

Nintendo E3 2018 Predictions

This year's E3 is full of leaks. Nintendo is certainly no exception, seeing as their entire show was allegedly leaked a few weeks back. And of course "Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu" and "Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee" were continuously leaked until they got officially revealed. I'm thinking Nintendo has at least a couple of surprises up their sleeves for their E3 Direct, as well as some further looks at previously teased and announced titles. Let me know your thoughts on my predictions, as well as your own for Nintendo in the comments below.
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This November will see "Pokemon: let's Go, Pikachu" and "Let's Go, Eevee," which appear to be a combination of a "Pokemon: Yellow" remake and a "Pokemon: Go" successor. The core "Pokemon" RPG is still confirmed to come out in 2019 but I don't think we get that title officially revealed this year at E3. I think it'll get announced around this time next year. I see Nintendo continuing talk of "Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu" and "Let's Go, Eevee." We will get more details on the games, how they play and how they are similar but different to the "Pokemon" games they are succeeding.
Image result for let's go pikachu and eevee
You can't go anywhere without hearing or seeing "Fortnite." Rumors have recently suggested "Fortnite: Battle Royale" will be coming to the Switch. I do believe this will happen. I see Nintendo showing us a trailer with a release date of September, a release date that will complement their new online service beginning. 

 Super Mario Odyssey
"Super Mario Odyssey" DLC is something people have asked for and I think we get it revealed at E3. I believe it will be Delfino Island, available in July. But they will also tell us more kingdoms are on the way. New costumes and another photo mode filter will also be available through another free update now (at the time of their Direct).

New Super Mario Bros
The Wii-U titles, "New Super Mario Bros. U" and "New Super Luigi U" will come to the Switch. The E3 trailer will call it "New Super Mario Bros. + New Super Luigi U," including all of the content of the two games with a price point of $49.99. The release date? Friday, August 10, 2018.
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Super Mario RPG
In my Square Enix predictions, I made a bold statement and said they will announce at their show that "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars" is getting a full remaster for the Switch. I'm saying that Nintendo will further show this game but it will only be slightly more than a tease.

The Wonderful 101
Platinum Games'  "The Wonderful 101" was a delightful Wii-U game, one that I am personally surprised hasn't gotten any confirmation of a Switch version. I believe Nintendo will show it at E3 2018 with a release date as soon as Friday, July 20.

Image result for fire emblem switchFire Emblem
Nintendo has told us a core "Fire Emblem" game is in the works for the Switch and will even be out in 2018. I have no doubt in mind that they officially reveal the game at E3. It will get a cinematic and gameplay trailer. The release date will be of December. 

Last year's reveal of "Yoshi" had no release date or even full title (unless "Yoshi" is the full title). One E3 later and it remains the same. I think Nintendo will have to show it again with a release date. I believe they show a new trailer with a subtitle after "Yoshi." This game will be out in August. I'm calling Friday, August 3. 
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Grand Theft Auto V
"Grand Theft Auto V" is the most profitable piece of entertainment; it continues to sell like crazy. I believe Rockstar releasing "L.A. Noire" was a bit of a test for this. Nintendo's E3 Direct will have a "Grand Theft Auto V" trailer, telling us that it is coming to the Switch in November.

Super Smash Bros.
"Super Smash Bros." will be officially dove into at E3. We will get the confirmation of how it is not the Wii-U title but a brand new "Super Smash Bros." game. It will have some subtitle in the name like Melee or Brawl. The release date will be given quickly, launching day and date with Nintendo's online service. We will get a cinematic trailer for a new story mode ala Subspace Emissary. We will also see gameplay and three returning characters are shown, in addition to two brand new characters.

Pikimin 4
Nintendo will announce "Pikimin 4" with a small trailer at E3. It won't be out until next year; the release window of 2019 will be provided at the end. But in the meantime, "Pikimin 3" is out June 30 to let gamers play the Wii-U title on their Switch and hold them off until later next year, presumably summer 2019, for the sequel. "Pikimin 3" gets shown first so the excitement of a sequel following that announcement is bigger.

Metroid Prime
I don't believe "Metroid Prime 4" is getting any new trailers yet, as I firmly believe it is some time away. I think that Nintendo will tell us that "Metroid Prime 4" will be out late 2019 but in the meantime, "Metroid Prime Trilogy" is out in January, allowing people to play the series leading up to the sequel on their Switch. We will see a gameplay trailer, showing all three "Metroid Prime" games.

No More Heroes
"Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes" has no release date yet so E3 will certainly change that. Nintendo will show us a new trailer of the gameplay and detail it more. That will end with October 5, 2018. 

Image result for star fox zero"Star Fox: Grand Prix" has been rumored to be a racing game, in the vein of "F-Zero" and "Diddy Kong Racing" but in the "Star Fox" canon. I think that this outlandish game will be officially revealed by Nintendo next week. This will have a release window Q1 2019. However, "Star Fox Zero" will make its way over from the Wii-U to the Switch this December.

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