

Square Enix E3 2018 Predictions

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This year, Square Enix promises an event similar to that of Nintendo Directs for E3. Many upcoming games from the publisher are huge. Games like "Kingdom Hearts 3" and the "Final Fantasy VII" remake have been on the radar for some time and Square Enix is bound to drop a big surprise or two. I am excited to let you in on my predictions for their E3 conference and I'd love to hear your thoughts on mine, as well as your own predictions in the comments below.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider
"Tomb Raider" has seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to Crystal Dynamics and their reboot series. The end of the trilogy has a release date of September 14, 2018. "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" has been shown off already but there is bound to be an extensive look at both gameplay and plot of the game at E3. 
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Kingdom Hearts 3
It has been a long time coming but "Kingdom Hearts 3" is being said to have a 2018 release and that is immensely exciting. I personally believe Square Enix gives us a release date of Friday, September 18, 2018. "Kingdom Hearts 3" will get a gameplay demo showing off the improvements in both combat and general gameplay as well as graphics, also boasting a reveal of a new world we have yet to see.

Final Fantasy VII Remake"Final Fantasy VII" was revealed to be getting a full-fledged remake. That was a few years ago and it still seems far off; however, this year seems imminent for a re-reveal. Seeing as the title has been said to be episodic, so be it; Square Enix will show a new trailer for "Final Fantasy VII" with a release window of Q1 2019. That will be for the first episode or part. 
The continued support for 2016's "Final Fantasy XV" won't end yet. I have no doubt in my mind that Square Enix will confidently show a trailer for new content on the way to the title, content coming this December.

Life is Strange
"Life is Strange Complete Season" and its prequel "Life is Strange: Before the Storm Complete Season" are coming to the Switch in December for $19.99 and $24.99 respectively on the e-shop.
On the other hand, "Life is Strange 2" gets revealed at Square Enix's E3. This is a teaser with 2019 at the end.

Super Mario RPG
"Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars" is a revered classic. The Nintendo and Square role-playing game is one people would love to see make a return and I think it is time. In one of the biggest surprises in all of E3, Square Enix will reveal a remastered version of "Super Mario RPG" with improved visuals and all. The title won't be more than teased here, to be later shown off more on Nintendo's video.

Just Cause 4
Image result for just causeAfter a Wal-Mart leak of E3 2018 games, "Just Cause 4" was brought into the conversation. Frankly, it'd be no surprise. "Just Cause 3" released in 2015 so it sounds about right for the return of the series. With a release window of spring 2019, "Just Cause 4" will have an explosive reveal by Square Enix.

Dragon Quest
"Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age" came out in Japan last year but has a worldwide release date of September 4, 2018. This E3, Square Enix will show a small trailer for it for the audiences yet to get their hands on it, seeing as it is a title they will have out very soon.
"Dragon Quest: Builders 2" was announced last summer to be in development for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. This summer (E3) will mark a new trailer going a bit more in depth with what makes it standout in comparison to its predecessor with a release window of Q2 2019.

The Avengers 
While we know Square Enix has a large-scale video game based on Marvel's "The Avengers," we know nothing more. Marvel comics and "MCU" fans should be excited for this E3 because it is the time to see what this game actually is. A full reveal of this game with an official title will get a cinematic trailer. No release date, window or year will be given though. 

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Bethesda E3 2018 Predictions

Image result for bethesda e3 2018Thinking back to the mind-blowing announcement of a new "Fallout" title coming the same year as its E3 reveal makes gamers all the more excited every year for what Bethesda has in store for them. I believe they have had a solid track record, specifically with single player games and I think 2018 and the future alike look bright. Here are my predictions for what Bethesda will show off at their E3 press conference. Be sure to let me know in the comments below your predictions.

Elder Scrolls: Legends
The free-to-play card game from 2017 will be brought up in two forms at this E3.
I believe Bethesda will reveal new content for "Elder Scrolls: Legends." This expansion or expansions will presumably begin this holiday season; I'm calling September.
Seeing as it is a perfect fit for a device on the go already, the Nintendo Switch comes off as a perfect platform for this game to be ported to. I believe Bethesda's partnership with Nintendo's new platforms with titles like "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" and "Doom" will extend this year with this card game making its way onto the Switch's e-shop.

Elder Scrolls: Online
"Elder Scrolls: Online" has been systematically updated since lauch with new expansions and I believe more is on the way. With a release date of some time this December, I say "Elder Scrolls: Online" will get a new expansion.
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"Prey" came out last year and pleasantly surprised those who played it. E3 2018 is the time to show off the length of the title's life with new DLC. I predict Bethesda will reveal story DLC for "Prey" with a release date of this December.

Rage 2
Originally the result of a leak, "Rage 2" is officially on the way and is confirmed to make a presence at E3. Seeing as it is set to be released sometime in the early months of 2019, there is no doubt Bethesda will show off gameplay and explain details of what that and the story and premise as a whole entail. A release date will probably not be given however.

The aforementioned support Bethesda has for the Switch would only suggest that their other large-scale role playing series must be on the way. While "Fallout 4" may or may not seem to be too much for the platform at first glance, I truthfully think it will make its way over after all. Bethesda proved "Skyrim" and "Doom" work and the very new "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus" will be out very soon. With that in mind, it'd be hard to believe "Fallout" isn't going to be released on the Switch as well. When? I say it's coming in October.
In terms of the series' life on other platforms, there is bound to be a "New Vegas" style "Fallout" release sooner or later. Seeing as "Fallout 4" has been out for three years, it is time. I don't think this will be a 2018 title; however, I do see Bethesda giving us a reveal trailer of this spin-off of sorts for "Fallout" with 2019 at the end.

With trademark renewals surfacing the internet lately, it is all but confirmed that a title called "Starfield" will have an official reveal soon; what better time and place than E3 2018. "Starfield" is apparently a triple A title similar to that of "Elder Scrolls" and "Fallout" and is said to have a sci-fi open world. I believe Bethesda will properly introduce gamers to "Starfield" at E3.

Image result for quake"Quake Champions"  isn't over with yet. The shooter will see continued support with Bethesda revealing new content for this game as they will with a few of their other games as services.

Doom 2
2016's "Doom" brought the old-school shooter back to relevance. I believe it is more than likely that a sequel, simply titled "Doom 2" gets revealed at E3. A release date this November will conclude the trailer that will show off more frantic gunplay and heavy metal music. I want to think it is going to come to Switch; however, I don't believe it will day and date, much like "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus."
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Microsoft E3 2018 Predictions

Image result for xbox oneSony may have been ahead this generation with their abundance of exclusives; however, E3 2018 feels like the perfect time for Microsoft to show the competition what they are made of. With rumors of sequels to beloved franchises like "Halo" and "Gears of War," as well as the excitement of the unknown and third party games alike, here's to what I hope to be a big E3 for Microsoft. Let me know your thoughts on my predictions, as well as your own in the comments below.

Halo 6
I am confident that Microsoft will unveil "Halo 6" this year. 343 Games may have released "Halo Wars 2" last year but their last big "Halo" sequel was in 2015 in the form of "Halo 5: Guardians." Seeing the console generation presumably wind down in the next couple of years, I feel like they'd be smart to release the next "Halo" game in 2019 as a swansong for the series' run on the Xbox One. With the power of the Xbox One X and the amount of love for the series "Halo" fans, I'd be shocked to see no reveal of "Halo 6" at E3. I predict it will have a spring 2019 release window given.
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Gears of War 5
Like "Halo," Microsoft has been recognized greatly for "Gears of War." The Coalition released "Gears of War 4" two years ago and 2019 would seem perfect for the next sequel for the team. I see Microsoft showing a story trailer for "Gears of War 5" at E3, presumably following the new characters of the previous game. "Gears of War 5" will have a release window of simply the year 2019 shown at the end of the trailer. I don't see this to be eligible for a release this year and I see them releasing it in the fall next year.

Crackdown 3
Despite seeming like it should already be in our Xbox One libraries by now, "Crackdown 3," first shown at E3 2014, has yet to be released. This game has been given release windows and dates yet never met those deadlines. In the four years, people seem to have lost interest but I don't believe this is going to let Sumo Digital cancel the game. I see Microsoft's press conference providing us a firm September 2018 release date. I see them showing a trailer, depicting the gameplay in all its proclaimed glory.
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Perfect Dark
A classic from Rare's days on the Nintendo 64, "Perfect Dark" has not been heard of in years. Despite its hiatus in modern gaming and Rare having just release "Sea of Thieves" in March, I foresee this franchise to be revived. I do however support the rumors I have stumbled upon in saying Rare won't be at the helm of this revival. With a different developer and no release date, nor even a year given, I am predicting Microsoft will drop the bomb and show a teaser trailer of the return of Joanna Dark.

Forza: Horizon 4
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2017 saw the release of one of Xbox One X's most beautiful games in "Forza: Motorsport 7." 2018 is almost inevitably the year for a return to "Forza: Horizon." I don't believe this would come as much of a surprise to viewers of Microsoft's E3 press conference; however, the graphics alone are bound to get fans of the genre excited. I see Microsoft showing a full-blown trailer with many details of "Forza Horizon 4." Release date? October 30, 2018.

Seemingly a thing of Xbox's past, "Fable" hasn't been in prominence in some time; this is however set to change. Much has been said of the possibility of a new "Fable" in the works, turning things around and breathing new life into the series. E3 2018 is the greatest place to show this off. "Fable 4 or IIII" could be the title; however, I believe Microsoft will show us a game simply titled "Fable." This will act as a reboot to the series and their trailer will reveal some minor story beats and cinematic concepts. There is definitely no release date, window or year provided but it will get Xbox fans on board for the near future with a lot of excitement.

When reading and listening to peoples' discussions on Xbox One exclusives on the way, "Ashen" isn't mentioned enough. This game, developed by Aurora44, is set to be released in 2018. I see Microsoft's E3 2018 press conference the home for a new trailer for this action role-playing game. A console exclusive to Xbox One, "Ashen" will show an October release date.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps
"Ori and the Will of the Wisps" was shown off at last year's event and I firmly believe Microsoft will provide a new trailer this year once more. "Ori and the Will of the Wisps" may not have any release date or window as of yet; however, the Xbox One and Windows 10 metroidvania is bound to get one this year. I see E3 2018's trailer to show off more of the gameplay and visuals its predecessor is adored for and end with a January 2019 release date.

Cyberpunk 2077
While certainly not an exclusive to the Xbox One, CD Projekt Red's next game seems like it will be shown on Microsoft's floor. I truthfully could see any third party multi-platform game shown off at either Sony or Microsoft's press conference but I believe "Cyberpunk 2077" is getting shown off by Microsoft. A role-playing game with great ambition and a lot to follow up after "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt," this game is in need of an actual trailer showing what the game is. 2018's E3 is being said to do just that. I believe we get a release year of 2019 at the end of an in-depth trailer of just what "Cyberpunk 2077" actually is.
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Metro: Exodus
Having released five years ago and gone under the radar, "Metro: Last Light" receiving a sequel came as a surprise at E3 2017. "Metro: Exodus" was revealed at Microsoft's press conference last year and I believe it will do the same once more in 2018. The game is set to be released this year yet has no release date as of yet. I believe we will get a trailer showing off some solid gameplay and get a release date of August. While very close to E3, an August release date could have been in the works for a while and would be perfect to let the game shine in the clutter of everything releasing in September through December.
Kingdom Hearts
"Kingdom Hearts 3" will apparently be out this year; even crazier is that it is coming to Xbox One. With that in mind, it's hard to imagine Square Enix wouldn't want their highly anticipated sequel to be played by more so I believe they will let Xbox gamers in on the series prior to "Kingdom Hearts 3." "Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix," previously exclusive to PlayStation 4, will come out right at the end of June to Xbox One.

Battlefield 5
Whatever the next "Battlefield" title is, I believe it gets more shown at Microsoft's press conference, following it's presumable debut by Electronic Arts. I believe we will just receive another trailer, showing more of "Battlefield 5" or whatever it may be called.

Image result for hitman 2016Hitman
"Hitman" came out in 2016 with a full season but there hasn't been much said in some time for season two. I believe we will see the debut trailer for "Hitman: Season 2" at Microsoft's E3 2018 press conference with a release date of the first episode of this July.

Killer Instinct
I believe "Killer Instinct" for the Xbox One won't be a one-off after all. I think Microsoft will be revealing "Killer Instinct 2" with a couple familiar and new faces and a simple release window of 2019. There will also be a promise of a campaign in the game.
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EA E3 2018 Predictions

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Despite a great deal of controversy, particularly thanks to a push in the loot box epidemic gaming has recently seen, Electronic Arts has a plethora of franchises gamers hold near and dear. This year's E3 will once again see EA hold a press conference bound to show off some predictable games but complemented a surprise or two. Here are my predictions of what EA will show at E3 2018. Let me know what you think about mine and leave your own predictions in the comments below.

EA Sports
While it may be painfully obvious, EA Sports will undeniably have a presence at E3. "Madden NFL 19" and "FIFA 19" will definitely see trailers with August and September release dates respectively. They will likely each boast something, or a few things if we are lucky, that make this year stand out to the rest. I actually do believe the two trailers will conclude with a Nintendo Switch logo next to the other platform logos; I see the two coming to the Switch day and date with everything else this year.
For better or worse, I don't believe a new "NBA Live" will be shown off this year, particularly due to the far better received "NBA 2K" games.
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Need for Speed
"Need for Speed" may be in a dark place these days thanks to the less-than-stellar performances commercially and critically of the more recent entries. Despite that downside, EA is a company that seems to put their resources first and foremost into games as a service and Need for Speed is a franchise I could very well see using this model. Personally, I could very well see them name dropping the next "Need for Speed" title at this year's E3 with a brief trailer and a 2019 release window provided. Much to the dismay of single player fans like myself, I foresee EA pushing that aforementioned games as a service model with this one.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 3
Image result for pvz garden warfare"Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare " let PopCap Games take the tower defense mobile games and transform their world into a first person shooter. Fortunately, they provided for some good entertainment; unfortunately however, these games weren't given all that much attention. With that in mind, I could see how EA wouldn't bank on another entry in this series; however, I do actually believe they're going to reveal a third "Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare" for redemption. The way I see it, "Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 3" gets released this August, a perfect time to play something fun and low key prior to the busy fall season of games. It will have a single player campaign, more content to play than its predecessors and even a Switch release alongside the others.

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"Anthem" is one of the most anticipated games to come but when will it be released? Bioware's next game is not making it on store shelves this year, we already know that. My prediction of "Anthem's" release date is March 2019. I see EA showing off a new trailer, one that explores the game deeply, this June. The "Anthem" trailer will certainly show us what the gameplay looks like, HUD, combat and all. I also believe we'll get a good look at the story of "Anthem," cinematics and all, looking presumably stunning.

EA Originals
With titles like "A Way Out" and "Fe," EA Originals has proven to be something special. This year, I not only want to see another one of these unique titles, but I confidently believe we will get just that. What this game will be is anyone's guess but that is certainly the best part. The trailer will stand out thanks to this EA Originals title looking like something special and it will not have any release date or window as of yet.
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Battlefield 5
Seeing as EA has a track record of releasing a new "Battlefield" every year or two, there is no doubt we will see the next entry in 2018. Rumors have heavily pointed towards two concepts, one of which is a World War 2 setting. Thanks to the success of "Call of Duty: World War 2," I can definitely get behind EA going for the same setting. I have heard of a battle royale mode to be included in the next "Battlefield" game and I firmly believe that will do so. The title? I'm going for "Battlefield 5," but a V or even 2 as the subtitle totally makes sense. October 19 seems eligible for a release date, despite falling in between both "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" and "Red Dead Redemption 2." I don't believe EA will stray afar from risky release dates, seeing as they're no stranger to tight competition that time of the year.

Star Wars
As a fan of both single-player games and "Star Wars," I was definitely disappointing in the cancellation of the Visceral title. Despite this, I actually believe there is another "Star Wars" game on the way. Here's why my prediction makes me less excited than I want to be: this game will probably be teased with very little to no context on what it is. It will still get the crowd going because of the name "Star Wars" alone.
What I believe will be shown with confidence, release date(s) and all is more content for 2017's "Star Wars: Battlefront 2." This game was the center of controversy, sure, but it has picked itself up a bit with alterations to the leveling system and free DLC and updates post-launch. I see DICE supporting this title well into next year, especially given the fact that they promised free DLC for a while. The hype that "Star Wars" has also not settled down and likely won't. This is thanks in large part to a new film releasing annually now, each being eligible for EA to support with new content, perfect to get fans or those of interest to be excited for more "Star Wars: Battlefront 2."
Mass Effect Trilogy
"Mass Effect: Andromada" wasn't nearly as beloved as its predecessors. That made gamers more than ever want to play the trilogy again. I think there's so much demand for it and EA will rightfully reveal to gamers at their press conference that they have the "Mass Effect" trilogy coming beautifully remastered to current generation consoles. I think we get a release date of some time in January 2019.
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Housekeeping- E3 2018

ATTENTION: I will not be posting any reviews of my vast backlog of games in the coming weeks. I invite you to stay tuned for something of equal excitement, if not more. E3 2018 is around the corner and you know what that means!

In six weeks, the most anticipated time of the year will return in the form of E3 2018. Seeing as there are plenty of bold predictions, as well as plentiful hopes and dreams being presented online by video game enthusiasts, I cannot help but join in on the fun myself. In the last few weeks, I have been thinking long and hard about what we may see from the various publishers at E3, and even more so about what I am hoping for.

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The tentative schedule for my E3 2018 posts is as follows:
Tuesday May 8- Electronic Arts
Tuesday, May 15- Microsoft
Tuesday, May 22- Bethesda
Tuesday, May 29- Square Enix
Friday, June 1- Ubisoft
Tuesday, June 5- Sony
Friday, June 8 -Nintendo

The game reviews are certainly not a thing of the past. Although, writing an entire review of games, some that take a lot of thought to process my feelings on, others that I haven't played in some time, isn't a walk in the park, it is a joyous process I look forward to doing more of. Stay tuned for more game reviews this summer and prior posts regarding any other information.

I'd love to just talk games with you so please feel free to leave your contact information and we can discuss anything about gaming as a whole. I also promise some differing content alongside the traditional weekly reviews, whether it is something like my E3 predictions or deeper analysis of certain games, aspects within, genres or developers. I look forward to providing you a chance to see the world of gaming as I do and invite you to always leave your thoughts in the comments.
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