

Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Review

Vivid colors and hyperactive gameplay make for quite a game

By: Ryan Ramakrishnan

Reviewed on Xbox One
Image result for pacman champion edition 2

Vibrant, fast-paced and a joy to play, “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” is as fun as its predecessors, despite some over-bloating in its gameplay.

The last time I played “Pac-Man,” it was the black and white Game Boy version and that, like all of the classic Namco Bandai “Pac-Man” games is pure fun, even in its simplicity. The formula was never broke but Pac-Man: Championship Edition (2007) did find a way to make it even better. Its sequel comes packed with plenty of bright colors, fast-moving, frantic gameplay and exciting challenges, making for a solid “Pac-Man” experience for old fans and newcomers alike; however, it is admittedly a bit overwhelming at times. 

“Pac-Man” has never needed a story and fortunately, “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” doesn’t shoehorn one in.

Collecting pellets, avoiding ghosts, moving on to harder mazes and aiming for top scores has always been the heart and soul of the classic “Pac-Man” games. This iteration mixes it up quite a bit. Results are generally entertaining and worthwhile but at times, I couldn’t help but miss the standard, safe formula of yesteryear’s “Pac-Man.”

Fortunately however, the many twists and turns “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” come with make for some exhilarating and smart maze design and challenge alike.

Perhaps the biggest standout to the old school “Pac-Man” games is that ghosts aren’t one hit kills on contact. “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” allows for multiple hits on the ghosts before they more or less enter a rage mode in which they can kill you and will certainly try to. As you progress, the amount of ghosts will increase, though never increasing on the traditional four.

There are also plenty of other ghosts present in the mazes. These green ghosts are asleep and will wake up and disappear when you traverse nea them. The interesting idea is how they are harmless but tag on to the lethal ghosts to give them both more of a threatening line but also a better chance of high score for you. Once you powerup, it is time to eat those ghosts, in which you hope you can consume more thanks to having woken them up in the first place.

Some ideas like an instant bomb jump to get you back to the starting location of the level shake up the formula and are fun aspects of the fast-paced gameplay. I found this move to be perfect for tactical moments like when I was about out of time or in close danger.

The score attack mode sees you going through several mazes with increasing difficulty for the sake of getting high scores, which is of course the general goal of “Pac-Man.”

“Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” has plenty of levels in the adventure mode. Each area comes with ten levels, alongside higher difficulty options, and a boss fight. The game tackled boss fights with lots of pellets and fruits to collect on a high pressuring time limit, alongside all four ghosts in full attack mode. The term “boss fight” is used loosely, as these levels just feel more like regular mazes with higher stakes and not so much an actual boss fight.

The maze design oftentimes varies from very simple, straightforward to large-scale and obstacle heavy levels. Thanks to tight corridors, ghosts galore and tons of obstacles, “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” can be blatantly stressful but ultimately with the reward of success and plenty of fun.
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Image result for pacman champion edition 2
Namco Bandai created a visually appealing game in “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” with bright colors and eye-popping on-screen actions. With every subsequent maze and power-up, the game features some of the most vibrant, colorful visuals the series has ever seen. I found this artistic style to be really cool and welcoming, especially in comparison to tat of the standard “Pac-Man” games.
Like the visuals, the music of “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” is executed very nicely. The techno-inspired, fast-paced and ultimately exhilarating tracks are ever-changing with each level. “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2's levels dynamically use the music, as each level seems to play faster music alongside the faster challenges and time limits alike. I truly found the music to be memorable and incredibly fitting for the gameplay.Image result for pacman champion edition 2

Naturally, the endless loop of getting the best high scores is still very-much-so the incentive to keep playing “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2.” Whether you are playing adventure mode or score attack, there are plenty of levels, each with many difficulties, this is not a small package for the self-competitive. Of course, if you aren’t into getting better scores or three stars on levels, “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” will come off as a small package; however, I don’t believe this a game people would play anyway if they aren’t into such gameplay. Image result for pacman champion edition 2
With consistent entertainment and challenge in the many mazes of “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2,” it was instant fun. I found myself growing more and more competitive, further justifying my purchase of the title. Unfortunately the complexity of the gameplay mechanics made it feel a bit overwhelming and less satisfying at times. Overall “Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2” is however a solid game for its vivid color palette and visuals and exhilarating soundtrack coupled with purely fun gameplay.
What are your high scores? Do you like the vibrant, neon art style? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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