick to the PlayStation exclusives and deliver a remake of not one, but three PlayStation 2 classics. A remake of the "Jak and Daxter" games in the same vein as "Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection" and "Crash Bandicoot: The N' Sane Trilogy" will be revealed to be in development by Bluepoint Games.

Mortal Kombat 11
NetherRealm Studios concluded the DLC for "Injustice 2" a little while ago; if their track record since 2011 serves, a new "Mortal Kombat" will likely come out next year. I believe "Mortal Kombat 11" will be revealed at Sony's E3 2018 press conference, similar to how "Mortal Kombat X" was in 2014.

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