

Nintendo Direct Predictions

Nintendo Direct 9.13.2018 
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The previously delayed Nintendo Direct from last week will be airing tomorrow, September 13, according to Nintendo's Twitter. 

With one day to go, there are plenty of speculations on what will or what will not be given attention in the 35-minute presentation.

Looking at what Nintendo has on the way, recently announced or rumored titles and a little optimism, here are 10 predictions (in no particular order) for just what Nintendo has in store for consumers in its September 13 direct, covering both 3DS and Switch titles.

1. Nintendo Switch Online

We'e already been given confirmation of the service's release date, that being September 18. Further details are inevitably going to be given light during this direct. I believe gamers care now, more than ever, whether the Netflix-style retro catalog long rumored will stack up against Nintendo's Minis or previous virtual console markets. I see Nintendo confirming everything that's guaranteed with subscriptions, pricing, cloud save details and included games very early on. 

2. Luigi's Mansion

Image result for luigi's mansion 3ds"Luigi's Mansion" is coming to the 3DS one month from today, promising 3DS players the chance to relive or experience for the first time the GameCube launch title. Nintendo has said this direct will cover 3DS titles in addition to that of the Switch so I see it to be a no-brainer that they will offer a trailer and a reminder that this game is coming so soon.

3. Pokemon Let's Go

"Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee" have been getting their fair share of small trailers since being officially revealed. The titles will likely get another one in the direct, showing another gym leaders or two, a couple small features and destinations and looks at mega evolutions. I think they will finally reveal new mega evolutions, based on both the trademark files recently and the fact that it's coming pretty soon and could use something more to push excitement. 

4. Final Fantasy XV

Recently announced for the Switch, "Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition" presumably meant to have appeared in the direct, will likely get shown in some way tomorrow. The game just launched last week on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and has no release date for the Switch. I think Nintendo will show a trailer for it and give a release window. My guess is Q1 2019. 
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5. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Just a couple of days ago, "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles" was announced to be getting a remaster for the PlayStation 4 and Switch next year. This title would have been a pleasant surprise for the direct but, even with its announcement coming prior to tomorrow, I think Nintendo will still have it shown as it was likely scheduled to be. 

6. Yoshi's Crafted World

Nintendo revealed a new "Yoshi" game early in the Switch's life cycle; however, it was delayed to 2019 in June of this year. Now, there is plenty of curiosity, maybe even concerns, regarding what this will be. Appearing to be a bit of a successor to "Yoshi's Woolly World," the game will likely get a trailer showing more details, a title and a release date at this upcoming Nintendo Direct. The title of "Yoshi's Crafted World" was recently leaked and I believe that is undoubtedly the title, one that, like I said, will be confirmed tomorrow. 

7. New Super Mario Bros U

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"New Super Mario Bros. U" and "New Super Luigi U" were rumored heavily to be coming to the Switch not long ago. This makes perfect sense thanks to Nintendo's track record of bringing the biggest Wii U titles over to the Switch. The hybrid console hasn't gotten a 2D "Mario" title yet and the aforementioned games were well-received. I believe they will definitely get revealed for the Switch, packed together with all previously released content, a price point of $50 a January 2019 release date. 

8. Super Mario Party

November marks the release date of "Super Mario Party" for the Switch and looks quite ambitious. The title has gotten attention at events like E3 2018 but seems like it could use more. I'd say there's no way Nintendo's not showing us a new trailer of this party title at their direct. I see some more games being shown off within "Super Mario Party," as well as a few new character reveals. I also think some of those mini-games they will reveal or give attention to are going to be innovative ones that use the console's features to full effect. 

9. Mario + Luigi Bowser's Inside Story

"Mario + Luigi Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.s' Journey" is the lengthy titled remake coming to the 3DS next year. This game brings back "Mario + Luigi Bowser's Inside Story from the DS with new content as well. Nintendo may not have too many large-scale 3DS titles coming at this point but this is still a prominent release, definitely worth bringing the 3DS out for fans of the sub-series of "Mario + Luigi." I think they'll show a new trailer, remind us it's still happening and give a February release date. 

10. Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Arguably the biggest game coming from Nintendo this year, "Super Smash Bros Ultimate," released in December with an impressive roster of over 70 characters. Despite Masahiro Sakurai even saying not to expect too many new characters, we all know there will be more to come. I think Nintendo likes their "Super Smash Bros" specific directs but will still nonetheless touch on their upcoming title tomorrow. The blurred out mode, presumably one that offers heavy single player content, sounds like an announcement and reveal that will be held off for another time. I do however think they will show some more gameplay, reveal a new smaller mode such as Target Smash or content of that nature and conclude with a new character reveal. Who this character could be is of course anyone's guess; however, I firmly believe they will show us one who as been long-requested and desired. Skull Kid, Geno and/or Isaac are viable options. 
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"Hours of Darkness" Far Cry 5 DLC 1 Review

An exhilarating gameplay loop with minimal story to tell

By: Ryan Ramakrishnan

Reviewed on PlayStation 4

“Hours of Darkness” takes what made “Far Cry 5” so much fun to play and incorporates it into a beautiful Vietnamese land.

My time with “Far Cry 5’s” first DLC, “Hours of Darkness” concluded in under four hours; however, as a mere expansion to a large-scale game, I found it to be a justified run through a visually appealing creation of Vietnam. The gunplay in both stealth-driven and the most action-packed situations left me very happy to have more of that “Far Cry” feel but the lack of any push for a real narrative made it fall short.

In previous iterations, the “Far Cry” series has thrived on story and antagonists alike. Acting as the first major expansion of three to “Far Cry 5,” “Hours of Darkness” sees Wendell Redler surviving and fighting the Viet-Cong in Vietnam in the peak of the war. This plot, even without over characterization or plot points, could have been very interesting. Plenty of novels and films succeed at depicting the Vietnam War but this is a game that couldn’t quite do it in the narrative department. The expansion rarely, if ever, shows cutscenes, gives personality to characters or tells us more than what the gameplay shows us. There isn’t even more than one core mission so technically, the story is never given the time to shine.

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“Hours of Darkness” offers a gameplay loop of checking things off the map in the same vein as much of Ubisoft’s other titles, specifically “Far Cry 5.” “Hours of Darkness” throws you into an open world, albeit a concise one in comparison to the core “Far Cry 5” experience. Objectives to tackle include but are not limited to NVA camps and NVA commanders to take down, AA guns to destroy and POW’s to rescue.

The open world activities provide good fun to experience the joy of “Far Cry 5’s” gameplay mechanics. This makes up for the lack of story missions but not entirely. The main mission is basically to escape but this can be reached all too quickly should you choose to rush through the Vietnamese map, not concerning yourself with side objectives.

“Hours of Darkness” offers a few weapon slots in addition to various explosives and other throwables and projectiles. Items like dynamite and grenades lend themselves well to the high action in the game’s encounters. They complement guns like the flamethrower for the creation of chaos.
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Alternatively, stealth is a viable and enjoyable option in many of the game’s moments. I found the need to be stealthy to keep myself from being taken out in an instant. Creeping around slowly, using throwing knives, silenced handguns and sniper rifles or a bow and arrow and knocking enemies out from behind create an incredibly intense and tight-knit stealth experience. When not stealthy or ready to unload some ammo and explosives however, the enemies are quite tough.

A.I. in “Hours of Darkness” don’t hold back, much like “Far Cry 5” in all honesty. At times it seems like you’re unprepared; however, others have you wondering if the enemies are truly overpowered or broken. The expansion’s overall difficulty is generally fair with no significantly hard encounters or missions in the game.

Returning from the main game is a perk system but it is flipped on its head in “Hours of Darkness.” This time, we see perks being unlocked temporarily by doing things like stealth kills or kill streaks in general. You’ll unlock a perk for a limited amount of time that boosts your defense, combat skills and more. This system works well for the contained experience of the DLC as opposed to the large-scale main game and its usage of permanent perks as a progressive system.

Also a returning factor from “Far Cry 5,” “Hours of Darkness” offers the chance to rescue and put to work three soldiers as “guns for hire.” These three soldiers, Joker, Moses and Yokel, can be saved and then help you out in combat; however, there’s one catch- if they die, there’s no revival. Permadeath of these optional gun for hire is an interesting way to provide you both assistance and fear of losing your comrades. Sadly this A.I. wasn’t always reliable and as combat ready as you’d expect; however, they get the job done as much as any of the many A.I. did in “Far Cry 5.”
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“Hours of Darkness” looks quite nice in its dark jungle settings. Whether looking from afar from a high altitude or when directly in enemy contact, “Hours of Darkness” comes with a visually appealing creation of Vietnam.

Environments aren’t too varied but I didn’t expect to see a whole lot more than the jungle and forest settings outdoors and the contained bunkers and enemy camps, each looking as good as “Far Cry 5” did.

Technically, I ran into no standout bugs or glitches and only saw the frame rate notably dip once or twice, certainly less than the main game of “Far Cry 5.”

With “Far Cry 5,” I found the voice acting to be a pivotal part of the narrative’s delivery and overall experience, specifically with the antagonists. In the same way “Hours of Darkness” lacks that primary antagonist or story altogether, voice acting isn’t given the time of the day.

Music on the other hand is prominent enough in “Hours of Darkness.” The gameplay and exploration of its miniature open world gets complemented by some thrilling music, intensifying every shootout.
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“Hours of Darkness” has an open world to tackle side missions in, albeit smaller in scale and content than the main game. The map does however make up for the entirely too small story and its single core mission.

You may find yourself collecting all the Vietnam lighters, saving every POW or seeking out revenge on each of the commanders. Either way, it won’t be far off in terms of sheer map completion than what you’re adapted to in “Far Cry 5” but it makes for a pretty fun adventure through it all.
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Ultimately, “Far Cry 5’s” first DLC expansion, “Hours of Darkness” offers enough to do to keep you entertained in its otherwise tiny campaign. The story isn’t given any time to flesh itself out nor does it last for more than one core mission. Fortunately, I found entertainment out of killing NVA commanders, taking down their camps, destroying propaganda and more. “Hours of Darkness” offers the same gunplay combining solid first person shooting, use of explosives and other throwables and stealth to create a generally fun experience in Vietnam, if not a little too short overall.

How fast did you beat “Hours of Darkness?” Did you complete every objective in Vietnam?
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Just Cause 3 Review

Technical issues galore hold back a joyous action movie experience

By: Ryan Ramakrishnan

Reviewed on PlayStation 4
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Avalanche Studios’ goal to let players explode everything in sight makes “Just Cause 3” an extremely fun game to mess around in yet the developer’s failure to fix plentiful bugs and glitches create a less than stellar experience post-opening despite that exciting gameplay.

“Just Cause 3” was always too ambitious with its ideas of triggering explosions in every possible way, causing ultimate destruction to everything from vehicles to water towers. The game at its best is like living out your favorite action movie, playing as a charming killing machine in Rico Rodriguez. At its worst however, “Just Cause 3” will lose your interest through lengthy loading screens, significant frame rate drops and bugs in general, all far too unfortunate due to the quality in sheer entertainment Avalanche Studios offers in its gameplay.

“Just Cause 3” is the type of game you play for the fun, mindless combat and not the plot. Save for a few thrilling moments in the plot’s execution, Avalanche Studios’ story of a dictatorship being overthrown is fun and relatively interesting on paper but with every cutscene, despite them looking and sounding pretty good, I just wanted to get back in on the action. Rico Rodriguez’s adventure of overthrowing said dictatorship with his friend Mario’s resistance is overall fine; it isn’t the most amazing story I have experienced in a game but it’ll do.

Where “Just Cause 3” succeeds when it’s not experiencing technical issues is the entertaining action. It is a joy to play once getting behind the somewhat odd controls and aforementioned technical issues.

“Just Cause 3” is all about taking the action to new levels by focusing greatly, if not entirely, on explosions. First and foremost, Avalanche Studios provides the player with an unlimited amount of C4. With the ease of a button press to stick your C4 anywhere and then another click to explode it on your cue, you’ll be able to blow things up anytime anywhere.

Besides the C4, “Just Cause 3’s” artillery of weapons and explosives include but are not limited to multiple assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, grenades and grenade launchers. The weapon variety is fairly open overall; however, with those options at hand, I rarely wanted to change it up.

The problem is the gunplay doesn’t feel as good as the rest of the action “Just Cause 3” offers. Aiming by pushing in the right joystick and an oddly lacking amount of power you feel with standard guns make it far less ideal than you’d hope.
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Fortunately the explosives you can throw have quite the impact and quickly too, similar to that of the C4. Coupling those with your ability to pull things down and break them apart using tethers makes for some of the most fun an action game has offered me. “Just Cause 3” lets you attach two tethers to enemies, vehicles and plenty of things in the environment. From there, you can easily pull them to wherever you wish and more often than not, thanks to the game’s decision to make everything fragile, blow them up instantly.

These tethers work alongside the grappling hook and wingsuit, making for some amazing experiences in the game’s world. You have the ability to launch yourself from anywhere, using distance and height in the world to your advantage to get a nice gliding trip in instantaneously. The wingsuit allows for some smooth gliding, which is great for a multitude of reasons. For starters, it allows for a beautiful flight over the waters of Medici; however more importantly and progressively, wingsuit gliding lets you escape a tough firefight or explosion quickly or get from point A to point B in a decent amount of time in comparison to more traditional means of travel like cars.

Speaking of cars, there are vehicles driving around “Just Cause 3” all of the time that you can steal easily or call in for yourself. Once speed is picked up, driving can feel pretty good; however, in comparison to many other open world games with driving, it is just fine. I rarely wanted to be in a car though thanks to the pure fun that gliding around the world brought, acting as something a lot more fresh than driving average vehicles.

“Just Cause 3’s” mission structure is, as you’d expect, all about blowing things up more often than not. You will be tasked with tackling the militia and their strongholds, liberating outposts and towns and more. Most in-mission tasks, especially those of the outpost liberations, call for things like blowing up radars, towers, radios and propaganda posters, all resulting in some glorious explosions should you so choose to, and you’ll more than likely choose to do just that. Unfortunately this design of missions and things to tackle in Medici will grow repetitive with long, frequent play sessions. It is simply the case due to how any of the same things you’re asked to do, despite how fun they are at first.
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One other kind of mission in “Just Cause 3” is the side activities in which you are tasked with doing anything from racking up explosive damage or kills, gliding through checkpoints or beating a clock in a helicopter or even your wingsuit. These activities can be a fun time-waster but also add to the thrill that is the open world to play with. I liked trying to get the best scores on each of these when I wanted a break from getting killed by the tough A.I. or when I wanted to lay off the explosion for a minute.

It is also worth mentioning a problem I personally ran into at a regular basis. I found the A.I. to be quite difficult, even at a lower difficulty setting. Unloading full clips on enemies left them alive and standing yet they’d barely shoot at me and I’d see myself nearing death and desperate for cover, something hard to find in an action game like this.

The gameplay that Avalanche Studios crafted in “Just Cause 3” is overall a lot of fun to partake in, even when the guns seemed off and the mission structure grows repetitive. All of this is unfortunately not permanent in your play sessions thanks to some technical problems. More on that next.

Image result for just cause 3Visually, “Just Cause 3’s” world of Medici is beautiful in its natural appearance through small towns and large bodies of water. With that being said however, the game doesn’t exactly maintain its beauty when the intense gameplay truly kicks in. “Just Cause 3” struggles in the scenes and instances of greater action. As everything around you explodes, said explosions start to slow things down. Watching the frame rate drop in a game is sometimes hard to notice by default; however, “Just Cause 3” proves it can be a really important factor when it drops enough that the game feels like it’s actually slowing down. “Just Cause 3” also comes with its fair share of glitches, ones you’ll never see coming but once they do, you’ll have no way around them besides closing the game.

A soundtrack fitting for all of the action that comes with playing “Just Cause 3,” the music certainly helps add to the immersion of said action when the game isn’t experiencing technical difficulties. I oftentimes found myself all in on the action thanks in part to the way the music plays out; however, “Just Cause 3” is by no means a quiet game what with all of the gunshots, towers crumbling down and things blowing up in general. Because of this, the music isn’t always as apparent.

The sound effects of “Just Cause 3’s” most prolific action movie-like sequences of sheer insanity, as mentioned previously, are loud. Explosions sound as they would, as do the guns. Very much so in the vein of what Avalanche Studios was going for, “Just Cause 3” sounds a whole lot like an over-the-top action movie might.

The voice acting of “Just Cause 3” is fine. Rico Rodriguez’s charm comes from his voice-work from Kevin Collins. Other characters have some of their own moments to shine in this department, though never enough to be as recognizable for the better like Rico. If the story was given more prominence in its execution and narrative overall, the voice actors would have stood out more; however, due to the lack of focus on story that “Just Cause 3” sacrifices for gameplay, no voices stood out for more than a moment or two overall.
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With a large amount of settlements and enemy bases to tackle plenty of objectives within, “Just Cause 3’s” map of Medici is not one you’ll cover in its entirety very quickly. The game has everything from stunts and challenges to earn the most stars in to a seemingly endless amount of explodable towers, signs, buildings and more. Personally, it was exploring the world by way of the wingsuit that brought with it the most satisfaction and time thanks to the, once mastered, natural flow of said traversal.

“Just Cause 3” ultimately fails to maintain the excitement and thrills its gameplay provides thanks to the poor technical performance. When it does work, the joy “Just Cause 3” provides is quite a thrill indeed though. With unlimited C4, a grappling hook and wing suit and seemingly endless aspects of the environment easily destructible, if it isn’t slowing down or freezing, “Just Cause 3” can be a fun time-killer. The open world adventure is at its best when ignoring the average story and just escaping reality with a mindless action-packed ride.

What was the worst glitch or bug you experienced in “Just Cause 3?” Did you enjoy the game’s emphasis on blowing everything up? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Hitman Review

Diverse, open-ended level design makes for one of the most exciting stealth games to date

By: Ryan Ramakrishnan

Reviewed on Xbox One
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“Hitman” (2016) allowed IO Interactive to bring back the sandbox style of missions for the stealth series, allowing players to make several choices in how to complete their objectives and succeed at making it a deep and memorable gameplay experience.

With a bevy of choices in how to execute the many assassinations presented, “Hitman” wonderfully uses its sandbox level design in each of the episodic missions to provide a surprisingly lengthy experience, one that is as nerve wracking and entertaining as ever before. Its story is far from important or compelling, with the exception of one or two moments, making the gameplay take full priority. “Hitman” ultimately uses the risky episodic format to full effect in terms of that gameplay, providing players with several open-ended experiences, each worth a revisit.

Agent 47 is the hitman the series has always followed. “Hitman” sees 47 taking on several contracts to kill for the International Contract Agency, or the ICA. The ICA’s contracts come off as random and unrelated; however, the conspiracies raise when someone known as the “shadow client” seems to have coordinated them for bigger purposes.

“Hitman: Absolution” (2012) was the previous mainline title in the series and put a lot of thought into its storytelling, maybe too much; however, this “Hitman” title does little to deliver its potentially compelling narrative. I found the episodic structure to suffer here because it took so long to get the entire story to be told. Playing it today in one sitting, or more likely in one playthrough, will allow you to keep up with every story beat far better. This won’t however make it any more interesting or tightly focused, as the game’s gameplay and label design was clearly prioritized far more, making the story very forgettable.

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IO Interactive does stealth right with “Hitman.” The classic act of grabbing a disguise, sneaking around, killing your target and getting out right away is at the core of the gameplay and has never been better.

“Hitman” allows you to perform simple maneuvers like crouching, taking cover, running and of course switching between weapons. The weapon wheel includes whatever you choose to enter the level with or what they provide you at first. From there, you will find plenty of items everywhere. Some of these can be melee weapons or throwables, depending on how you wish to play, such as wrenches, kitchen knives and scissors. You’ll find guns of all sorts, items used to push particular assassinations like rat poison for example and more.

These items all play into the act of assassinating your target(s). The primary goal of every episode’s mission is to kill. Sometimes you will have to take out two, others four. There are also other objectives to take care of as well. Those play in to the story of the mission. How you choose to kill your assigned targets is a choice you can make every time. That is the beautify of the sandbox structure of “Hitman.”

The game’s episodes each come with massive levels to explore. You’ll certainly find yourself stumbling upon new items, mission opportunities and threats and disguises alike throughout. The choice is always yours and the large levels make that all the more fun. Some players will go for one approach while you may never see that approach visible or accessible because of your route.

With the always handy garrote, you can choke out targets quickly but an also do so with your bare hands. A silenced pistol is also an option typically available from the start. The aforementioned items to pick up and use can not only be applied to killing but also as a distraction. Throwing blunt objects and small fruits or coins alike can trigger an enemy nearby to cautiously approach the area of contact. From there, you can deadly sneak behind them for a kill or sneak around them. Once again, the choice is always yours.

The opportunities that “Hitman’s” episodes offer are specific ways to take out a target through a series of events or decisions that the game can guide you towards if you so please to follow it. These can make for some of the most exciting assassinations and are worth checking out.

Of course, the most notable thing besides choice is disguises; although, using a disguise in “Hitman” certainly plays into player choice. Plenty of enemies and NPCs have outfits that are tailored to accessing certain areas undetectable or the opposite. It can be a matter of being able to enter a fortified location or not. These are still nonetheless optional. You can, once killing or knocking an enemy out, take their clothes as a disguise. As you walk around with it on, you’ll notice whether or not others can detect you and if you’re safe or not with said disguise.
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The massive levels of each of “Hitman’s” episodes are wonderfully crafted in the visual department as much as in their mechanics. Whether it’s the huge party and runway in Paris or the militant, crowded setting of Marrakesh, “Hitman” always looks gorgeous. IO Interactive put a lot of thought and time into creating living, breathing settings for all of the episodes, presumably why they chose the episodic approach in the first place, coupled with their gameplay loop in each location.

“Hitman’s” soundtrack didn’t per se grab me like it's gameplay or even visuals; however, the music does fit the tone of each of the game’s levels quite well. Each thriller of a mission did have a track to boot to keep the vibes relevant. I did, at times of intensity, find the music to keep me on the edge of my seat.
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“Hitman” provided a great deal of content in each of its main episodes. There are plenty of challenges, kill opportunities, alternate decisions and more.

For starters, there is the multitude of ways to take out your targets. Perhaps you killed him or her with a silenced pistol in a secluded room the first time. Your second go may have you desiring a new approach like poisoning their drink or throwing a knife at their throat in plain sight. The choices are seemingly endless and that is what makes the replay value already so great because of how much fun a new run can be.

There are also plenty of challenges in each episode, whether they be killing with no disguise, not killing anyone but the target, or taking the target out in a specific manner. These challenges are varied and some are quite the daunting task. They make for plenty of fun for completionists who wish to tackle everything the missions have to offer.

Then there are the elusive targets. Every so often, for a limited amount of time, a new target would show up in one of the levels. They aren’t able to be identified unless you actually stumble upon them and falling calls off the elusive target for good. They are exhilarating challenges to tackle in real time.

Unlike the limited amount of real world time the elusive targets come with, “Hitman” also has several non-story targets to take out in challenge levels within each of the game’s episodes. They have progressive difficulties too so this section of the game alone opens up several more hours of gameplay for those interested.

IO Interactive succeeded with their episodic format thanks to the bevy of content each provides. At first glance, players were afraid of this approach but in hindsight, the decision opened the doors for players to experience several hours within each episode before rushing in to the next.

Gamers in search of an open-ended, personalized stealth experience should look no further than “Hitman.” IO Interactive created plenty of deep levels with seemingly countless ways to go about your contracts. With tons of disguises, guns, melee weapons and many more items and opportunities alike, “Hitman’s” missions and settings each provide a great deal of gameplay. That gameplay is refined and incredibly enjoyable and intense thanks to the difficulty and danger around every corner. It is just a shame that the potentially interesting story told through less prioritized cutscenes wasn’t given nearly enough focus to make me care like I did for the innovative gameplay.

Which episode and setting was your favorite? Have you completed any levels with no disguises or no kills? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Transformers: Devastation Review

Exciting combat and style suffer from confusingly useless ideas

By: Ryan Ramakrishnan

Reviewed on PlayStation 4

Both the voices and visuals of the “Transformers” cartoons of the past make their way into Platinum’s “Transformers: Devastation,” making for an iconic experience, one that has plenty of fun action to partake in, despite a repetitive nature.

“Transformers: Devastation” comes packed with impressive visuals, music and voice acting, all of which delightfully re-create the likes of cartoons in the “Transformers” franchise. Gameplay is quite good too thanks the action packed, combo-based combat Platinum Games is known for. Unfortunately, the game suffers from a little repetition in its combat and its ambitious systems fall short.
The plot of “Transformers: Devastation” isn’t overly deep not compelling. The plot takes backseat to the action-packed gameplay. With that being said, the story of Megatron leading his Deceptacons to more or less take over, as the Autobots, lead by Optimus Prime, fight back maintains enough of the charm and delight that the animated series it borrows from created.
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GameplayIn the fashion of action games from Platinum Games, “Transformers: Devastation” is a joy to play. The combat is fast and exhilarating. At its core, the combat isn’t overly complex but it can become deep with the great challenge the game offers.

You have a light and a heavy attack, as well as the ability to transform into the vehicle your Transformer has access to. There is also the dodge roll, which is necessary to pull off combos. Dodging is critical because of how, if done at the right time, the game temporarily slows down, allowing you a window to let loose and do some damage.

The unique thing about the combat is what makes you feel like a Transformer in all its glory. That is of course transforming. With a choice of five Autobots, there is a variety of playstyles to tackle. None of these are unique enough to truly make a large difference but they do have some individual abilities and skills to make for a different change of pace in some ways.

During combat, and even when moving from point A to B and so fourth, you may transform into whichever vehicle is unique to your choice Transformer with a hold of a button. This also directly affects how combat plays out. The main point is that you get a vehicle attack. This comes after you pull of a quick combo. A button prompt will allow for one to two heavy hits of your vehicle, even if you were on foot during the combo. This adds to the flare of the generally rapid melee combat, as it keeps the action moving fast.

Each Transformer has his own melee weapons but also guns to choose from. There is no denying the feel of the melee combat and how satisfying it is to just swing away and pull off a few combos. I found the gunplay to be far less exciting. While they helped with crowd control, rarely did I want to use the game’s many guns because they didn’t feel great like the melee weapons and were so much less fun to use. If the game didn’t throw enemies with projectiles at you so often, I’d never use the guns.

The weapons are personalizable at the beginning of each level in “Transformers: Devastation” and that is nice; however, this is also home to the game’s potentially deep but ultimately unnecessary and oddly confusing systems. I was admittedly alarmed by the amount of weapons I had to choose from and the abilities to upgrade or synthesize two to make one better. This system came off as perfect for the seemingly standard gameplay thus far. Unfortunately, this proved to be fairly useless. It is presented in an overly complex manner. With the unnecessarily confusing systems comes the lack of incentive to try out different weapons. You’ll unlock several sword and guns alike yet will barely need to use more than the couple you choose at the start or early on.

Thanks to the entertainment the combat provides, boss fights are in particular a joy to partake in. I have fond memories of some Deceptacons providing quite the thrilling challenge. At one point, I had to take on two large-scale bosses at once, creating something unforgettable.
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Visually, the game looks amazing in the vein of its inspiration. The artistic direction is beautiful. “Transformers: Devastation” goes for a cel-shaded style, one that complements the vibes and tone the game borrows from older cartoons. It all looks great, if not simple but the simplicity is its charm and will likely allow “Transformers: Devastation” to age well.

Negatively, the environments and levels fail to be any bit memorable. At first, the levels looked fine, even great at times but ever-so-quickly, did it become stale and repetitive. The environments all look the same and lack any interesting things to behold once you see them each for the first time. I found this very disappointing because the art style is so good but Platinum Games failed to give us interesting or memorable environments to back it.
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In the music department, “Transformers: Devastation” comes with nostalgic tracks, always maintaining an upbeat, exhilarating tone. This music both complements the art direction and the action.

Voice acting makes all of the characters remarkably memorable. Dan Gilvezan as Bumblebee and Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, among many others, bring iconic voices to the characters of both the old school and new age of the “Transformers” franchise. The voice acting is superb and each unique character’s voice helps progress the just decent story in a fun manner.
Image result for transformers devastation
“Transformers: Devastation” won’t last you very long. With under 10 chapters, neither incredibly long, the games credits will roll in somewhere around six or seven hours with little reason to play beyond. I was satisfied with my time spent but wouldn’t have minded some interesting missions post-game or any incentive to partake in the exciting combat.

By the time the credits rolled, I was satisfied with the experience Platinum Games provided for me as an action lover and “Transformers” fan alike with “Transformers: Devastation.” The game’s combat is impeccably fun to play mindlessly with easy combos and awesome vehicle attacks. Getting the most out of “Transformers: Devastation” certainly does require you to face the forgettable story and not concern yourself with the overly complex yet unnecessary systems within. The fun gameplay alongside the amazing art direction, music and voice-work akin to classic “Transformers” animation make it a game worth a try.

Did “Transformers: Devastation” sell you on nostalgia? Which was your favorite Autobot to play as? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Nintendo E3 2018 Predictions Analysis

These are the predictions I had made for Nintendo's E3 2018 press conference prior to the show. Let's look at how close or off I was.

1. "Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu and Eevee" details✅
2. "Fortnite Battle Royale"

  • Switch version✅
  • September release🆇
3. "Super Mario Odyssey" DLC🆇
4. "New Super Mario Bros. U" and "New Super Luigi Bros. U" Switch port(s)🆇
5. "Super Mario RPG" remaster/remake🆇
6. "The Wonderful 101" Switch port🆇
7. "Fire Emblem"
  • Official reveal✅
  • December release date🆇
8. "Yoshi"
  • Full reveal🆇
  • August release date🆇
9. "Grand Theft Auto V" Switch🆇
10. "Super Smash Bros.
  • Subtitle rather than "for Switch"✅
  • Cinematic story trailer for single player mode like Subspace Emissary 🆇
  • September release date🆇
  • Three returning characters✅
  • Ttwo new characters✅
11. "Pikimin 3" Switch port🆇
12. "Pikimin 4" announcement🆇
13. "Metroid Prime Trilogy" Switch🆇
14. "Metroid Prime 4" makes no appearance✅
15. "No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again"
  • Trailer🆇
  • October release date provided🆇
16. "Star Fox: Grand Prix" announcement🆇
17. "Star Fox: Zero" Switch port🆇
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Sony E3 2018 Prediction Analysis

These are the predictions I had made for Sony's E3 2018 press conference prior to the show. Le's look at how close or off I was.


1. "Spider-Man" gameplay✅
2. "The Last of Us Part 2"

  • Gameplay and cinematics✅
  • Q2 2019 release window🆇
3. "Ghost of Tsushima"
  • Cinematics✅
  • 2019 release year🆇
4. "Death Stranding"
  • Actual gameplay✅
  • No release window at all✅
5. "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4"
  • Exclusive PlayStation DLC✅
6. "Devil May Cry 5"🆇
7. "Kingdom Hearts 3" gameplay trailer✅
8. Rocksteady's next game🆇
9. "Bloodborne 2"🆇
10. "Dreams"
  • August beta release date🆇
  • December release date🆇
11. "Resident Evil 2" remake
  • Reveal✅
  • January 2019 release✅
12. "Days Gone"
  • Cinematic and gameplay trailer🆇
  • February release date✅
13. BluePoint's next remake- "Jak and Daxter" remake🆇
14. "Mortal Kombat XI/11"🆇
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Ubisoft E3 2018 Prediction Analysis

These are my predictions I had made for Ubisoft's E3 2018 press conference prior to the show. Let's look at how close or off I was.


1. "Assassin's Creed Odyssey"

  • Official reveal✅
  • Friday October 6 release date (Mistake- Friday is October 5)✅
2. "Beyond Good and Evil 2"
  • Cinematic trailer✅
  • No release window✅
3. "The Division 2"
  • Both cinematics and gameplay✅
  • Q2 2019 release🆇
4. "For Honor" future content✅
5. "Rainbow Six: Siege" future content✅
6. New "Rayman"🆇
7. New "Splinter Cell"🆇
8. "Watch Dogs 3"🆇
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Square Enix E3 2018 Prediction Analysis

These are my predictions I had made for Square Enix's E3 2018 press conference prior to the show. Let's look at how close or off I was.


1. "Kingdom Hearts 3"

  • September 18 release date🆇
  • New world reveal🆇

2. "Final Fantasy VII

  • Re-reveal🆇
  • Q1 2019 release🆇

3. "Final Fantasy XV DLC for December🆇
4. "Life is Strange" and "Life is Strange: Before the Storm" Switch ports🆇
5. "Life is Strange 2"🆇
6. "Super Mario RPG remaster/remake🆇
7. "Just Cause 4"

  • Reveal (as in first shown at Square's show)🆇
  • Spring 2019🆇
8. "Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age" trailer✅
9. "Dragon Quest: Builders 2" appearance🆇
10. Full "The Avengers Project" reveal🆇
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Bethesda E3 2018 Prediction Analysis

These are my predictions I had made for Bethesda's E3 2018 press conference prior to the show. Let's look at how close or off I was.


1. "Elder Scrolls: Legends"

  • Future content✅
  • Switch port✅
2. "Elder Scrolls: Online"
  • Future content✅
  • December release date🆇
3. "Prey" DLC✅
  • December release date🆇
4. "Rage 2"
  • Detailed gameplay✅
  • No release date provided✅
5. "Fallout"
  • "Fallout 4" Switch🆇
  • New "Fallout" title, not subtitled "5" but something different✅
  • 2019 release🆇
6. "Starfield" announcement✅
7. "Quake: Champions" future content✅
8. "Doom" sequel✅
  • Subtitled "2"🆇
  • November release date🆇
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Microsoft E3 2018 Prediction Analysis

These are my predictions I had made for Microsoft's E3 2018 press conference prior to the show. Let's look at how close or off I was.


1. "Halo"

  • "Halo" sequel✅
  • Subtitled "6"
  • Spring 2019
2. "Gears of War 5"✅
3. "Crackdown 3"
  • September release date🆇
4. "Perfect Dark"
5. "Forza: Horizon 4" announcement✅
  • October 30🆇
6. "Fable"🆇
7. "Ashen"
  • October release date🆇
8. "Ori and the Will of the Wisps"
  • January release date🆇
9. "Cyberpunk 2077"
  • In-depth trailer (I don't just mean cinematics)🆇
  • 2019 release year🆇
10. Metro: Exodus"
  • August release date🆇
11. "Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 Remix" for Xbox One🆇
12. "Battlefield 5" appearance✅
13. "Hitman Season Two"🆇
14. "Killer Instinct 2"🆇
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EA E3 2018 Prediction Analysis

These are my predictions I had made for Electronic Arts's E3 2018 press conference prior to the show. Let's look at how close or off I was.

1. EA Sports.

  • "Madden NFL 19" reveal ✅
  • "Madden" release date of August✅
  • "FIFA 19" reveal✅
  • "FIFA 19" release date of September✅
  • "Madden" releasing day and date for Switch🆇
  • "FIFA" releasing day and date for Switch✅
  • No "NBA Live 19"🆇
2. New "Need for Speed"🆇 
3. "Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 3"🆇
4. "Anthem"
  • March release date🆇
  • Actual gameplay✅
5. New EA Originals Title✅
6. Battlefield 5
  • Subtitle "5"🆇
  • October 19 release date✅
  • World War 2✅
  • Battle royale✅
7. EA Star Wars
  • "Star Wars: Battlefront 2" future content✅
  • Reveal of a new single player "Star Wars" game with "little to no context."✅
8. "Mass Effect Trilogy" PS4/Xbox One🆇 
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Nintendo E3 2018 Predictions

This year's E3 is full of leaks. Nintendo is certainly no exception, seeing as their entire show was allegedly leaked a few weeks back. And of course "Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu" and "Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee" were continuously leaked until they got officially revealed. I'm thinking Nintendo has at least a couple of surprises up their sleeves for their E3 Direct, as well as some further looks at previously teased and announced titles. Let me know your thoughts on my predictions, as well as your own for Nintendo in the comments below.
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This November will see "Pokemon: let's Go, Pikachu" and "Let's Go, Eevee," which appear to be a combination of a "Pokemon: Yellow" remake and a "Pokemon: Go" successor. The core "Pokemon" RPG is still confirmed to come out in 2019 but I don't think we get that title officially revealed this year at E3. I think it'll get announced around this time next year. I see Nintendo continuing talk of "Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu" and "Let's Go, Eevee." We will get more details on the games, how they play and how they are similar but different to the "Pokemon" games they are succeeding.
Image result for let's go pikachu and eevee
You can't go anywhere without hearing or seeing "Fortnite." Rumors have recently suggested "Fortnite: Battle Royale" will be coming to the Switch. I do believe this will happen. I see Nintendo showing us a trailer with a release date of September, a release date that will complement their new online service beginning. 

 Super Mario Odyssey
"Super Mario Odyssey" DLC is something people have asked for and I think we get it revealed at E3. I believe it will be Delfino Island, available in July. But they will also tell us more kingdoms are on the way. New costumes and another photo mode filter will also be available through another free update now (at the time of their Direct).

New Super Mario Bros
The Wii-U titles, "New Super Mario Bros. U" and "New Super Luigi U" will come to the Switch. The E3 trailer will call it "New Super Mario Bros. + New Super Luigi U," including all of the content of the two games with a price point of $49.99. The release date? Friday, August 10, 2018.
Image result for new super mario bros u
Super Mario RPG
In my Square Enix predictions, I made a bold statement and said they will announce at their show that "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars" is getting a full remaster for the Switch. I'm saying that Nintendo will further show this game but it will only be slightly more than a tease.

The Wonderful 101
Platinum Games'  "The Wonderful 101" was a delightful Wii-U game, one that I am personally surprised hasn't gotten any confirmation of a Switch version. I believe Nintendo will show it at E3 2018 with a release date as soon as Friday, July 20.

Image result for fire emblem switchFire Emblem
Nintendo has told us a core "Fire Emblem" game is in the works for the Switch and will even be out in 2018. I have no doubt in mind that they officially reveal the game at E3. It will get a cinematic and gameplay trailer. The release date will be of December. 

Last year's reveal of "Yoshi" had no release date or even full title (unless "Yoshi" is the full title). One E3 later and it remains the same. I think Nintendo will have to show it again with a release date. I believe they show a new trailer with a subtitle after "Yoshi." This game will be out in August. I'm calling Friday, August 3. 
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Grand Theft Auto V
"Grand Theft Auto V" is the most profitable piece of entertainment; it continues to sell like crazy. I believe Rockstar releasing "L.A. Noire" was a bit of a test for this. Nintendo's E3 Direct will have a "Grand Theft Auto V" trailer, telling us that it is coming to the Switch in November.

Super Smash Bros.
"Super Smash Bros." will be officially dove into at E3. We will get the confirmation of how it is not the Wii-U title but a brand new "Super Smash Bros." game. It will have some subtitle in the name like Melee or Brawl. The release date will be given quickly, launching day and date with Nintendo's online service. We will get a cinematic trailer for a new story mode ala Subspace Emissary. We will also see gameplay and three returning characters are shown, in addition to two brand new characters.

Pikimin 4
Nintendo will announce "Pikimin 4" with a small trailer at E3. It won't be out until next year; the release window of 2019 will be provided at the end. But in the meantime, "Pikimin 3" is out June 30 to let gamers play the Wii-U title on their Switch and hold them off until later next year, presumably summer 2019, for the sequel. "Pikimin 3" gets shown first so the excitement of a sequel following that announcement is bigger.

Metroid Prime
I don't believe "Metroid Prime 4" is getting any new trailers yet, as I firmly believe it is some time away. I think that Nintendo will tell us that "Metroid Prime 4" will be out late 2019 but in the meantime, "Metroid Prime Trilogy" is out in January, allowing people to play the series leading up to the sequel on their Switch. We will see a gameplay trailer, showing all three "Metroid Prime" games.

No More Heroes
"Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes" has no release date yet so E3 will certainly change that. Nintendo will show us a new trailer of the gameplay and detail it more. That will end with October 5, 2018. 

Image result for star fox zero"Star Fox: Grand Prix" has been rumored to be a racing game, in the vein of "F-Zero" and "Diddy Kong Racing" but in the "Star Fox" canon. I think that this outlandish game will be officially revealed by Nintendo next week. This will have a release window Q1 2019. However, "Star Fox Zero" will make its way over from the Wii-U to the Switch this December.
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Sony E3 2018 Predictions

Image result for sony e3 2018We have already been given the knowledge that Sony plans to focus heavily on four upcoming titles this E3. Those games are "Spider-Man," "The Last of Us Part 2," "Ghost of Tsushima," and "Death Stranding." Despite the emphasis on showing off the large-scale exclusives, Sony will of course let us in on some third party and indie games. A few surprises along the way are presumably there as well. At the time of writing, Sony has just said they have announcements leading up to E3 2018 but we don't know what these are as of yet.

Insomniac's ambitious "Spider-Man" is out so soon. With a September release date, I don't think Sony needs to do much more to promote this, seeing as it has gotten a lot of attention for a few years now. With that being said, Sony did say they'd put an emphasis on this game and I think they will show off some more aspects of the gameplay in particular to help further sell gamers on the title they will get their hands on shortly.

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The Last of Us Part 2
"The Last of Us Part 2" is presumably getting full gameplay shown this year and that will probably be in addition to some cinematics. I believe Sony won't have a full-fledged release date for this hotly anticipated title but they will probably come out with a Q2 release window.

Ghost of Tsushima
Unfortunately, gameplay will probably be absent from "Ghost of Tsushima" and its trailer and emphasis Sony gives it at E3. However, there is no doubt that the concept of this game will be further explained and we will get a big cinematic trailer for sure. A 2019 release year will be all we get in terms of release date.

Image result for death strandingDeath Stranding
"Death Stranding" may finally get actual gameplay this year. I believe Hideo Kojima's first game outside of Konami will be cryptic and delightfully weird in its presentation as usual but we will finally get a grasp on what kind of game it is. No release date, window or year will given at the end of the trailer(s) though.

Image result for black ops 4Call of Duty Black Ops 4
The marketing deal allowing DLC out first on PlayStation for "Call of Duty" won't stop here. "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" will definitely get a gameplay trailer, showing off the new and old multiplayer modes, ending with the fact that you can get the map packs and other content first on PlayStation 4.

Devil May Cry 5
A new "Devil May Cry" game is all but confirmed officially. "Devil May Cry 5" will be announced with an official reveal trailer at Sony's press conference this year. The game will be a return to form, as in a sequel to the series prior to 2013's "DmC: Devil May Cry." A February 2019 release date will be given and some sort of pre-order bonus exclusive to PlayStation will also be included in there.

Kingdom Hearts 3
"Kingdom Hearts" is not an exclusive to the PlayStation brand anymore when it comes to main seris entries; however, "Kingdom Hearts 3" is still bound to be shown at Sony's press conference. I previously predicted we get the release date for this long-awaited game at Square Enix's press conference. I think another trailer of gameplay will be shown here though.

I believe Rocksteady's next big title gets revealed by Sony at E3. A long-rumoured "Superman" game seems to be their next project and I believe it. The press conference will see the debut of this game, titled "Superman" with a subtitle of some sort. The trailer will close with "2019."

Bloodborne 2
It is known that FromSoftware is hard at work on something new. What it is isn't so known; however, with the success that was "Bloodborne," it seems likely that a sequel is coming. I believe "Bloodborne 2" gets an official reveal this E3 with 2019 as the only clarity of release.

Media Molecule has shown off bits and pieces of this ambitious and creative title. "Dreams" will likely have its official release date provided by Sony at their press conference. I believe this game gets a release date of the very end of the year, a good time for something new to come out to cap off 2018 without being cluttered with bigger, mainstream titles in the fall. A release date of December 28 will be given but first, their trailer will also close off with an open beta release in August.

Resident Evil 2 Remake
A remake of "Resident Evil 2" is inevitable after its predecessors got the treatment but it has been long-awaited. I believe we get the trailer for it at Sony's press conference with a January 2019 hard release date. This will of course be multi-platform but "Resident Evil's" marketing with Sony will still exist.

Days Gone
"Days Gone" has been seen here and there for a while now and GameInformer did a huge piece on the game and their hands-on experience with it. I think 'Days Gone" is close and the release date will actually be provided this E3. Sony will have a gameplay-cinematic trailer and a release date of February 2019.

Image result for jak and daxter the precursor legacyBluepoint
Bluepoint Games has said they are working on another remake. Apparently it is bigger than even "Shadow of the Colossus." There are plenty of games they could revisit but I think they will stick to the PlayStation exclusives and deliver a remake of not one, but three PlayStation 2 classics. A remake of the "Jak and Daxter" games in the same vein as "Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection" and "Crash Bandicoot: The N' Sane Trilogy" will be revealed to be in development by Bluepoint Games.

Mortal Kombat 11
NetherRealm Studios concluded the DLC for "Injustice 2" a little while ago; if their track record since 2011 serves, a new "Mortal Kombat" will likely come out next year. I believe "Mortal Kombat 11" will be revealed at Sony's E3 2018 press conference, similar to how "Mortal Kombat X" was in 2014.
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Ubisoft E3 2018 Predictions

Image result for ubisoftWhether it is a games as service or an open world action-adventure game, Ubisoft has been anything but lacking on new games and content to follow. This past March, we got "Far Cry 5" and its DLC will follow. What follows this year isn't entirely known and that may be the most exciting part. Today, I give you my predictions for what Ubisoft has in store for us this E3 and I invite you to leave a comment of your's.

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
The next "Assassin's Creed" game is going to be set in Ancient Greece, a location I would have guessed myself. "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey" has been confirmed to make an appearance at E3. I believe the official reveal trailer will result in an October release date, perhaps Friday, October 6 since the three Fridays to follow have the likes of "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4," "Battlefield V" and "Red Dead Redemption 2."

Beyond Good and Evil 2
The long-awaited sequel to "Beyond Good and Evil" was passionately revealed last year. This year's E3 will no doubt see Ubisoft further explain what this game is all about, presumably with a cinematic trailer. I don't think we get full gameplay quite yet. A release year won't be given either, although I'm feeling holiday season of 2019.

The Division 2
It is no secret that "The Division 2" is going to be prominently featured by Ubisoft at E3. I think they will give a deep look at the improvements on the many aspects of "The Division," as well as a general combination of both cinematics and gameplay. Release date? I don't think "The Division 2" will be out until the summer of 2019, right before E3 2019 if I was to guess. The trailer(s) will close with 2019 but Ubisoft will proceed to promise Q2 of next year.
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For Honor
E3 will see "For Honor;" that I am certain of. It won't be a sequel but more content, further justifying the games as service model the publisher has been using for some of their big titles. I think it will be a brief look but a look at what is to come later this year and even in 2019 for "For Honor" fans.

Rainbow Six Siege
Image result for rainbow six siegeLike "For Honor," Ubisoft will continue to support "Rainbow Six: Siege." It is a huge multiplayer game for e-sports and Twitch and fans love the progress in content Ubisoft has come to provide and I see this game being supported well into 2019 for sure. E3 will show us what that entails.

"Rayman" is a series of platformers that was critically acclaimed with its reboot series but it's been more than a few years since "Rayman: Legends." I believe the next game will be shown at Ubisoft's press conference with a release date of this August and will be available day and date on the Switch with the other platforms.

Splinter Cell
Thanks to his appearance in "Tom Clany's Ghost Recon: Wildlands," Sam Fisher is once again in the limelight. All signs practically point to a new "Splinter Cell" game, one that has Michael Ironside reprise his role. I firmly believe we'll see the next game shown off with great attention by Ubisoft and a 2019 release window, likely a title we don't get until after next year's E3.
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Watch Dogs 3
"Watch Dogs 3" will be released in March. I don't think that release date is given to us yet but I do believe Ubisoft will show us a trailer and talk a little about "Watch Dogs 3," a game that will have a spring 2019 release window, perfect for capping off the fiscal year that apparently has two big games to release still. I see those games as "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey" this fall and "Watch Dogs 3" next spring. The main character will probably be someone new since Marcus Holloway's story came to a close in the last game, as Aiden Pearce's did prior. The setting? I think New York City.
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Square Enix E3 2018 Predictions

Image result for square enix
This year, Square Enix promises an event similar to that of Nintendo Directs for E3. Many upcoming games from the publisher are huge. Games like "Kingdom Hearts 3" and the "Final Fantasy VII" remake have been on the radar for some time and Square Enix is bound to drop a big surprise or two. I am excited to let you in on my predictions for their E3 conference and I'd love to hear your thoughts on mine, as well as your own predictions in the comments below.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider
"Tomb Raider" has seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to Crystal Dynamics and their reboot series. The end of the trilogy has a release date of September 14, 2018. "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" has been shown off already but there is bound to be an extensive look at both gameplay and plot of the game at E3. 
Image result for shadow of the tomb raider
Kingdom Hearts 3
It has been a long time coming but "Kingdom Hearts 3" is being said to have a 2018 release and that is immensely exciting. I personally believe Square Enix gives us a release date of Friday, September 18, 2018. "Kingdom Hearts 3" will get a gameplay demo showing off the improvements in both combat and general gameplay as well as graphics, also boasting a reveal of a new world we have yet to see.

Final Fantasy VII Remake"Final Fantasy VII" was revealed to be getting a full-fledged remake. That was a few years ago and it still seems far off; however, this year seems imminent for a re-reveal. Seeing as the title has been said to be episodic, so be it; Square Enix will show a new trailer for "Final Fantasy VII" with a release window of Q1 2019. That will be for the first episode or part. 
The continued support for 2016's "Final Fantasy XV" won't end yet. I have no doubt in my mind that Square Enix will confidently show a trailer for new content on the way to the title, content coming this December.

Life is Strange
"Life is Strange Complete Season" and its prequel "Life is Strange: Before the Storm Complete Season" are coming to the Switch in December for $19.99 and $24.99 respectively on the e-shop.
On the other hand, "Life is Strange 2" gets revealed at Square Enix's E3. This is a teaser with 2019 at the end.

Super Mario RPG
"Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars" is a revered classic. The Nintendo and Square role-playing game is one people would love to see make a return and I think it is time. In one of the biggest surprises in all of E3, Square Enix will reveal a remastered version of "Super Mario RPG" with improved visuals and all. The title won't be more than teased here, to be later shown off more on Nintendo's video.

Just Cause 4
Image result for just causeAfter a Wal-Mart leak of E3 2018 games, "Just Cause 4" was brought into the conversation. Frankly, it'd be no surprise. "Just Cause 3" released in 2015 so it sounds about right for the return of the series. With a release window of spring 2019, "Just Cause 4" will have an explosive reveal by Square Enix.

Dragon Quest
"Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age" came out in Japan last year but has a worldwide release date of September 4, 2018. This E3, Square Enix will show a small trailer for it for the audiences yet to get their hands on it, seeing as it is a title they will have out very soon.
"Dragon Quest: Builders 2" was announced last summer to be in development for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. This summer (E3) will mark a new trailer going a bit more in depth with what makes it standout in comparison to its predecessor with a release window of Q2 2019.

The Avengers 
While we know Square Enix has a large-scale video game based on Marvel's "The Avengers," we know nothing more. Marvel comics and "MCU" fans should be excited for this E3 because it is the time to see what this game actually is. A full reveal of this game with an official title will get a cinematic trailer. No release date, window or year will be given though. 

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Bethesda E3 2018 Predictions

Image result for bethesda e3 2018Thinking back to the mind-blowing announcement of a new "Fallout" title coming the same year as its E3 reveal makes gamers all the more excited every year for what Bethesda has in store for them. I believe they have had a solid track record, specifically with single player games and I think 2018 and the future alike look bright. Here are my predictions for what Bethesda will show off at their E3 press conference. Be sure to let me know in the comments below your predictions.

Elder Scrolls: Legends
The free-to-play card game from 2017 will be brought up in two forms at this E3.
I believe Bethesda will reveal new content for "Elder Scrolls: Legends." This expansion or expansions will presumably begin this holiday season; I'm calling September.
Seeing as it is a perfect fit for a device on the go already, the Nintendo Switch comes off as a perfect platform for this game to be ported to. I believe Bethesda's partnership with Nintendo's new platforms with titles like "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" and "Doom" will extend this year with this card game making its way onto the Switch's e-shop.

Elder Scrolls: Online
"Elder Scrolls: Online" has been systematically updated since lauch with new expansions and I believe more is on the way. With a release date of some time this December, I say "Elder Scrolls: Online" will get a new expansion.
Image result for elder scrolls

"Prey" came out last year and pleasantly surprised those who played it. E3 2018 is the time to show off the length of the title's life with new DLC. I predict Bethesda will reveal story DLC for "Prey" with a release date of this December.

Rage 2
Originally the result of a leak, "Rage 2" is officially on the way and is confirmed to make a presence at E3. Seeing as it is set to be released sometime in the early months of 2019, there is no doubt Bethesda will show off gameplay and explain details of what that and the story and premise as a whole entail. A release date will probably not be given however.

The aforementioned support Bethesda has for the Switch would only suggest that their other large-scale role playing series must be on the way. While "Fallout 4" may or may not seem to be too much for the platform at first glance, I truthfully think it will make its way over after all. Bethesda proved "Skyrim" and "Doom" work and the very new "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus" will be out very soon. With that in mind, it'd be hard to believe "Fallout" isn't going to be released on the Switch as well. When? I say it's coming in October.
In terms of the series' life on other platforms, there is bound to be a "New Vegas" style "Fallout" release sooner or later. Seeing as "Fallout 4" has been out for three years, it is time. I don't think this will be a 2018 title; however, I do see Bethesda giving us a reveal trailer of this spin-off of sorts for "Fallout" with 2019 at the end.

With trademark renewals surfacing the internet lately, it is all but confirmed that a title called "Starfield" will have an official reveal soon; what better time and place than E3 2018. "Starfield" is apparently a triple A title similar to that of "Elder Scrolls" and "Fallout" and is said to have a sci-fi open world. I believe Bethesda will properly introduce gamers to "Starfield" at E3.

Image result for quake"Quake Champions"  isn't over with yet. The shooter will see continued support with Bethesda revealing new content for this game as they will with a few of their other games as services.

Doom 2
2016's "Doom" brought the old-school shooter back to relevance. I believe it is more than likely that a sequel, simply titled "Doom 2" gets revealed at E3. A release date this November will conclude the trailer that will show off more frantic gunplay and heavy metal music. I want to think it is going to come to Switch; however, I don't believe it will day and date, much like "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus."
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