

Mad Max Review

A post-apocalyptic playground chock full of brutal vehicular and melee combat alike
By: Ryan Ramakrishnan

Reviewed on Xbox One
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Thanks to a beautifully crafted wasteland, violent combat, both in vehicles and on foot and a bevy of vehicles to test your skills in, “Mad Max” is one of the most fun open world games I have spent my time with this console generation.

Thanks to “Mad Max: Fury Road,” the George Miller-directed action film brought the franchise back to relevance. Just a few months after, the developers behind the “Just Cause” series brought another glorious action game to the table. “Mad Max” is an open world game as well. Like their previous work, Avalanche Studios provides many instances of high-octane action and excitement. The combat is brutally satisfying, particularly whilst driving. “Mad Max’s” story is nothing short of interesting, on paper, but it does often take a backseat to the rest of the game’s offerings.

You are Max Rockatansky, once a highway patrol officer but now living in new world, a wasteland where you can trust nobody, a world where resources are scarce. Max has to tread across the post-apocalyptic Australia to get back what's his, a V8 interceptor, stolen by a group of warboys. Their leader is Scrotus, far too powerful for Max at first. This leads him and his doh on an adventure through the wasteland in search of new parts and resources to evolve and survive with the hand they’re dealt.

Long story short, Max, with the help of a mechanic he meets, Chumbucket, fights his way through plenty of ruthless factions in hopes of their own survival, all to get back what’s his and prove his worth.

Max himself lacks the intrigue at times but by the end, I sort of felt for him. He went through hell and ultimately was thrown both into a world where everything is out to get him but also into a story where he wants some sort of vengeance for a close death. I found Max’s personal journey to be interesting as a whole but every time we got a lot of story, I couldn’t help but want to get right back to gameplay.

“Mad Max” does a fairly good job at world-building. We get to see people walking around, dying for water, camps being run by only a select few tough enough to take over and the pure sense of survival in a world where that is anything but easy.

I ultimately just wish the plot was better crafted overall to keep me engaged with the interesting and emotional moments few and far between.
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The Magnum Opus is your main vehicle, upgradable and customizable to your liking. Personally, the use of the Magnum Opus is what made my time with “Mad Max” stand out the most, for the better that is. Whether you wish to invest in better armor for defense or you desire an offensive vehicle, “Mad Max’” vehicle customization has you covered; however, it isn’t overly deep. With time, your Magnum Opus does in fact become quite the beast and will leave you feeling more than a little overpowered, easily my favorite part of the game.

Like his vehicle, Max himself can be customized to your liking. This is more or less limited to the choice of a beard, bandanna or goggles in any combination. Some non-cosmetic aspects of Max do get upgraded though; these upgrades don’t have much of a variety for choice, as they are simply just improving upon the last with no stat declines.

The main draw for “Mad Max” is its vehicular combat. Fast and intense, this combat is done with your Magnum Opus but other vehicles aren’t out of reach either. You can hop into any enemy vehicles. Unfortunately the vehicles that aren’t your own Magnum Opus are limited to offensive attacks.

Actions like a shotgun, the Thunderpoon, a rocket launcher-like weapon, a harpoon and side-burners are available to use at any time when driving for taking enemies out. This makes for a great time; I personally found launching the Thunderpoon at oncoming or escaping vehicles an instant kill loaded with instant satisfaction. Vehicular combat also includes the likes of ramming, whether straight into or on the side. After picking up speed, you can do some solid damage to less defensive enemy vehicles with a simple press of a button.

Healing in “Mad Max” isn’t natural; you will have to pick up food or drink from your canteen to regain health. Resources are few and far between so if you’re anything like me, you’ll find yourself doing everything in your power to avoid taking a hit.

When on foot, Max partakes in hand to hand combat, borrowing heavily from the likes of other Warner Bros. titles like that of the “Batman Arkham” series. “Mad Max” plays it out slower but each heavy punch is nothing short of satisfying. The combat lets you get light hits or a heavier hit by holding the melee button. You will also roll around and parry hits with a perfectly timed button press. Enemies of course come in different variations; some have shields in need of breaking, while others will sprint towards you in an unparryable rage. Fortunately, you can also pick up these melee weapons and allow them to be even more violent in execution. There are also melee weapons that you can pick up from enemies to use against them, as well as shivs, perfect for a quick execution.

Max has access to a shotgun at all times. It is able to be shot with a quick button press that will aim automatically but is also able to manually aimed, both while driving and on foot.

I found the general movement in “Mad Max” to be a little clunky at times. While Max could run, it never felt very fast and the ability to jump didn’t mean much, as it is a very small jump, rarely even able to scale the environment.

Mad Max's mission structure will turn people away if they’ve been drained of open world games like Ubisoft’s. Personally, I didn’t at launch, and still do not today have that open world fatigue so the world of “Mad Max” was one I was all for exploring and wasting time in. The wasteland is full of snipers, minefields and more to take care of in between story missions. Activities like burning fuel depots, taking down convoys and killing top dogs of camps all make for a good time, both on foot and behind the wheel, thanks to the engaging combat and ugly beauty of the world.

The wasteland of “Mad Max” is surprisingly beautiful. I found the environments and locales of the desolate world to look very good. Avalanche Studios certainly put a lot of work into making an open world full of nothing into one of great appeal. Some locations and moments I had in “Mad Max” left me wanting nothing more than to take a picture. Fortunately for gamers like myself, there is a photo mode. Altering things like basic filters to exposure and contrast allow you to craft stunning pictures of what the savage world of “Mad Max” has to offer.

Of course, I can’t ignore the fact that this game comes with a few glitches. I ended up having to close the game a few times thanks to myself getting stuck in a room, unable to move, as the room’s textures weren’t even there. The game also chugged during some instances of combat with a lot of enemies on screen coupled with explosions and more.

With a great deal of yelling and the sounds of vehicle engines, combat and more taking center stage, the music of “Mad Max,” while certainly not bad, never stood out all that much, getting lost in the background.

Overall, the voice acting was quite good in “Mad Max.” The game has many characters here and there in addition to the main cast of Max and Chumbucket. The voice acting was delivered well enough to really establish the personalities of each character.

In terms of sound in this game, it was the aforementioned vehicle engines and what not that made an impact. The melee combat was made more brutal with every punch or kick thanks to the sounds of it all coming off as very raw. The same can be said for the explosions you cause and shots you fire from the shotgun, sniper rifle or Thunderpoon. Revving my Magnum Opus engine and taking off at high speeds with continuous boosts made for some of the most satisfying sounds of my “Mad Max” experience, some of which may top that of even supercars in traditional driving games.
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What personally kept me playing Mad Max was the open world's checklist of things to conquer, collect and destroy. Many people today will argue this is a flaw due to the repetition in what must be done being admittedly generic at times. A complaint “Assassins Creed” has come to get, I don’t per se find this to be a problem with “Mad Max.” There are multiple regions in the world and each comes with a multitude of things to take care of, most of which allow you to get the most out of the entertaining gameplay. I'm the type of person who won't leave an area until I have all the collectibles gotten and can see 100% on each location. There is a good feeling of satisfaction that comes with each 100% completion.
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I wanted the story of a post-apocalyptic wasteland full of despair and the struggle to survive among the rest to be my motivation for completing “Mad Max.” While the story had some powerful moments and interesting character along the way, it was the gameplay that kept me along for the ride. “Mad Max” doesn’t execute it’s plot and character development nearly enough to stand out among the plot heavy games of today. Fortunately, what does succeed, at least for me, was the violent combat. Both on the road and against other vehicles and on foot in hand to hand combat, “Mad Max” has a brutal and satisfying combat system. Top that with a visually appealing wasteland and “Mad Max” is a joyous open world game worth your time.

Did you enjoy the vehicular or melee combat more? Did you complete everything the wasteland had to offer? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands Review

An ambitious, entertaining world held back by repetition.

By: Ryan Ramakrishnan 

Reviewed on Xbox One
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With a massive open world in Bolivia and a seemingly wide array of weapon choice and variety, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands is greatly ambitious; however, thanks to some glitches and repetitive mission structure, it isn't all it could be.

I went into Wildlands with a lot of hope because of the world it was presenting me. The idea of a huge drug cartel being taken down, one by one picking off the drug lords and saving Bolivia sounded like a blast. I did have a good time in the end. The shooting was fun, the levels were open to creativity in execution and the map's size screamed hours on end of entertainment. It unfortunately suffered from a lot of oddly similar levels. They started fresh but grew repetitive too quickly. I also found the story to be awesome on paper but was never told in a compelling manner. This is an extremely enjoyable world to play in, despite some issues.
Ubisoft Paris presents a fairly interesting plot. You take the role of a "Ghost,” an elite special operations unit of the US Army with the goal of taking down the Santa Blanca drug cartel in Bolivia.

The Kataris 26, a group of rebels, will aid you along the way, all sharing the same goal. Alongside the rival cartel of Santa Blanca, you also have to deal with the Unidad, Bolivia’s military police. Between the massive cartel and Unidad, as well as the many bosses of Santa Blanca, there is an ever-present feeling of fear and danger around every corner.

The Santa Blanca drug cartel comes off as frightening, as they should. Even the lower tier bosses of Santa Blanca offer reasons to loathe them. As I said previously, I found “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” plot to be really interesting. Ubisoft Paris delivers in some ways, yet simultaneously fails to provide the exciting plot they present in marketing and concept.

Moving up to each progressively more prominent member of the Santa Blanca cartel comes with stories of each of them, some of where they are coming from, others of what their next move is. I found them to be a mixed bag, whereas some of the cartel members were very dangerous and scary, truly attention grabbing. Others weren’t per se a threat or just failed to come with interesting cutscenes and plot points.

The main antagonist of the cartel is El Sueño and he is presented a force to be reckoned with. The lead up to El Sueño can feel so long, thanks in part to the large-scale map and mission design, that the drive to take out the final threat gets lost on the way. By the time I was ready to face El Sueño, I had already been burned out by the amount of cartel bosses, ranging from interesting to forgettable. The final meeting with El Sueño, as well as the character as a whole, make for some compelling character moments and storytelling.

The problem with the aforementioned moments of quality in the story of “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” is the execution. It is oftentimes hit or miss and there is a lot of filler in the story. If you took the plot points and interesting characters of the cartel and broke it down to simplify the seemingly drawn out plot, “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” would be a concise and interesting story worth your attention all in all.

Until it grows repetitive, the gameplay of “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” provides plenty of fun to be had in the open world.

Similar to other Tom Clancy games of the series yet far less tactical, “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” is a third person shooter, though its gunplay can be executed from a first person perspective. I found the first person shooting to make every kill, loud and tactical alike, immensely satisfying, as well as easier to pull off as opposed to third person.

There is an incredibly hefty amount of guns to choose from. Plenty of assault rifles, machine guns and sniper rifles alike are available for your choosing. Play styles can be further explored personally with attachments and other weapons like frag grenades and C4.

Unfortunately, even with the weapon variety and choice, I realized I was more than comfortable and ready for anything with the loadout I chose fairly early on. The game doesn’t do a whole lot to give you reason for varying your loadouts.

You’ll never be taking on missions alone in “Ghost Recon: Wildlands;” however, with the questionable A.I. you may wish to. The game gives you three allied “ghosts” and they help take down enemies on command or when attacked. These squadmates can pull of a sync shot, which impressively allows you to mark up to three enemies anywhere in range of your drone’s deep sight and than watch them get shot down in an instant. While bizarre and unrealistic, I ultimately took full advantage of the sync shot, especially in tightly concealed and heavily guarded areas where stealth was encouraged or required.

Should you choose to invite friends into the game or join their own, you can cooperatively play through everything the world has to offer.

Exploring all of Bolivia can be daunting due to its large scale but there is a multitude of vehicles to tread both land and sea. It's hard to traverse through any towns and settlements, bases or camps in the world without stumbling upon a bike, car, truck or helicopter.

Driving isn’t perfect, as handling on-road vehicles makes for some uneasy turns and length drives with hazards but it is pretty enjoyable to pick up speed and go for a fast drive nonetheless. I particularly found the motorcycles to be the quickest and most fun vehicles to get behind.

“Ghost Recon: Wildlands” provides a drone to scope out any given area. This is a handy tool to use for marking enemies, which can oftentimes be impossible to see without its assistance. The drone is also used for dropping EMP’s, explosives and more, as well as for marking targets for sync shots. With upgrades, the drone’s battery and range are pretty powerful and this lead me to have it out anytime there were enemies in the area.

Certainly inspired by “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain,” the level design is very open, allowing you to approach things head on or silently. Much of the game’s missions are often best taken on stealthily and the game’s large bases and silenced weapons at your disposal make this a viable and thrilling option. Of course, enemy camps and bases can be tackled with loud, fast and heavy weapons as well. As previously mentioned, there are plenty of guns to choose from. All this and more make the mission structure a whole lot of fun. It is just unfortunate that it grows repetitive with time.

Bolivia is wonderfully realized. The world design is crafted with a variety of biomes and beautiful settings to behold. Opening the map of “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” and then zooming out quickly gave me anxiety. It is massive. Fortunately, every drive, mountain ride and flight I took in Bolivia came with stunning sights.

The A.I. at times came with technical issues noticeable by eye. I found my three allied “ghosts” walking through surfaces, temporarily disappearing or showing up randomly in a vehicle or by my side. These minor glitches aren’t by any means game breaking yet are so incredibly prevalent in the game.

Standing out for all the wrong reasons, “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” has a great deal of repetitive dialogue coming from your squadmates. The “ghosts” you play with, as well as your own character, repeat the same cliche and downright corny statements, they repeat conversations and generally fail to have interesting or varied dialogue. What stood out for all the wrong reasons instantly was the repetitive dialogue from my squad mates.

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With an entire cartel to take down and a map larger than anything Ubisoft has given gamers yet, “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” is no small game. I have sunk in upwards of 70 hours with plenty of side missions and cartel bosses to kill. Similar to their other open world games, players who dislike the nature of completing a checklist map in Ubisoft titles will be quickly turned away by not only the map size but also the amount of missions that go into story progress and completion.

Image result for ghost recon wildlandsIf you can look past the frustrating nature of repetition in both dialogue, mission structure and overall gameplay, “Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands” is a greatly entertaining open world game, especially alongside friends. The gunplay and exploration of the stunning Bolivia made for some enjoyable experiences. The compelling plot is ultimately executed with both ups and downs. That, like the gameplay and world itself make “Ghost Recon: Wildlands” a highly ambitious title, one that lacks a lot of its highest potential but also provides hours of personalized, exciting combat and exploration of a gorgeous world run by a drug cartel of nightmare.

Did you take down the entire Santa Blanca drug cartel? Did you play with the A.I. or with friends? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Contrast Review

A creative, aesthetically pleasing adventure

By: Ryan Ramakrishnan

Reviewed on PlayStation 4
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Contrast” is an entertaining journey through the vivid imagination of a young girl combined with a fresh take on puzzle platforming.

All presented gorgeously in a uniquely stylish Paris, France, “Contrast’s” visuals make it an instant standout. Thanks to a fresh concept of switching between 2D and 3D, as well as using shadows to your advantage to solve puzzles, “Contrast” is a charming game worth checking out.Story
At first glance, the premise is shrouded in mystery. You take on the role of Dawn but the catch is she is an imaginary friend of a girl named Didi. We see Didi’s mother go out late at night to pursue her dreams of making a career in the jazz-centric music industry. Her husband had been out of the picture for some time but “Contrast” presents him as a caring man in hopes to rejoin his family; however, thanks to his association with bad crowds, Didi’s mother couldn't be less accepting.

The relationships between both Didi and her parents, as well as with you, Dawn, are both executed so finely, creating a sense of realism, all of which help create a sweet, engaging story.

With the exceptions of the lead characters, Dawn and Didi, the cast is never seen outside of silhouettes. These characters do however manage to become identifiable and leave a mark thanks to the game’s execution of an interesting narrative.

Didi, rightfully so steals the show. She is adorable, innocent and bears a big heart. Didi’s sense of wonder and excitement make her a pleasantly charming character to follow. Image result for contrast game


“Contrast” is a puzzle platformer that does things in a unique fashion by using shadows. Acting as a literal shadow, you will find yourself blending in and out of the game’s many walls and surfaces.

Otherwise, you can perform a jump, a dash and basic platformer maneuvers to get around and make your way through the puzzles.

“Contrast’s” puzzles are always designed with shadows in mind. Whether it is moving a headlight to open a space to walk across or pushing an object in or out of sight to reveal new shadows for your advantage. A lot of it calls for moving objects around, some on the floor and other atop, that reveal shadows in different areas to come to your advantage.

Fortunately, story progressions plays alongside the gameplay. Dawn is more or less the only one capable of completing the puzzles thanks to her acrobatic figure so Didi reaches out to her imaginary friend to progress the story and solve the game’s many tasks.

With time, some of the puzzles feel all too familiar, resulting in the impression of a lack of originality, despite that not being the case.

The puzzle platformer isn’t without its flaws. While “Contrast” doesn’t come with all that many bugs, I did, at times, find my jumping and dashing to not respond with accuracy. This lead to an unfortunate and unfair death or two.
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The artstyle is wonderfully romantic in its location of Paris, France. The dark tone created by plentiful shadows help give “Contrast” a unique look. Stylized in its jazz shows and circus acts alike, “Contrast’s” depiction of the 20’s in “the city of light,” creates a visually appealing noir setting.

“Contrast’s” story and setting alike are complemented perfectly by a relaxing jazz soundtrack. The instrumentals and singing from characters like Didi’s mother help maintain the jazz-like vibe this game aims for.
Dialogue is not only delivered well but it is also used in a particularly interesting manner. During the gameplay, you will hear background voices speaking to one another, progressing the story. It is interesting to hear their believable interactions in the background, refraining from interrupting cutscenes.

A small amount of collectibles provide something more than the main story but ultimately, “Contrast” isn’t a game with incentive to revisit or even explore outside of the core plot.

With unique and fun level design and an interesting, emotional plot, it is clear to see “Contrast” comes from a development team with an insane amount of creativity. Didi, an incredibly likable character, has a charming and realistic story about family and gets her story executed with great finesse. Despite some technical issues here and there and a little repetition later on, I found “Contrast” to be a compelling game with incredibly interesting puzzle design.

Did you like the shadow manipulation? What did you think about Didi and her family’s story? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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Far Cry Primal Review

A prehistoric spin on a modern series

By: Ryan Ramakrishnan

Reviewed on PlayStation 4
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With a unique direction in setting and time period, “Far Cry: Primal” does something fresh for the first person shooter its story predates.

“Far Cry: Primal” couldn’t keep me engaged with its underwhelming plot; however, in the gameplay department, Ubisoft Montreal exceeds in every way. With plenty of new animals, weapons and locations, “Far Cry: Primal” delivers a different but still very familiar experience for the series.
“Far Cry: Primal’s” main draw is its prehistoric take on the modern day “Far Cry” franchise. We are brought back to 10,000 BCE. The game’s characters and their voices, behaviors and appearances, environments and the many animals of the world are created perfectly for this time period and setting.
Image result for far cry primalUnfortunately, by the end of “Far Cry: Primal,” the story didn’t stick with me all that much. You take on the role of Takkar, a hunter working to lead his Wenja tribe in the land of Oros. Milestones and moments like saving enslaved prisoners, taming large beasts and fighting enemies are nothing short of interesting on paper. The thing is however these rarely come with notable depth or drama, failing to bring heavy weight to the story at hand.

The main protagonist, Takkar, doesn’t seem to get enough development, ultimately making him come off as shallow. I truly felt like I didn’t get much of an incentive to care about Takkar by time his story wrapped up. An established, memorable villain isn’t quite notable either. “Far Cry 3” presented the player with an unpredictable, crazy villain in Vaas and Far Cry 4 has the sadistic Pagan Min, “Far Cry: Primal” presents us with Ull and Batari, both of which have a memorable moment or two but generally do little to impress the way “Far Cry” of the past has.

Besides Takar and the two antagonists, there are a few recurring side characters. Jayman, a huntress, Wogah, a craftsman and Karoosh, a warrior all aid Takkar in his journey. These three, in addition to a few others here and there, aren’t much different than the main character(s) in that they lack overall depth.

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There is a weapon wheel with two types of melee weapons, as well as a bow and arrow. Heavier iterations and upgraded versions of these weapons come with time. I would have liked a larger variety of weapons to choose from; however, it fits the time period but the game also does very well with the weapons it provides.I absolutely loved being able to stab and smash my way through enemies with both the spear and club. Turning them into projectiles was of equal fun, particularly with the spear. With the additional ability to light these weapon and the arrows on fire, combat rarely felt stale.

Otherwise, you gain access to a few different sharp stone and bone items to kill with from afar, as well as traps and sting and fire bombs. More often than not, these throwable and projectile-based weapons went unused for me personally, as I far preferred the melee and bow and arrow combat.

What “Far Cry: Primal” does exceptionally well is its beast taming and animal combat. There are several different animals including but not limited to dholes, wolves, jaguars and cave bears. You can tame them to take out enemies both stealthily and brutally. Beast master hunts offer some exciting challenges to gain access to special animals. You are also able to ride some animals, making for quick, exciting travel.

You can call your eagle in instantly to scope out the area and track down enemies, animals, resource and more. The eagle can also be used to perform a stealth kill.

“Far Cry: Primal” comes with upgrade systems, crafting and a skill tree. These, especially the experience-based skill tree, aren’t too hard to progress through. Partaking in the entertaining hunting in the land of Oros, filled to the brim with animals of all sorts, makes gathering resources less of a hassle.
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Oros is designed nicely in “Far Cry: Primal.” The Stone Age is represented through beautifully ancient vistas and a bevy of continuously roaming animals. Around every corner, I came across plenty of animals ranging from small elk to colossal mammoths alike.

I found the setting of “Far Cry: Primal” to have an overall authentic feeling, representative of the time period it depicts. There is a multitude of forests and caves to explore and massive mountains to scale. It is a treacherous, large-scale and truly fun world to adventure through.

I was impressed with the villagers’ design and the same can be said for their huts and locations in general. While characters’ personalities and motives weren’t outstanding, Ubisoft Montreal put a lot of work into the characters’ designs. Facepaints and scars, ancient clothing or lack thereof and the use of animal fur and bones are all seen in accurate glory.

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“Far Cry: Primal’s” soundtrack didn’t do much to particularly standout; however, I should imagine creating a proper soundtrack for a game set during the Stone Age is no small task. With tribal music of sorts, “Far Cry: Primal” more or less nails the tone of the game. It isn’t the music that matters in this experience as much as the sound effects around you.
The natural environments come packed with animals and chaos galore, all with equal naturalism. Beasts roar and charge into combat, clubs have a loud impact when slamming enemies and you can hear the fires burn down screaming foes.
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In traditional Ubisoft’s fashion, “Far Cry: Primal” has no shortage of tasks to complete. Like many of Ubisoft’s recent games, the map is essentially a huge checklist. Collectibles in the form of Daysha Hands and Izila Masks are spread out in the open world, alongside plenty of side missions, animals to hunt, upgrades to craft and alliance huts to build. It’s a game that will keep you playing for hours if you enjoy the world and combat it specifically thrives on; however, much like “Far Cry” or other games of this nature, you’ll grow tired quickly if you find some of the many tasks to feel monotonous or too familiar.

I ultimately had a good time with “Far Cry: Primal.” The series is by no means going to remain in the Stone Age so this fresh take on “Far Cry” is welcomed. It has some brutal and entertaining melee and animal combat. The world looks pretty and authentic, while coming filled to the brim with animals to pet, ride and hunt. I forgot the names of the characters or why they mattered not minutes after completion; however, “Far Cry: Primal” succeeds at providing me an exciting adventure and gameplay loop in a world dying to be explored more in gaming, ultimately making it a worthwhile spin off to the series.

What was your favorite animal to tame? Did you enjoy “Far Cry's” take on the Stone Age? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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