

cooking sweden

Visit the country gives you an understanding of the diversity of the world in terms of culture, tradition, people, music and more specifically in food. But despite having their other differences among cultures. The Swedes are very open  cooking sweden to foreign ideas and adopt this kitchen included.

Today, a great change has come and it is necessary to invent new sets of different flavor Swedish specialties. Basically, most Swedish cuisine is simple but elegant, meat, fish and seafood, potatoes, root vegetables, sprouts  cooking sweden and berries.

Furthermore, food preparation Swedish assortment becomes world famous. It has been popular worldwide. Foreign visitors will have the  cooking sweden opportunity to sample many foods on the table. In any Smorgasbord serve the first to present on the table is the recipe for herring - used in varieties. Upcoming Courses consist of cheese, a variety of fish, potatoes, vegetables, salads, meatballs, eggs and of coarse, deserts - if it can be Swedish option may or may not include portions of desert. Furthermore, all known Swedish smorgasbord  cooking sweden time consuming. That is why this type of preparation is not used in  cooking sweden holiday season, such as Christmas, New Year and Christmas in Sweden.

Swedish Meatballs Recipe

Serve this dish to your next potluck. It can be a main dish served over rice or noodles or an appetizer served with toothpicks fantastic fantasy. This recipe is perfect to start before going to work, it will be ready when you get home!

What You Need

    one pound cooked meatballs
    one onion, chopped
    two cloves garlic, minced
    two cans of golden mushroom soup
    1/2 cup water
    one cup sour cream
    two tablespoons flour
    1/4 teaspoon pepper

How do

Put everything accept  cooking sweden flour, sour cream and pepper in a slow cooker with three or four pints. Replace the cap and plug it in. Cook on low for 6-8 hours.

Combine cream, pepper, flour and sour in a small bowl. Mix until well blended. Add a tablespoon of hot liquid slow cooker. Use a whisk to mix thoroughly. This tempers the sour cream, increasing its temperature slightly so it does not curdle when you add it to the slow cooker. Add the sour cream mixture with your slow cooker, stirring all the time  cooking sweden until well blended. Let the crockpot continue to simmer for 30-40 minutes until the sauce is very thick.
                                             cooking sweden
Serve meatballs  cooking sweden over noodles, rice or mashed  cooking sweden potatoes for a main meal. For an appetizer, serve from the crockpot or put them in a bowl. You can start your own meatballs with toothpicks. This is a great way to get your guests to interact with the meal instead of picking something on a tray. Leftovers can be sopped up with crusty bread sauce.

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