

Get to Know Mahlab. A Pleasant And Aromatic Spice

Outside of Turkey, the Middle East and Greece, Mahlab is little known. This spice is the inner kernel of the pit of the St. Lucie Cherry, Prunus mahaleb. In these countries and others the name is slightly different and can be found spelled as Mahaleb, Mahleb, Mahalabi, Mahiepi and others. The tree is deciduous and can grow to 40 feet in the right climate. The bark is smooth and red. The fragrant flowers are white, on long stalks and in clusters. The fruits are small, only up to about 3/8 inch, turning black when ripe. It grows wild in southern Europe, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Turkey. It is also grown as an ornamental tree as it has a somewhat weeping habit. It can be grown from seed, is quite disease resistant and its strong root stock can be used for grafting.

The tiny inner kernel of Mahlab is an oval, 3/16 inch long, buff or tan colored with wrinkled skin and a creamy colored interior. The scent is a pleasant mix of sour cherries, bitter almonds and a hint of rose. This lends most greatly to baked goods such as breads, cakes and cookies, but this should not have to be its only use. Biting into a kernel raw will leave a bitter note, but once baked the flavors transform to fruity and rich, but subtle. A little can go a long way. Think of nutmeg when using Mahlab. A spare hand will yield excellent flavors, but it can make all the difference between a plain dessert and something uniquely alluring.

Suggestions for Using Mahlab

When using this spice, it should be ground just before use, as the flavors dissipate quickly once ground. It is easy to grind with a mortar and pestle or in a spice grinder. If grinding by hand, use some of the sugar and or salt called for in the recipe, as the grains help with the grinding action on the seed kernels and yields a nice powder. As for amounts to use, approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per 2 cups of flour in a recipe is a good rule of thumb. Mahlab is a good addition to breads, sweet pastries, cookies and biscuits. It would also be a great way to transform simple pudding or rice pudding. The flavors lend themselves to milk based foods and cheese.

As the spice is native to the Middle East, Turkey and Greece, most recipes that use this spice are ones from these cultures. Sweet, rich egg dough calling for mahlab is made into rolls called Choereg in Turkey and Armenia. Similar bread called Lambropsomo is made in Greece at Easter time. All over the Middle East are cookies called Ma'moul. The spelling is different in different countries, but these are filled with either a nut or date mixture and pressed into a mold before baking. Each different filling has a different patterned mold to distinguish between them. Many recipes for Ma'moul on the internet do not call for mahlab, mainly because it is less known here in the States, but if you can find it, this spice makes these authentic.

Try to find mahlab kernels and use a new spice flavor the next time you make cookies or breads. Search out one of the many recipes for Choereg or Ma'moul and try out a recipe from a different culture. There are so many rich cultures using less known spices that just cry out to be made.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it was informative and helped you along your own culinary journey. You will find many more recipes and helpful tips on my web site. I am on Facebook at A Harmony of Flavors and share a recipe or tip each day to the fans that have liked my site. I hope to see you there soon.

Chris Rawstern Photo My name is Chris Rawstern and I have been on a cooking and baking journey for 42 years. Many people have asked what A Harmony of Flavors means. Have you ever had a meal where the visual presentation was stunning, the smells were incredible, the taste was so remarkable that you ate slowly savoring every bite, wishing the experience would never end? Then you have experienced what a truly harmonious meal can be like. My passion is to teach people how to create a Harmony of Flavors with their cooking, and help pass along my love and joy of food, both simple and exotic, plain or fancy. I continue my journey in ethnic and domestic cuisines, trying new things. I would love to hear from you, to help me continue my journey to explore diverse culinary experiences and hopefully to start you on a journey of your own. Visit my Web site my Blog my Marketplace or Facebook page A Harmony of Flavors
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Add Flavor To Your Food with Different Spices

Spices are said to the king of kitchen. Without the addition of food seems to be incomplete. Especially in the Indian cuisines spices plays a major role. The soothing yellow color of turmeric sweet brown of cinnamon, black color of pepper, fiery red color of chilly adds a unique charm to the kitchen better to say food.

These spices allure our taste buds. From the time of Rajas and Maharajas the royal and simple all kind of dishes are made with strong spices. Food become alive when cooked with Indian spices. Indian spices have been blessed with an array of beneficial properties that have made them incomparable commodity. Not just to add taste but these spices are also good for health and they also enhance the immunity when added in a right proportion.

Different manufacturing units and spice exporters are setting the benchmark by providing high quality spices with top-notch manufacturing techniques along with best procuring and packaging. There is a wide range of spices used by people of every region. But, some are common among all of them. These have been mentioned below:


Salt is among the most important spice that should be present in your daily diet. There is a strong relationship between salt and health. It comes on the very first position when it comes to the ranking of spice. It is necessary to keep away many diseases. Every cell in the body is dependent upon sodium and salt is rich in sodium.


The spice has been in used from several years. It is not only a spice but used effectively in the cases of burns and wounds. It is renowned for anti-inflammatory properties. It gives a relief in the pain caused due to wounds, if taken by mixing it with milk. In medical language, it is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent.

Turmeric, also called as natural pain killer when combined with cauliflower, it prevents and stops the growth of existing prostate cancer.

Red Chilly

It is also another spice used commonly to add tanginess in the dishes. Without it food seems to imperfect. Though some people avoid it, but a right proportion doesn't affect the body.

Black Peeper

This spice makes the food healthy. Apart from flavoring your food it helps in a proper digestion of food. If added in daily food prevents from most of the health better to say stomach issues. It diminishes the amount of gas in the intestinal tract.

Indian Dishes are served with other lip-smacking things such as salad, pickle and salad. There are many Papad Exporters India that are known worldwide for their quality they provide.

Find all Food and Snacks in India and contact directly to make it best deal at you can find list of Food and Snacks in India. For more information about the Spices Manufacturers India visit
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Calculating Emergency Food For Survival

Do you have food for survival at home? If you are thinking about stored vegetables and fruits then you are wrong. We are talking about food that you can use in emergency. When there is no electricity and fuel to prepare raw vegetables, you would need ready-to-eat meal. Contemplate a situation, where you afraid losing your food security. Plan how you would arrange nutritious diet for your family, if you are stuck in flood water.Millions of people from across the globe starve, when they are met with a natural calamity. Melting glaciers, warming environment and devastation of woods indicate that there would be more floods and cyclones than expected. Also the severity of the nature coupled with administrative incompetence would cripple the normal life. People would remain inside homes or take shelter in refugee camps.

People living in rather safe areas face another kind of threat. They fear terror attacks and civil upheaval like strike and shutdown of the public services. World is a safe place for those, who are always prepared to meet emergencies. An emergency could be general or personal. For instance take economic recession that made millions of people unemployed.How it can save you from starvation? It is specially prepared meal that can retain its taste and nutrition value for long time. It comes in packets of different quantities to meet individual needs. You can get packets for personal use or buy family pack for your entire family. Since the food can be stored for long time, you need not to buy fresh stock every month.

That last for six months and consume the stored food, if you don't meet an emergency in these six months. After consuming the present stock, you can buy fresh food packets for next six months. In this way, you can make arrangements for food for survival without investing much money.You might find it difficult to determine the amount of pre-prepared meal, you need to store. Common men can't calculate their needs and for this reason, they might not be able to determine the amount of emergency food needed to be stored. A credible food for survival store can help you calculate the amount of food, you need to store. Reliable stores provide food calculator that you can use to determine the amount of pre-prepared meal you need to store.

Forsberg Larry has been associated with the companies which primary deal in supplying the highest quality, lowest priced Freeze Dried Foods. The author has also been a famous cook.For More Information Please Visit Food for Survival and Survival Food Storage.
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Simple Solutions to Dog Problems?

I know my accountant will cringe, but there are many times when I just can’t justify going to someone’s house and taking their money without offering some solutions over the phone. Here are a few of my favorites.

(Murphy in a sit, stay on a raft. He'd rather be swimming)

Dog training question from Savannah, Georgia :
I have a dog that won’t use the dog door. It’s there, he just won’t use it.

A: Ma’am, I can come to your house and charge you, but honestly, you don’t need me.

If I came out I would ask you not to feed your dog that day, so he’s a little hungry. I would hold open the dog door, so he is not worried about the flap, and toss a piece of chicken through the door. A nice big piece, so he can see it, and smell it; and I would hold the door open until he passed through the door to get it.

Still holding the door, I would show him a piece of chicken and lure him inside, back through the door. I would do this maybe 20 or 30 times, closing the dog door a teenie, tiny bit each time. The pieces of chicken would shrink to about the size of a pea during this process. I would even put use of the dog door on command, saying DOOR just before I tossed chicken, until the dog learned that going through the door was a really good thing, and when I say DOOR it means something nice is going to happen on the other side of the door.

Now, I am happy to come to your house, and throw chicken through your dog door; but if you want to give it a go yourself and call me if it does not work, I’ll understand.

Question about Puppy training from Bluffton, South Carolina : My puppy sneaks upstairs and pees and poops in the bedrooms.

A: Puppies don’t belong upstairs alone. Close or gate all rooms your dog does not need to be in unless closely supervised (living room, guest room, dining room, etc) and gate the bottom of your stairs.

If you need help in setting up your house for puppy success and house training, basic commands, and socialization, I’ll be glad to be your dog trainer, but if eliminating upstairs is your only issue, buy a gate and use it until your dog is 100% reliable in the rest of the house, then supervise him upstairs until you are sure he is reliable there.

Question from a Dog & Cat problems in Hilton Head, South Carolina :
Client: I have a 10 month Old English Sheepdog and a 13 year old cat. Since we got the dog, my cat has stopped using the cat box and is pooping in my bedroom closet.

(This is my dog, Murphy, and my cat, Twiz.)

Me: How are things set up? Where is the dog, where is the cat, and where is the catbox?

Client: The Dog is on the first floor, the cat spends his time on the second floor. The cat box is in the laundry room, it is also on the first floor.

Me: How far from the second floor stairs to the laundry room is it? And what does the dog do when he sees your 13 year old cat?

Client: The cat needs to go through the living room and dining room into the kitchen and then jump the gate into the laundry room. Our dog loves the cat, he wants to play, so he chases him because he likes him so much.

Me: My sympathy is all with the kitty here. From his perspective your elderly 9 pound cat is expected to risk his life running from an animal 8 times his size who could kill him with one clumsy, overexcited bounce so he can leap a gate and use the litter box. Then he has to risk his life again, or spend the rest of the day with a dirty litter box in a laundry room while your dog stares at him through a gate. There is absolutely no payoff for your cat, he is being terrorized. We should teach the dog to respect the cat, but to make things better right now, how about you move the litter box upstairs?

Client: I don’t think it’s very nice to have a litter box upstairs.

Me: Is it nicer to have a cat poop on your shoes?

Client: Point taken, I’ll move the litter box. When can you come out to help me with my cat chasing dog?

More as they occur

Claudia Black-Kalinsky, CPDT-Ka
Phone: 912-677-2861
Savannah, Georgia Dog Trainer
Bluffton and Hilton Head, South Carolina Dog Trainer

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Five Lesser Know Spices in Indian Cooking

Indian cuisine calls for many spices that are commonly known to us in the western world. Spices such as cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cumin and coriander seed are ones we all know and probably use. What about some spices that are totally unknown? The smells of Indian cooking are unmistakable. The smell of something very exotic can be quite enticing. Walking past an Indian restaurant can be an experience all on its own. So what is it that makes the food smell so different? Here are some of the ingredients that may contribute to the exotic scents that are so attractive. These explanations may help you to search out these unusual spices and try out an Indian dish or two.

Black Sesame

The first one I will discuss is Black Sesame. This may or may not be an unusual spice. It is commonly used in Chinese cooking as well as Indian and other Southeast Asian cuisines. The black and white sesame seeds come from the same plant, but just a different variety. Black sesame seeds have a slightly stronger flavor than white. They are an extremely good source of calcium; studies have shown that one gram of seeds contains approximately 85 milligrams of calcium. If you like the flavor of white sesame seeds, these will not be so different. They make a lovely presentation when sprinkled over rice, and are often included in Indian dishes, or sprinkled on breads just like the white sesame we know.

Black Cumin

Next is Black Cumin seed. This is truly an unusual spice, and hardly known outside of India. Many places mistakenly sell Nigella seeds under the name of black cumin. Black cumin is Bunium persicum, and has a more nutty and earthy aroma than common cumin. It is far thinner and finer in size than regular cumin seed. As its name implies, the seeds are black and used commonly in northern Indian Moglai cuisines. It has a sweeter, lemony character with caraway notes. It is commonly used in yogurts, chutneys, curries and biryanis, some garam masalas. If you search out this spice, look for Bunium persicum specifically, or you may get nigella seeds.

Black Cardamom

Black Cardamom or Hill Cardamom, Amomum subulatum, is related to green cardamom and are both from the ginger family, but there the comparison stops. The flavors of black cardamom are far different and do not lend to use in sweet dishes. The seed pods are larger and coarser and have a camphor like flavor and a smoky character from the method of drying over fires. It is commonly used in savory dhal or rice mixtures, and in some northern Indian garam masalas.

Carom Seed or Ajowain

Carom, Trachyspermum ammi, is also known by Ajowain, Ajwain, Ajowan and many other spellings. It is a tiny seed with a flavor similar to thyme, but more aromatic and bitter. The seeds have a tiny stalk attached, much like anise seeds and look similar to celery seed. Carom is popular in Indian dhals or potatoes and is almost always used cooked in a dish as its flavor can be overwhelming when raw. It is good for digestion and is often used in lentil dishes for its anti flatulent effect.

Nigella Seed

Nigella, Nigella sativa, is sometimes mistakenly called Onion Seed, but is totally unrelated to onions. It is also confused with Black Cumin, as explained above. So what is this seed that is so confused with other species? It has a pungent bitter taste and smell with an oregano undertone. It is used often to top Naan bread, and used in the well-known Indian spice blend called Panch Phoran. A common mixture for this Indian five spice might be equal parts cumin, fennel, mustard, fenugreek and nigella seeds. This blend generally uses the spices left whole. They may be fried in oil to release flavors and the oil used in a food. Nigella seeds also are used in kormas, dhal and braised lamb.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it was informative and helped you along your own culinary journey. You will find many more recipes and helpful tips on my web site. I am on Facebook at A Harmony of Flavors and share a recipe or tip each day to the fans that have liked my site. I hope to see you there soon.

Chris Rawstern Photo My name is Chris Rawstern and I have been on a cooking and baking journey for 42 years. Many people have asked what A Harmony of Flavors means. Have you ever had a meal where the visual presentation was stunning, the smells were incredible, the taste was so remarkable that you ate slowly savoring every bite, wishing the experience would never end? Then you have experienced what a truly harmonious meal can be like. My passion is to teach people how to create a Harmony of Flavors with their cooking, and help pass along my love and joy of food, both simple and exotic, plain or fancy. I continue my journey in ethnic and domestic cuisines, trying new things. I would love to hear from you, to help me continue my journey to explore diverse culinary experiences and hopefully to start you on a journey of your own. Visit my Web site my Blog my Marketplace or Facebook page A Harmony of Flavors
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The Making And Uses of Ghee, One Does Not Need to be Indian to Enjoy Ghee And Its Many Benefits

I discovered a love for Indian foods many years ago. I am not of Indian origin, but I have cooked many wonderful dishes, and am always on the lookout for an interesting sounding spice combination and a new recipe to try. Long ago I found I really disliked commercial curry powder, no matter how fresh, so for a long time I avoided Indian cuisine, thinking it was all about curry powder. I was so wrong. I have been making up for lost time ever since.

One of the near essentials, ghee is used all over the Indian continent. Basically a clarified butter, ghee has one of the highest smoke points of any oil and is wonderful used for frying because it does not go rancid easily. Once made, ghee can last months if stored in a tightly sealed container, away from heat and light. It can be stored in the refrigerator, but will need to come to room temperature before use.

Making ghee is a simple process, taking about 20 minutes. Using one pound of good quality unsalted butter will yield approximately 10 to 12 ounces of ghee. I mention using good quality butter for good reason. Higher quality butter generally has a lower moisture content. Too much moisture in the simmering butter will result in large pops and bursts, sending boiling temperature butter all over the stove and you. Obviously, this is dangerous.

Place one pound of unsalted butter into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then reduce to a temperature that will maintain a simmer. The milk solids will immediately begin to release and float, and first there will be a thick white foam. With a tablespoon, continuously remove the foam to a bowl. After the white foam, there will continue to be foam occurring, which needs to be removed. After about 15 minutes the overall look of the bubbles on the surface will change to much finer and lighter quality, but still continue to remove any scum or foam that forms. Watch for the point where there is almost no foam and the bubbles are clear. At this point there will also be a layer of golden brown in the bottom of the pan, clearly visible. If any of the brown bits are loose and floating, you will need to strain the ghee through cheesecloth or a coffee filter, to remove the browned milk solids.

Pour off the ghee into a clean jar with a tight fitting lid. Place a metal spoon into the jar while pouring in the hot ghee, to absorb some of the heat and prevent the jar from shattering. Allow the ghee to cool before sealing and storing.

Now you have ghee, but what to do with it? Ghee has a lovely golden color and a nutty flavor and aroma that goes well in most dishes. If you love Indian cuisine, obviously this is the first place to use it, but if not, try it in the pan to make scrambled or basted eggs. Use it to butter noodles. The flavor is divine. When my children were still at home, I would often make wide egg noodles, and put in a good dollop of ghee to melt into the noodles. Then I would add in a can of drained sliced mushrooms, a lot of good quality cracked pepper, about 2 tablespoons or more of fresh basil, some salt and some freshly grated parmesan cheese. They loved it, as did I. I made it often, and still make it occasionally. It constituted a whole meal at times we just didn't feel the need for meat, though it can be a side dish just as easily. The uses for ghee are limited only by your imagination. It is made from butter, but has transcended to a longer lasting form with a great flavor. I recommend having it on hand at all times.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it was informative and helped you along your own culinary journey. You will find many more recipes and helpful tips on my web site. I am on Facebook at A Harmony of Flavors and share a recipe or tip each day to the fans that have liked my site. I hope to see you there soon.

Chris Rawstern Photo My name is Chris Rawstern and I have been on a cooking and baking journey for 42 years. Many people have asked what A Harmony of Flavors means. Have you ever had a meal where the visual presentation was stunning, the smells were incredible, the taste was so remarkable that you ate slowly savoring every bite, wishing the experience would never end? Then you have experienced what a truly harmonious meal can be like. My passion is to teach people how to create a Harmony of Flavors with their cooking, and help pass along my love and joy of food, both simple and exotic, plain or fancy. I continue my journey in ethnic and domestic cuisines, trying new things. I would love to hear from you, to help me continue my journey to explore diverse culinary experiences and hopefully to start you on a journey of your own. Visit my Web site my Blog my Marketplace or Facebook page A Harmony of Flavors Rate this Article

The Making And Uses of Ghee, One Does Not Need to be Indian to Enjoy Ghee And Its Many BenefitsRating: 4.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Chris Rawstern has published 34 articles. Article submitted on December 12, 2012. Word count: 710

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Key Steps For Choosing Your Cookery Lessons in London

We have all been there: we want to have cooking lessons in London and leave behind the usual curry delivery or frozen Chinese dumplings, but just the idea of preparing a meal from scratch is daunting.

We might even have considered in the past giving cookery lessons as presents to family and friend, but then again we do not want to lose the friends because they might feel unprepared and end up taking the gift as a curse.

And even if could master enough self-confidence, how would we choose from the myriad of suppliers of cookery lessons in London?

Our suggestion: go for a provider of cooking lessons at home. Rather than having to go somewhere in the middle of nowhere at a set time and fight for the attention of the chef while trying to make sense of recipes you would never cook again, agree the menu and timing beforehand and have the chef and ingredients dispatched to your kitchen.

Too good to be true? Not at all. These type of cooking lessons in London are not yet as popular as the "group lessons", but are extremely interesting. Price is not so outragious as someone might think and the convenience is extremely high, as well as the learning arising from the experience.

In any case, they need to be chosen carefully. There are many weird cookery lessons in London, and finding the right one might be an issue.

Check for how long the company has been in business, and always give them a call beforehand. You want to be sure they know what they are talking about. Ask for a few references and about the chef's history. Having the right person on board is key for a good outcome. You can also check out gift and voucher providers. They usually have plenty of cookery lessons in London and UK on offer. But be careful. Of course they need to make some profit, therefore the price is higher than the one you might find on the individual website of the lesson provider. You might end up with a free pizza at your favourite deli if you decide to go direct.

Learning Best Cookery Lessons In London is a very good option to enhance your cooking skills . It is nothing complex but one need to practice every day to let others say Invite Me To Dinner.
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Why You Need to Store Food For Survival?

What is food for survival? It is like delicious home cooked meal but it contains more nutrients than your home cooked meal and also it can be stored for long period. The process used in preparing this meal keeps the taste and the nutrition value of the ingredients for long time.Can this meal be prepared at home? Yes one can prepare it at home if one has the experience required for preparing such meal. Since it is prepared with a scientific process, homeowners can't prepare at home. But you can buy it from market and keep it at home for use in emergency. Why one needs to store this meal, when one can keep stock of raw vegetables, fruits, edible oil and spices for emergency? It is right that one can store enough edible material at home and in this way survive any emergency but the stored material require freezing and cooking and in emergency, you might not get access to a refrigerator and gas stove.

What is an emergency for which one should be prepared? It is a situation that can make you homeless or make you to stay at home with no electricity and fuel. For instance take flood or a cyclone or an earthquake that can disrupt normal life for many days. In this situation, you can rely on food for survival, if you have stored food for use in emergency.Food for survival is food for emergency. It is delicious, nutritious and it is kept ready-to-eat. Available in boxes of different quantities, this food can cater to the needs of an individual to an extended family. Displaced people can take the food packets along and in this survive an emergency. Those living under house arrest conditions can pass their days peacefully with the help of this food.

The best part of the food for survival is that it is suitable for people of all ages. It digests easily and also the user doesn't require much water with this meal. The user would feel contended after taking a few bites and also there won't be any stomach problem like acidity.Food for survival doesn't require freezing or preparation of any kind. It is taken as packed. All you need to do to consume the meal is open a box. Once opened, the content of a box should be consumed as after opening the container, the food would come in contact with external elements that can reduce its storing period.

Forsberg Larry has been associated with the companies which primary deal in supplying the highest quality, lowest priced Freeze Dried Foods. The author has also been a famous cook.For More Information Please Visit Food for Survival and Long Term Food Storage.
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What happens when you hire a professional dog trainer. - Hilton Head Island

Today we answer the question, what does a dog trainer do when they come to your house?

“The facts ma’am.” drones Sargent Friday, seated at his desk. Pen in hand, form unfilled, Dragnet’s hero cop listened week after week to his current complainant delivering anecdotes about her neighbors, her husband, and the garbage trucks that come too early in the morning.

As a dog trainer I also hear a lot of stories which appear to go nowhere. These stories are actually filled with critical clues. A private dog training consultation begins with many questions, and a lot of careful listening. Owners always provide bits of information necessary to solve the mystery of their dog’s behavior.

Today’s case began with a call from a woman who needs a dog trainer on Hilton Head Island. She has a two year old neutered male havanese named Beau who urinates in her home. He also growls at her husband and adolescent sons, but has never bitten. We set up an appointment and I appear, like Sargent Friday, with blank form and pen, ready to discover the facts. By the way, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

The Facts:

We begin with simple information. Age, sex, has the dog seen a veterinarian recently and been found in good health? How did the owner, let’s call her Karen obtain the dog? Who lives in the home? Who is the primary caregiver(s)? What exercise does he get?

In the Past:

Beau was originally owned by Karen’s widowed mother, Helen. He was bought from a pet shop at about three months old. The shop had trained Beau, to eliminate on newspapers with moderate success. Helen has some mobility issues and Beau, although he spent a lot of time playing in her small Savannah garden, rarely left the property.

Helen had a housekeeper who came four hours a day, five days a week. Frequent visitors to the home were her daughter Karen and several older, female friends.

When Beau arrived the household did not seek a professional dog trainer in Savannah, however the housekeeper wisely blocked Beau’s access to rooms out of her sight while his house training was supervised. She encouraged Helen to keep Beau in a kitchen pen when he was not being watched and to send him outside before she let him run free in the house. This program was followed haphazardly and it took Beau several months before house training could be considered ‘reliable’. Beau was kept in his kitchen pen every night. Eventually newspapers for elimination were provided only during these overnight hours. When Beau needed to go out during the day he would stand at the back door and whine.

Beau barked and growled when strangers came to the door. Once the person was let in Beau would stop barking. He ‘seems to like women more’. Reportedly Beau would remain in the room with female visitors but would not approach them unless they offered him treats. If a male came to visit, Beau would stay in a doorway and run off if the man moved in his direction.
Beau was a somewhat “spoiled” small dog. He had nearly constant company during the day and did not appear to mind nights in the kitchen. His house training was reliable enough to be considered successful. Karen’s mother and the housekeeper doted on Beau, acquiescing to his barked demands for table scraps, play and petting. Beau was allowed on all furniture. He seemed to be well exercised enough in the garden to avoid destructive behavior inside. If Helen had sought professional dog training in Savannah some of Beau’s behaviors would have been better managed, and his socialization would have been conducted in a more organized manner.

A few additional questions revealed that Beau would bark and growl when the mail was delivered to the front porch. He would also bark and growl at either the windows or from behind the garden fence if there was “too much commotion” in the form of noisy people or dogs in the street. He continued vocalizing until the commotion stopped. Beau was described as “a good little watchdog”.

Beau exhibited anxiety during thunder storms, shaking, whining, and hiding under furniture. He howled if there was a thunderstorm late at night and he was alone in the kitchen.

Several months ago Karen’s mom moved from her home due to issues with stairs. Her new one-level living situation does not provide her with a place to potty and exercise Beau and Karen has agreed to take her mother’s pet.


Beau has been living with Karen, her husband, and her 13 and 16 year old boys for a little over three months. During this time Karen reports his house training has taken giant strides backwards and he is displaying ‘dominance’ behaviors by growling at her husband and sons. Karen works part time, mostly from home, and Beau is rarely left alone for more than two to three hours at a time.

Karen’s husband, Patrick, had been brought up with ‘outside’ dogs and has strong feelings about dogs on furniture and begging at the table. Beau has been banished to the laundry room during meals. Patrick also became impatient with newspapers on the kitchen floor. At his request, the potty-newspapers were also moved into the laundry room which is just off of the kitchen. Beau is gated in the kitchen at night with access to the laundry room. He has stopped using the papers, his night time accidents are becoming more frequent.

Beau is not allowed on furniture in his new home. Karen says Patrick yells at him when he catches him on the furniture, and Beau has taken to running out of rooms when Patrick enters. Twice when Patrick entered the den to find Beau on the sofa, Beau has “looked Patrick in the eye and urinated on the cushions.” Karen said she and Patrick both feel that this is Beau’s way of expressing his anger at not being allowed on furniture. Karen feels sympathetic towards Beau’s distress over his life-style change; Patrick feels the dog is attempting to take an ‘alpha’ position in the family. Beau avoids Patrick as much as possible and growls if Patrick reaches towards his collar. Once his collar is held he allows himself to be picked up or leashed without growling, but he does tremble.

While we were talking, Beau hopped up on a chair several times to look out of the window. Karen did not acknowledge this behavior.

Finally, Karen’s two sons are in charge of walking Beau on leash when they come home from school. Beau hides under the dining room table when they pick up the leash and come to get him. He has growled when they grab his collar, dragging him out from under the table. Once he is leashed he is happy to go with them, though he is ‘nervous’ outside when he sees, moving vehicles, dogs, bicycles, or hears loud noises.

A little additional questioning reveals that the only way Patrick can catch Beau by his collar is to corner him in a room or under a piece of furniture.

My Theory:

Beau is not in any way ‘dominant’ or ‘alpha’. In fact the poor fellow appears to be frightened and confused by his new, relatively boisterous, partly male, house hold. An inconsistent application of rules has Beau in a state of uncertainty about which behaviors will result in being grabbed or yelled at by a human.

Beau’s reaction to thunder, yelling, and in his former home ‘commotion’, indicates there may be some noise sensitivity. To test this I ask Karen to leash Beau.

Beau shrinks backward as Karen’s hand reaches over his head. I ask her to hold a treat in the left hand and take hold of Beau’s collar from underneath. Beau seems more comfortable with the hand coming from below his head and readily eats the treat while her other hand gently takes his collar.

With Karen’s permission I turn on the dryer in the laundry room and ask her to lead Beau by the leash into that area. Beau stops about six feet from the laundry room door. I ask Karen to drop a treat on the floor about a foot closer to the laundry room while she cheerfully says, “Find it!” Repeating this action several times brings Beau somewhat closer to the running dryer. Three feet from the laundry room entry he stops, unwilling to take the treat just beyond his reach.

I turn off the dryer and we try to lure Beau closer. He takes several treats but will not cross the thresh hold into the laundry room.

At this point I can see Beau has a fairly strong aversion to the laundry. The aversion is stronger when the dryer is running, but present even when it is not. We have three choices. We can use counter conditioning to teach Beau that the laundry room is a wonderful place, we can move the newspapers to another, less aversive location, or we can do away with the newspapers all together by putting Beau in an appropriately sized crate at night.

I explain the basics of crate training to Karen. She promises never to let Beau out when he whines or barks, and to always give him a special treat for entering the crate voluntarily. We also decide the crate should be kept in the kitchen in sight of, but away from the table. Beau will be given his supper in his crate when the family has supper. The food will be packed into a KONG so Beau has to work at getting his food.

I coach Karen on how to teach Beau to GO TO BED, targeting Beau’s dog bed. When the crate comes Karen will use the same technique, only teach Beau to GO TO CRATE. Beau should be left in his crate when everyone goes to bed. He will be taken out first thing in the morning, on leash, to be sure he has eliminated before he is let loose in the house. The laundry room, with its strong negative association, should not be used to confine Beau.

GO TO BED and GO TO CRATE will also give Beau something more appropriate to do when he is on the furniture, begging for treats or otherwise behaving in a way that is not appreciated. After all, you can’t just tell a dog what not to do; you have to give him an alternate, acceptable behavior.

The next thing we tackle is reaching for Beau’s collar. From what I have learned, every time Beau has growled someone has him cornered and is reaching over his head for his collar. Once they have his collar they can drag him by his neck out of his secure corner. We need to stop the dragging and make Beau welcome people reaching for his collar.

Karen and I sit on the floor with bits of chicken taking turns calling Beau and, when he arrives, gently holding his collar from underneath while praising and treating. Karen promises that everyone in the family will do this exercise, very gradually moving the hand from under Beau’s chin, to the side of his head, finally getting Beau used to having a hand come over his head for a collar grab.

Karen comes to understand that collar grabbing is not the best way to deal with maneuvering Beau. We decide Beau should drag a leather leash from a chest harness when he is indoors. This should only be done when Beau can be supervised. If Beau jumps on the furniture, begs at the table or transgresses in any other way he can be given a brief time out by stepping on the leash for approximately one minute. The leash, used gently, will also give a better way to remove Beau from corners and under furniture. We discuss Beau’s sheltered first year, and plan strategies to help Karen and her sons ease Beau into a world filled with vehicles, animals and people.

Finally we come to the ‘dominance’ issue. Karen listens while I explain that fear is a more common cause of aggression in dogs than any desire to dominate. Poor Beau, caught on the sofa and being yelled at is not expressing defiance, he is demonstrating total submission in a way that would be completely understandable to a fellow canine but has been grossly misinterpreted by Beau’s human family. Beau, growling and cowering under the table, is also not aggressive; he is afraid and begging to be left alone.

As diplomatically as possible I ask Karen to request her boys and husband be more gentle with Beau; refraining from yelling, grabbing, and dragging. If Beau must be moved simply pick up the leash he is already wearing. A happy voice combined with gentle use of the leash will be less threatening than a collar grab.

I ask Karen to take over discipline for Beau until he trusts the male members of the household entirely. We also discuss the need for consistency. It is not fair to let Beau on the furniture when Karen is home alone and then correct him when Patrick is present. Karen needs to provide firm, fair, consistent guidance for Beau so he understands the rules.

I promise Karen a written report and make sure she has my contact information for follow-up questions.

It has been a long morning. Karen and I both did a lot of talking, a lot of listening, we did some training, and made changes in Beau’s environment.

Hopefully things will improve rapidly for Beau and his human family. I will call in a few days to check up on Karen's dog training success.

Case Closed!

Claudia Black-Kalinsky, CPDT-Ka
Phone: 912-677-2861
Savannah, Georgia Dog Trainer
Bluffton and Hilton Head, South Carolina Dog Trainer

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Getting The Best Out of Your Favorite Cheese

You will only find a handful of people who will tell you that they do not like cheese. It is universally delicious. And with all the different kinds of cheese all over the world, you can actually choose the kind that suits your palette.

However, apart from it tasting good or making almost every dish with cheese taste extra better, it is actually packed with the necessary nutrients that will get you through the day.

Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium apart from the additional nutrients like B-vitamins, zinc, riboflvain and vitamin A.

Because of calcium, it is great for your teeth and bones and help build strong bones that will protect you from osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, which is common in women, is caused by calcium deficiency. And since it is rich in calcium, it helps prevent symptoms of osteoporosis.

It is also great for women who are pregnant or help minimize the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome.

The additional nutrients in cheese help pregnant women as it aids during child birth and also help in milk production once the baby is born.

The additional nutrients like B vitamins help in making skin glow. It also helps keep your nails strong and hair healthy. It also aids your body in its proper function and is known to help boost one's immune system so one does not easily get sick.

They say cheese is not good if you are dieting. This is probably because it is rich in saturated fat. However, the protein in cheese actually helps one feel full and would end your craving. With everything in moderation, cheese can actually help one lose weight. Aside from the satisfying aspect, cheese in your meal plan is that the protein can also slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and it balances your metabolism.

So if you need to lose weight, you can still enjoy a nibble or two. Not too much. Just enough to savor its creamy goodness but not too much that would lead you to gain weight.

Now, if you do need to gain weight, include more cheese in your daily diet. Proper diet, whether trying to gain or lose weight, is always the key.

And another fact, although far-fetched, it helps prevent cancer because of the Conjugated Linoleic Acid that is in cheese. There are current studies about this chemical that seems to lead to Cancer prevention and this is found in cheese.

Get your daily dose of cheese right now. There are hundred of kinds of cheese all over the world but you can find most of them in one roof. You can check through online cheese shops like Ideal Cheese, to find out more about the health benefits of cheese as well as the nutritional information on the kids of cheese you had your eyes on. For inquiries call toll free at 1 (800) 382-0109.
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Healthy Cooking with Moroccan Sumac and Middle Eastern Spices

When cooking meets healthy food, then a life zestfully runs on the track. Spices play an important role in the transition of a simply cooked food into a tasteful delight to enjoy. Especially, when it comes to cooking in the Middle East, the use of spices such as Moroccan Spices and other Middle Eastern Spices emerge as an integral part of their culinary culture.

Middle Eastern relish the unique flavors that are recognized across the world. People, who are fond of Moroccan dishes use Moroccan Spices to create the charm and flavors that are embraced by the world. But what about those people who live outside the Middle East and still want to enjoy the flavorful Moroccan or other Middle Eastern dishes? Aromatic a popular retailer of spices in Australia offers a gamut of flavors in the form of superior quality spices; its range of Moroccan incorporates Mediterraneo, Moroccan Dukkah and Moroccan Salt to relish the appetite of food lovers. All the dishes are good for all types of seasoning-meat, seafood, vegetables, salads and pizzas. The spices are healthy, gluten free and 100 percent natural.

Similarly, Sumac is another full of flavors Middle East dishes range which lends an unforgettable taste to an ordinary dish. Sumac are made of shrubs and herbs and offer a bit lemony taste, which is fabulous to flavor soups and beefs. The spice is very light and flexible. It contains the content of antioxidants which eradicates free radicals and moderates glucose levels in a human body. Its natural herbs enjoy the qualities like anti-inflammation - helpful in skin illness and osteoarthritis. Sumac are ideal for propagating meat, raw vegetables, fish and chicken. In addition to all the above mentioned benefits, Sumac Spices from Aromatic are 100 percent gluten free and contain no additives.

Aromatic Spices offers a variety of Middle Eastern dishes at reasonable prices. All the spices processed and produced at the brand propose a journey to discover a whole new world of flavors and healthy cooking. Spices from the aromatics are used by professionals as well as every-day-cooks, but with the same extraordinary aroma and flavors. With the help of these dishes, one can easily experiment with his or her culinary skills and take their hobby to the next level - where the whole world recognizes and appreciates your culinary skills. So, eat well, cook well and stay happy-healthy with aromatic forever.

Aromatic Spices offers a variety of Moroccan Spices and Sumac Spice at reasonable prices. For more detail visit []
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Ensuring Your Food Security With Survival Food Supplies

What is your source for survival food supplies? If you are relying on your departmental store owner for emergency eat then you are risking your meals security. First thing is to understand the true meaning of emergency meals. It is not meal prepared in haste or arranging a party in short notice. It is ensuring eat safety, when the normal life has been thrown out of gear.Contemplate the situations that can disrupt normal life. It could heavy downpour, devastating cyclone or an earthquake. Stuck in a natural calamity, you might need to spend time in house arrest. With everything from electric supply and transportation effected, you might not find anything to eat. In this situation, you can save your life by consuming the stocked meal.

If you are thinking that you need to prepare meal in advance and store the meal in ready-to-eat condition for use in emergency then you are thinking in right direction. Prepare the meal that can last long so that you don't need to prepare fresh emergency meal every other day. Home cooked meal can't last long without refrigeration. Emergency eating lasts longer and it remains delicious and nutritious throughout its life period.Look for an emergency maker for survival food supplies. Find packed meal on the web and get the eat packets delivered home as soon as possible. You might need calculating the amount of food that you need to store. Find a food calculator on the website and determine the amount of meal you need to store. You would find a food calculator at every emergency food maker's website.

After getting the meals packets delivered at your home, you need to store the packets at a convenient place where you can access the packets as and when required. Second thing is keeping track of stored. Consume the meal before it expires so that you can save your investment from going waste. Contact an emergency eat maker for survival food supplies today.With survival food supplies, you can make sure that your family doesn't start in case there is an emergency like flood or terror attack. Stocking food for a couple of weeks won't cost you much but it would give you peace of mind forever. Investing in emergency food would provide you an opportunity to enjoy quick friendly gatherings without worrying about food and drinks. The best part of the emergency fooding is that it is available in different flavors and varieties.

Forsberg Larry has been associated with the companies which primary deal in supplying the highest quality, lowest priced Freeze Dried Foods. The author has also been a famous cook.For More Information Please Visit Survival Food Supplies and Emergencies Preparednesss.
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Why Could It Be Beneficial To Learn New Culinary Art Techniques With Cooking?

Art of food preparation can be one of the classical methods to impress guests, friends, family members and relatives. Those, who are able to prepare delicacies to satisfy the palates of people, will realist that this is the door to a compliment filled evening. One would also be able to prepare difficult recipes with extreme ease by going through the various cooking lesson plans. It is not a new concept for people to go for learning culinary skills. Since ages now, people have learnt the art, from older generations and have practiced it to themselves become established chefs. Both men and women have come up with quick easy meal ideas to become well known culinary experts.

But the modern day scenario presents plenty of opportunities to those interested to learn new culinary art techniques. There are few culinary art universities, where the subject matter revolves around the art of cooking. It includes everything from learning to handle the crockery and knives to the mixing of different ingredients. Gradually, these subjects are being incorporated as full time courses in universities, so that interested students can learn new culinary art techniques.

Learning culinary art is not at all a difficult subject for those who are inclined towards cooking and love dabbling in the preparation of food items. Not only has it been their hobbies but they have an inclination towards the skills which is usually manifested as quick easy meal ideas. To further polish their skills, people can go for the full time culinary art universities and the courses. By doing so, they can have the knowledge of how to mix various items and what should be the right techniques of preparations.

Apart from the proper procedures of cooking, learners are able to get cooking lesson plans. They can be trained in the preparations of various types of cuisine, ranging from Greek food recipes to continental delicacies. There are exclusive classes organised about the culture and custom of food in different civilizations and continents. Any special flavors that are found in different countries are also taught in these courses. The whole experience of these courses is sufficient to instill new ideas in the minds of the learners. After the course is over, one can become well equipped to try various recipes by self. Since they have the knowledge of food items of different types, their combination is rational and also sure to be appealing.

Lot of people are nowadays choosing chef and culinary art as full time careers. Plenty of chefs have gained fame through various books and shows and have established their unique recipes. It seems that when they learn new culinary art techniques, anything they prepare becomes an item to be tasted. Even if they have prepared easy finger food recipes, then also it would be tasty and appealing. Due to the polishing of the knowledge of cooking and understanding the finer points while preparing delicacies, people are able to create interesting dishes. On serving these palate titillating delicacies, others are also full of praises and this gives a boost to the skills of the person. It establishes the name of the person in the society and many great chefs have emerged as a consequence of hard work, interest for cooking and the teachings in culinary art universities.

Krishna Kumar Singh Photo Goodcookingtoday is a distinguished site and is better than any other cooking websites and addresses all the needs regarding the culinary marvels. It provides a wide range of recipes like easy finger food recipes, quick easy meal ideas , greek food recipes to learn new culinary art techniques .
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Appetizers That Will Make Them Beg For The Recipes

The Internet is replete with umpteen fashionable appetizer recipes. Not all of them are easy to make. Yet, while throwing a buffet lunch for your friends you cannot but think of easy appetizers: appetizers that will make your guests drool for the main course. In this article let's discuss about certain things that you should keep in mind while planning for your appetizers and we will also share with you some cool appetizer recipes.

Every party has a theme. Your menu becomes truly fashionable when your theme gets reflected into your appetizers. For instance, wouldn't it be trendy if you choose Mexican appetizers for a carnival-type gathering or Caribbean-style appetizers for a tropical party? After you have decided upon your appetizer recipes, you should be ready to experiment a bit. This will add a touch of uniqueness to your easy appetizers. You should not ignore the accompaniments of your appetizers either. For example, in a wine tasting party, you should serve appetizers that compliment your wine. Again, if you have arranged a heavy main course, your appetizers shouldn't be too heavy and shouldn't use ingredients from your main course either. Before I share with you some cool appetizer recipes, let's look at the classifications under which appetizers fall. The first classification is easy appetizers - appetizers that are easy to make and are not much complicated from the standpoint of ingredients.

The second category is healthy appetizers. These appetizers highlight the health factor (mostly comprising of veggie ingredients). The third category is cheap appetizers, appetizers that appeal to people who can't afford to buy costly ingredients.

The last category is choicest appetizers - appetizers that are fashionable, not too difficult to make, yet appeal to guests near and afar. They might be a bit costly to make but the taste is really awesome! Now let us share some cool, fashionable appetizer recipes.

Let's begin with All Natural Tahini Chocolate Shake. This appetizer is rich in protein and energy though without any added sugar.

You will need frozen banana; 2 tbsp (30 mL) good quality tahini; 3/4 cup (175 mL) water; 1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla; and 1 tbsp (15 mL) cocoa powder. Now place all these ingredients in blender, blend well, and serve immediately.

Next, let's learn how to make Apple and Swiss Pizza.

You will need: 3 tbsp (45 mL) pizza sauce; 5 tbsp (75 mL) apple sauce; Salt and freshly ground pepper; 1-16" pizza crust (40 cm), pre-baked; 1 small red onion, minced; 1/2 lb (225 g) Canadian Swiss cheese, grated; 2 tbsp (30 mL) fresh chopped parsley; 2 tbsp (30 mL) olive oil; 2 tsp (10 mL) cider vinegar; 1 apple, diced; and 2 cups (500 mL) baby spinach cut into strips. First combine pizza sauce with apple sauce and season them. Next, spread out the pizza crust and use the minced onion for garnishing. Mix parsley with cheese and sprinkle the mix over pizza. Bake the pizza on the middle oven rack for about 5-7 minutes until the cheese turns golden. You may serve immediately or let it cool for a while before serving. Cutting into bite-sized pieces is a good idea. You add color and flavor to this appetizer by the following step. Mix olive oil and vinegar. Add apples and spinach, season them and toss well. Spread this yummy paste atop chilled pizza pieces or as a side dish for dipping.

The last of our fashionable appetizer recipes today is Baked Egg Rolls.

You will need 1 lb (454 g) lean ground pork; 3 green onions, minced; 2 minced cloves of garlic; 1 carrot, grated; 1/2 cup (125 mL) chopped water chestnuts; 2 tbsp (30 mL) soy sauce; 1 tbsp (15 mL) cornstarch; 1 tsp (5 mL) sesame oil; 1/2 tsp (2 mL) pepper; 12 large (5 1/2 inch/13 cm) egg roll wrappers; and 1 tsp (5 mL) vegetable oil. In non-sticky cookware, cook pork over medium heat until no longer pink for about 5 minutes. Now drain off the fat. Add onions, garlic, carrot and water chestnuts. Cook further over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Take a small bowl and whisk together soy sauce, cornstarch, 1 tbsp water, sesame oil, and pepper. Pour the mix into a pan and toss well. Let the mix cool down a bit. Now you need to prepare the rolls. Make 1 roll at a time. Place wrapper, brush it with water, and put the pork-mixture leaving about ½ inch (1 cm) border on all sides. Roll the wrapper and pinch ends to seal. Brush the wrap with oil and bake in oven at a temperature of 375? F (190? C) for 20 minutes until the roll turns golden and crisp. To add extra zing to your rolls, serve them with plum sauce and salad.

These appetizers are something that will truly be memorable. Use these recipes and enjoy them and fee free to come and visit us for more appetizers, or dinner recipes at
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Galangal - A Pungent Relative of Ginger

Galangal or galanga rhizome goes by many names as well as scientific names. There is a greater galangal and a lesser galangal. The formal title for the plant used most for cooking is Alpinia officinarum. It looks very much like ginger root and is related to ginger, but there the similarity ends. It is a rhizome, or underground stem. It is sharper and hotter and more like mustard than ginger. It is one thing that gives Thai cooking some of its heat. Another galangal is perhaps used more often as an herbal medicine by the same Asian cultures. This variety looks far different with long fingerlike roots.

The plant grows in East and Southeast Asia, and also in the East Himalayas and South India. It is used in most of the Asian cultures and was once commonly found exported to Europe. As there are various kinds of galangal, some countries use one variety and other countries another. China uses a different type of than Thailand, for example. The Polish use it to flavor vodka and the Russians still use it to flavor vinegar and some liqueurs. The oil produced from galangal is common in India. A common Southeast Asian use for is making a paste with the root along with shallots, garlic and chiles. This paste is used to flavor seafood or meat curries.

If interested in planting galangal, and you live in a frost free climate, choose a well formed and fresh healthy rhizome, and plant it in well conditioned soil. Allow plenty of room, as once established, galangal gets quite large and grows to about 5 feet tall. The plant has long dark green, spear shaped leaves and white, pink or lavender sweetly scented flowers that strongly resemble irises. It can be grown as an ornamental plant. Once well established, to harvest the rhizome, uproot a section and cut it free.

Galangal root is of harder fiber than ginger and will require a sharp knife to cut. The inside is also much more creamy white than ginger. If using fresh galangal, find a young root, as they toughen with age. Pounding the root helps to release more of its flavors. Its strong flavors blend well with the use of coconut milk, such as in coconut based soups. If using fresh, uncooked root in a hot and sour salad for example, slice the root extremely thinly as it is intensely aromatic and pungent.

As fresh galangal is not available in many places, the alternative is the dried or powdered variety. Dried galangal has a muskier and rootier flavor than the sharp bite of the fresh root. Once ground, it loses flavor easily, as with most ground spices. It is used in some Indian dishes, and sometimes in the spice mixture called Ras el Hanout from East Africa.

It is also used as an herbal medicine much like ginger, for stomach ailments, indigestion and stimulating the release of gastric juices to aid digestion. It is said to be antispasmodic and antibacterial and like ginger, to aid in seasickness.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it was informative and helped you along your own culinary journey. You will find many more recipes and helpful tips on my web site. I am on Facebook at A Harmony of Flavors and share a recipe or tip each day to the fans that have liked my site. I hope to see you there soon.

Chris Rawstern Photo My name is Chris Rawstern and I have been on a cooking and baking journey for 42 years. Many people have asked what A Harmony of Flavors means. Have you ever had a meal where the visual presentation was stunning, the smells were incredible, the taste was so remarkable that you ate slowly savoring every bite, wishing the experience would never end? Then you have experienced what a truly harmonious meal can be like. My passion is to teach people how to create a Harmony of Flavors with their cooking, and help pass along my love and joy of food, both simple and exotic, plain or fancy. I continue my journey in ethnic and domestic cuisines, trying new things. I would love to hear from you, to help me continue my journey to explore diverse culinary experiences and hopefully to start you on a journey of your own. Visit my Web site my Blog my Marketplace or Facebook page A Harmony of Flavors
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Enjoying The Diverse Foods of Guatemala

When I married and moved to Guatemala, I had little experience in the kitchen. My culinary expertise at age 20 covered making coleslaw from scratch, making wieners with canned beans and cheese over top as a casserole, and making a cake from box. I was ill prepared for all I had to learn, as the quality of boxed or canned goods in Guatemala was poor and the selection extremely limited.

First Encounters, Black Beans and Tamales

The first time I went to Guatemala was at Christmas with my Dad. I was to marry the following spring, and he wanted to meet the family and see the country I was moving to. One of the first foods I encountered was black beans. They were pureed. I had never seen pureed beans of any kind before, and I had no idea what these were. They tasted good, and I continued on. At Christmas in Guatemala tamales are an absolute must. Tamales Rojos y Colorados, two kinds mainly seen at the holidays are a savory variety and a sweet variety. Either kind had many flavors that were unusual to me and it took time to become accustomed. Once I did I learned to make them, a long process but rewarding.

Corn Tortillas from Scratch

Another food that was present at every meal was tortillas. In Guatemala they were corn tortillas, made from scratch, by hand at each meal. The smell of corn tortillas baking on the comal is one I will never forget, and one I crave to this day. There is nothing remotely like the real tortillas patted out by hand and baked. The corn tortillas one finds in the stores here are a very poor substitute.

The Lowly Radish, Exalted

Radishes were one vegetable that my Dad grew in his garden and I grew up with them around, though I never cared for them. When presented with a bowl of something pinkish one lunchtime, I had no idea the dish was a radish salad, or Picado de Rabano. I tried it with trepidation, but found that prepared this way it was really delicious. Some days it was prepared as a side dish, but some days it was made into a main course by adding in chopped roast beef in equal parts to the radishes. The use of mint in a dish such as this was extremely strange to me, yet the mint really makes the dish.


One meal I have never managed to make to my satisfaction is Hilachas. Literally called Rags, in many places in the US now we find a similar dish called Ropa Vieja, or Old Clothes. It is a stew made with a roast beef that has been cooked and then shredded into strings, and thus the name. It is mixed into a sauce with a tomato base and usually served with rice and of course, tortillas.

The Versatile Plantain

Plantains are another food I had never encountered, and I found out how many ways they are used. Slightly green and cooked in plain water, they are a side dish used like a vegetable. There is little sweetness this way and that works well. If allowed to ripen more, and cooked in water, they have a sweetness present that the greener variety lack, and they can be used either as a side dish or as a dessert. At times the ripe plantains are just fried. They are delicious just plain, or sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, or topped with cream. Plantains are made into a dessert called Rellenitos, or Filled Plantains. The plantains are cooked, then mashed. A little sugar and cinnamon are added. Separately the pureed black beans are cooked until they become a thick paste, and teaspoons of the beans are encased in a portion of the mashed plantains, which are then fried and sprinkled with sugar. These are a particular favorite. Another way plantains are used is in a mole sauce. Mole is a sauce made with unusual ingredients, such as tomatoes, tomatillos, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, cinnamon and chocolate. This is all ground together into a gravy type sauce and sweetened. The plantains are fried and added to the sauce. I make this dessert, still.

Stuffed Peppers Guatemalan Style

Stuffed peppers in Guatemala are a treat like no other. Generally using a mildly hot pepper like Poblano, the filling is a mixture of ground meat with vegetables that have been cooked and pickled separately, then mixed together. They are stuffed into the pepper, which is generally left with the stem on. The whole pepper is dipped into an egg batter and then fried. These are served with tortillas and a light tomato based sauce. The first time I was served a Chile Relleno, was between two tortillas with the sauce spilling out from the edges. It was sublime.

These are just a few of the many wonderful foods I learned to love while living in a foreign country. My advice to anyone traveling abroad is to keep an open mind and be willing to try new things. This is what makes traveling a wonderful experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it was informative and helped you along your own culinary journey. You will find many more recipes and helpful tips on my web site. I am on Facebook at A Harmony of Flavors and share a recipe or tip each day to the fans that have liked my site. I hope to see you there soon.

Chris Rawstern Photo My name is Chris Rawstern and I have been on a cooking and baking journey for 42 years. Many people have asked what A Harmony of Flavors means. Have you ever had a meal where the visual presentation was stunning, the smells were incredible, the taste was so remarkable that you ate slowly savoring every bite, wishing the experience would never end? Then you have experienced what a truly harmonious meal can be like. My passion is to teach people how to create a Harmony of Flavors with their cooking, and help pass along my love and joy of food, both simple and exotic, plain or fancy. I continue my journey in ethnic and domestic cuisines, trying new things. I would love to hear from you, to help me continue my journey to explore diverse culinary experiences and hopefully to start you on a journey of your own. Visit my Web site my Blog my Marketplace or Facebook page A Harmony of Flavors
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Pig Roasting Tips and Necessities

Although each and every person holds a passion for cooking, not everyone has the expertise required for it. Some old cook books, and at the present time the internet, provides people with various recipes. These include all sorts of recipes, methods and even tips on pig roasting. However, every book has a different technique on how to cook a pig.

Tips on Pig Roasting

Cooking a whole hog is an extremely challenging task. Therefore, the person willing to cook a whole pig should be keen to do a lot of work and should have an ample amount of time as well. There are no particular sets of tips to guide people on how to do a hog roast. As every pig, every recipe, and every pit on which the meat is cooked is entirely different. Hence, every time an individual cooks a hog roast, the taste will be entirely different depending on the ingredients and the cooking tools used.

Roasting Pigs

There are no particular instructions or procedure specifically for roasting a pig. Various countries have a specifically uniquely defined methodology for that. Each culture tradition of cooking a hog has its own distinctive and a delicious flavoring style.

Some examples are the Cuban style, Hawaiian style, Filipino style, and many others. However, with the passage of time, some modifications have been done to the original recipe to further enhance the taste. Nevertheless, as this job is not an easy one, it is essential that an individual who needs some advice on how to cook a pig gets assistance from a professional in order to ensure that the pig will be prepared correctly. Individuals can also opt for their own marinating methods if it can bring out more taste.

Necessities of Pig Roasting

Roasted hog is a dish that is prepared on all sorts of occasions for celebrations. These can be done on various occasions such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, and so on has been completely engrossed within different cultures of the world, especially the American culture. However, before opting for Pig Roasting, individuals should decide on certain things.

-First and foremost, the number of people for whom the meat is being roasted should be decided. When doing so, the number of people should be more otherwise the roast would go to waste or your guests may still end up being hungry.

-Furthermore, before preparing to roast the pig, the individual should also check whether the equipment, such as roasting tools and kits, needed for cooking are available or not. Without the proper tools, cooking an entire pig will not be possible.

-You can opt to cook the hog in a pit. You can dig a whole, place some hollow blocks around it and surround it with coals.

-You can also roast it in an oil drum.

-The most convenient way of pig roasting is to use a roasting box that will save you both time and money. The meat turns out to be more delicious and succulent.

You don't need to spend the whole day roasting your hog. With your very own La Caja China roaster, pig roasting is made more convenient in 4 hours! Visit today and download their free eBook on cooking a pig.
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Supper Foods-what Makes Your Cooking Smart?

In many countries of the world including US, the largest meal is considered to be the night time meal and this night time meal is termed as supper. Whether it's the supper foods or any other food taken at any time during a day, what really matters is the nutritional values of such food as a human body requires a blend of various minerals, fibers, proteins and multivitamins as its diet which if taken regularly ensures a good health and a vibrant life. There are various factors which one needs to consider while cooking supper foods as it is normally something which the whole family loves to enjoy thoroughly. For making your supper ready well before the whole family or your loved ones join you on the table, you need to plan the preparations as you need to know the preparation techniques which can make a recipe be prepared in lesser time. Always prepare the cut vegetables well before time because cutting normally consumes a long time and especially when you have a big family for which large proportions need to be cut.

Now let's just give a look into few ideas for supper foods or meals that are not only delicious but are also high on the nutritional values. A steamed fish which is fully cooked can be prepared in about 10 minutes with your home bamboo steamer made of stainless steel. Marinate the fish fillet that you have and then place it in your steamer along with some sliced vegetables such as carrots, broccoli and some shredded cabbage. Just let the ingredients face the steam for six minutes and then you have a delicious steamed food which does not only possess the Vitamin D of the fish but also contains the carbohydrates, essentials oils and iron of the vegetables.

The exposition is not to give you different recipes but is also very much targeted to induce you with the very idea of how you need to take your supper foods seriously because after the whole hectic day of hard work, one really need to catch on the energy and the refreshing catalysts that nature has bestowed upon us in the form of food. Now eggs make a tremendously delicious, energizing and easy to make supper which can be utilized for coming up with a variety of recipes. Avoid the extra cholesterol that is found in the yolk by using a single yolk along with the whites of other eggs. Now you can make them even high on nutritional attributes by just adding different fresh vegetables and try to use some non sticky pan. Also try to cut short on the high fats and calories that you induce in them when you fry them in butter. Cheese can also be added to make the variety even more delicious and all of this can be prepared without having to expense much of your time. So remember that smart supper foods ideas should not only comprise of the easy procedures but should include items which really give your body the natural care and growth.

I have 5 year experience of writing articles about health related issues and products my expertise are herbal supplements and vitamins this article is all about supper foods if you want to know more about natural herbal products visit this website
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Various Uses For Food For Survival

Do you need storing food for survival at home? Everyone needs to store meal for use in emergent times. You should take some lessons from the survivors of flood and other natural calamities. Every year millions of people brave the wrath of nature. Newspaper reports tell that people survived natural calamities with the help of emergency food distributed by social organizations.Storing this meal doesn't require specific arrangements like refrigeration or heating. Another advantage of this meal is that it doesn't require any formal preparation for eating. It is kept ready to eat and you can consume meal directly from the packing. Just open a pack and start taking the meal. But you have to consume the entire content of a packing as once opened the meal can't be packed again.

Emergency food lasts long and it retains it nutritional value and taste till last day. Each packed comes with a date of expiry and the packed should be consumed before it reaches its date of expiry. It is the responsibility of the user to take stock of the stored food and keep his stock fresh. If the user faces no emergency then he should consume the packed at home to save his investment.For emergency is prepared with a special process as regular cooking process can't make the meal long lasting. There is a big difference between preparing emergency meal and regular food items. Former is prepared for use in unfriendly situations while latter is cooked for daily consumption. But emergency is more nutritious and delicious than your home cooked meal. It is for this reason you can use food for survival during normal time.

When you need to consume food for survival, you can choose occasions like weekend, holiday and vacation for consuming the emergency. You need to clear the stock before it expires and you can't wait for an emergency to happen to consume the stocked meal. In this situation, you can find opportunities in your daily life.When you are tired and are in no position to use the kitchen, you can use the stocked food and go to bed. Food for survival is suitable for all, it digests easily and it doesn't create any gastro problem. Since you don't need to prepare, you can have ample time to rest and relax after having the meal. Consider keeping emergency food at home, if you are not using any packed food.

Daniel Carlson has been associated with the companies which primary deal in supplying the highest quality, lowest priced Freeze Dried Foods. The author has also been a famous cook.For More Information Please Visit Food for Survival and Freeze Dry Meals.
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Just What Exactly Should I Have For Dinner?

The issue we consult ourselves all the time when the 3PM effort slow-down hits. It is usually predictable for people who are single or perhaps have a home and it is the one that everyone regularly fights with. First of all, you need to start with wondering to yourself if you would like get out to dinner or just eat in. Should you don't answer your-self with 'out to dinner' or perhaps 'leftovers', this web site is perfect for you.

This short article is designed to supply a reason for an excellent thought process on figuring out what you need to have for supper, on the other hand there are numerous additional techniques you can utilize to figure out dinner time. We will take care of those in up coming writings, yet at this point we are going to give attention to beginning thinking process. I breakdown my feelings into a couple of primary categories: Will I be going to the store for ingredients or simply take advantage of the things I had in our house. Reviewing my kitchen at this point I find a suitable avocado on the counter-top, as a result I think Mexican! In many cases you could start the procedure by discovering random products to ignite your opportunities. Carrying the avocado, I create guacamole which is often as fundamental as mashing the avocado as well as difficult as incorporating salt, pepper, cumin, pure lime juice, garden-fresh cilantro, sour cream, chopped tomatoes together with dried onion. From time to time I merely plop a bit of store bought salsa on it and then blend.

Tortillas, cheese, possibly a bit of canned black as well as refried beans, sour cream, the guacamole as well as shredded lettuce and then there you get burritos. Replace corn chips for tortillas you now get nachos. Leave the guacamole and in addition sour cream for toppings at the coffee table, roll ingredients into tortillas as well as top with salsa/enchilada sauce including cheese, bake and you get enchiladas! As I check out the supermarket, I search by ethnic ingredients for instance Mexican like outlined above, this places my frame of thought to obtain a thought for ingredients or perhaps food categories. If perhaps you're thinking about Asian food choose vegetables, meat/chicken/soy protein, teriyaki sauce (I use Yoshida's original sauce from Costco/Sam's) onion, for spicier I utilize green curry paste, at times including canned coconut milk. For Italian you are able to whip anything up with pasta, cheese, spaghetti sauce, meat/protein, vegetables, a loaf of bread, as well as salad. Lastly, in the event that its summertime you may get a few terrific options for yard cooking for example grilling as well as salad, whereas wintertime recommends soups in addition to stews.

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Where is The Need For Survival Food Storage?

Have you ever thought about people stuck in flood water or in a civil war? Do you ever think how these people survive the tough time? It is certainly horrifying to think of such a situation, where you have to remain under house rest for long time. People living in areas that often become of fury of nature rely on survival food storage.Special food items that can last long without losing their taste and nutritional value are included in survival food storage. Available in packing of different quantities, these items can meet individual needs. Since this ready-to-eat meal is available on the web, people can buy fresh stock of food as and when required. Packed items come with a date of expiry hence they can be stored for a certain time period beyond which they become useless.

Stocking emergency food is a technical matter. You would stock packets containing ready-to-eat meal and you would keep record of the stocked food so that your investment doesn't go waste. Buy packets that are suitable to provide you enough food for a couple of weeks and use the packets before they achieve their expiry date.Emergency food is different from home cooked meal in two respects. First former is tastier than latter. Second is former has more nutritional value than latter. But the greatest different between the two is former can be kept ready-to-eat for long time while latter needs to be consumed within a few hours of preparation.

With survival food storage, you can have peace of mind. If you happen to meet an emergency, you can use the stocked meal and in this way save your life. If there is no emergency, you can consume the stocked meal and in this way save your time and money. Meal for emergency use is made ready-to-eat. These food items are supplied to defense persons guarding the borders. Mountaineers, hikers, hunters and campers also take this meal when going out for adventure.For survival food storage, you don't need to make special arrangements at home as the packed meal can be stored at any convenient place where you can access the meal in a hassle free manner. Stock the packets that you can use one at a time because once opened, the meal would come into contact with external elements and the external elements would spoil the entire content of the packing within a few hours.

Forsberg Larry has been associated with the companies which primary deal in supplying the highest quality, lowest priced Freeze Dried Foods. The author has also been a famous cook.For More Information Please Visit Survival Food Storage and Canned Meats.
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Fruit Tart from Larissa Choma

Hi there, I am Larissa Choma. Every week, I uncover excellent tasty recipes that are easy to make. People love having simple along with nutritious quality recipes that could be served in numerous occasions. Attempt this Fruit Tart recipe for the next celebration where a simple treat would fit right into the actual offering.

Larissa Choma feels that fruits form a fundamental element of our own life and need to be incorporated within our eating habits to make sure that your body gets a full doze of vitamins along with other necessary minerals.

Fruit Tart Biscuit Recipe


Refrigerated sugar-cookie dough, one-half of the 20-ounce roll

Neufchatel - mild cream cheese - 4 ounces

Sour cream - ¼ cup - employ reduced fat sour cream, when wanted

Sugar - 2 tsp

Fruit - strawberries, blueberries, peaches or perhaps green and red grapes - use virtually any combination which will be pretty and tasty


Study all of the instructions before beginning the particular preparing methods.

Pan - The nine-inch spring cake pan is good for this specific recipe. The interior ought to be ungreased for the reason that cookie dough has adequate butter.

Oven - Pre-heat the oven to three hundred and fifty degrees.

Develop Crust - The cookie dough will propagate in to the pan easier when it is room temperature. Spread the dough in to the ungreased pan. Chill the dough for 30 minutes to lower the temperature and cause it to bake not so quick.

Bake Crust - Put the cake pan upon the actual oven rack in the middle position. Bake the crust for 12 to 14 minutes till a golden brown color appears. Allow the crust to chill for 5 minutes.

Prepare the actual Tart -

Take off the brown crust area from the cake pan and place it on a stand in order to complete cooling entirely.Blend the actual cream cheese, sugar along with sour cream in a compact blending bowl. Stir till combined smooth.Move the cookie crust to a serving plate.Spread out the cream cheese "sauce" mixture across the total surface of the brown crust area. Abandon one-half inch across the border.Arrange the particular fresh fruit with a desirable routine into the brown crust area.Put the tart in the refrigerator for up to two hours just before serving.Slice just like a pizza to serve. Slices could be diversified to accommodate more friends.

Fruit that could be in season is suitable for this particular tart. Narrow slices make certain that the tart is similar to a pizza. Permit the fruit to stand for a few minutes to permit the juice to drain.

Every time this attractive tart is actually served, use distinctive fresh fruit blends. Fruit is welcome in almost any season! Prefer the exotic fruits that people do not eat every day.

Making youngsters consume fruits is virtually a hard activity. Not anymore with this particular fruit tart. They will likely like it anyhow and you will simply replenish their diet program with all necessary nutrient elements that are meant for their over-all progress. Packaging a fruit tart for lunch according to Larissa Choma will make your children jump with pleasure due to its yummy style.

This specific fruit tart will be a conversation starter. Men and women will essentially value your culinary skills and would really like to have something more from your kitchen area.

To know more about Larissa Choma and to avail her services feel to contact her at -

Article Source -

Larisa Choma generally writes articles on various cooking tips and recipes while cooking healthy food. Larisa Choma is a well known cookery writers in Canada. Her recipes, based on various types of dishes from around the world are full of original ideas and are loved by many people of all generations.
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How to make Quick and Healthy Gluten Free Recipes?

Gluten is a protein component that is found in wheat flour and is responsible for the chewy feel of the flour made delicacies. It is a component that helps the wheat related products like the barley and rye rise and put the end products in shape. It is also responsible for holding the bread or any other dough made food is compact. Gluten free foods are those foods that don't have this component and which give similar end products as those with the component. In looking for the foods that don't contain gluten and which can't give serious lesions and intestine complications to those people affected by the same, you will need to consider the following tips:

1. You should not knead the gluten free dough because the xantham gum is used and kneading the dough only makes it tough.

2. It is important to let the dough rise before putting it in the oven. Around 20 minutes will be ok. Always take note to let the dough over rise because once in the oven, it will develop a lot of airbags.

3. Always try the recipe time and again. You can always try a new substitute to make your own recipe. It is the trying with the tested gluten free ingredients that will give you the desired results.

4. Indian recipes are known to come free of this compound and will always give exotically delicious meals. Combined with the hotness, these are worth recipes to try out.

5. After cooking these foods, ensure that they are covered well. They are known to lose a lot of moisture in a very short span of time.

6. If baking a cake or anything that is cake related, it is good to let it sit frosting or just glazing it for some time. This softens the cake and thus accentuating its sweet taste.

7. When it comes to cooking essentials, always ensure that you have taken note of whatever ingredients and modifications that you have done. This helps in knowing the ingredients to use in future and what modifications to do then.

8. To make the bread pliable and soft and also full of the original intended savoury taste, avoid eating gluten free bread or product cold. Always warm the bread.

9. In order to have the best results with this flour when making things like pizza, always spread the dough with a spatula to avoid making it rise.

10. Following the instructions is critical in making the bread. Low temperatures will make the bread turn out gritty and very dry.

Paul Mason is the author who writes about Gluten Free Recipes. While there, check out all of the Gluten Free Recipes and find the largest selection of Cooking Essentials.
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New Dog in the House - Tips and Rules for Welcoming an Adopted Adult Dog into Your Home

New Dog in the House – Adopting an Adult Dog

New dogs come to us in many ways. Sometimes we have the luxury of preparation, sometimes they literally show up on our doorstep. One of the best dogs I ever owned was nearly named Pumpkin. One bright fall day my husband and I went out to get a jack-o’-lantern and came home with a terrified shepherd mix. We never did get the pumpkin.

Your new dog may be adopted from one of many excellent Georgia or South Carolina shelters or foster groups such as Coastal Pet Rescue. They may be the dog of a friend or relative who can no longer care for their pet; they may have simply been found, hungry and alone. It does not matter; they are now your dog.

Our first mission is to acquire appropriate things for our canine companion.

Necessary things for a New Dog

1. Food. Preferably good quality, grain free kibble. Grain, especially corn, is not digested by dogs. It increases stool volume without adding nutrition. Good food is not as expensive as it seems, because you feed less per meal. If your dog is malnourished multiple small meals will sit more easily on the stomach than one or two huge meals a day. It may take a dog’s stomach several weeks to adjust to a new food. Once you have things working well, don’t be in a hurry to change.

2. Water and food bowls, and a designated, quiet place for meals. Get bowls your dog can’t chew up or move around and something that’s easy to clean. I like big water bowls that I only need to fill once or twice a day.

3. Chew toys, especially for adolescent dogs and bully breeds. These dogs need to chew and they will chew something. If you don’t give them appropriate chew objects they will find something inappropriate. Give them their new toy and let them enjoy it in a quiet place. Don’t play any ‘will the dog let me take his food and toys’ games with a brand new dog. It is potentially dangerous and breaks down trust between dog and human. That nylabone may be the first thing your older dog has ever owned, and he may be terrified at the prospect of having it taken. Let the dog settle into your home for several weeks before you consider removing valuable objects or food. Children never, ever, take anything from a dog and always allow them to eat and sleep in peace. Children need to call an adult if the dog has taken something inappropriate. Be sure your young ones and their visitors are very clear on this rule.

4. No-Chew spray. There are many brands, Phooey, Bitter Apple, etc. They are all a little different, if one does not work, try another. You can spray your furniture, kitchen cabinets and your clothing. I spray flip flops and sneakers, and leave them around the house. “Oh, ick! Sneakers taste awful!”

5. Gates and Crates to keep your dog in limited areas in your home - Too much freedom too fast will undermine every civilized behavior you want your dog to learn.

6. A good leash and properly fitted collar or harness. Be SURE your dog cannot back out of their equipment, which may be how your new dog came to be a stray in the first place.

7. A clean bill of health. Your dog must be current on rabies and distemper. If your dog comes from a shelter or rescue get their shot and vet records. If your dog simply ‘came to you’ then take them to the vet to be checked for heartworm and inoculated for rabies and distemper. Speak to the vet about spay or neutering your new dog. A good heartworm prevention program is essential, especially in the South.

I’ve got the stuff, I’ve got a dog…. Now What?

Now the interesting part begins. Every dog is an individual. Some are sensitive, some are shy, and some dogs are the life of the party. Many dogs in a new environment are naturally reserved. Their true personality can take months to surface. Your job is to show your dog what is expected in your home. Be consistent, be fair, and stay calm. Do not allow your new dog to be overwhelmed the first few days. Keep things quiet and let your dog ask for attention, don’t force it on them.

1. Reinforcing Good Behavior - More important than correcting bad behavior, is reinforcing good behavior. I keep a handful of Cheerios in my pockets when I have a new dog. If I catch them doing something good I praise them, using their name, and toss them a Cheerio. “Sparky, good boy!” Rewardable behavior may be as simple as laying quietly on the floor or as earthshakingly awesome as going to the door when they need to potty. The key to training a dog to do anything is, You Get What you Reward. Be careful of unintentional rewards. A dog who craves attention is rewarded for jumping when people push them away and speak to them, even if the words are “Stop jumping on me!” To an energetic dog this can seem like a delightful game. If your dog craves attention, simply walk away from them when they jump. If they sit politely be sure to stop and acknowledge the good behavior, you will get more of it. Use positive reinforcement to teach behaviors such as ‘come, sit, and down’.

2. Rules – Your dog needs consistent, fair rules. Have a family meeting. Is your dog allowed on the furniture? Are they allowed upstairs? Where does your dog sleep? Everyone needs to agree on the rules. Start by allowing a new dog less freedom. It is easier to let Duchess on the sofa after you’ve had her a year than to teach her that sleeping on the sofa, which was okay yesterday, is not allowed now. Remember, if you let Duchess on the sofa when you watch TV, she will get on the sofa when she is wet, or when you have parties. If you let Duchess jump on you and your friends, she will jump on your grandmother. The rules are yours, choose them wisely.

3. Exercise is key. The majority of homeless dogs are adolescents or young adults, past the point of being puppy-cute and not yet arrived at steady adulthood. This is when most dogs are brought to shelters or abandon. We spend a lot of effort keeping our adolescent children busy, sports, camp, school, church groups; it keeps them out of trouble. The same is true for young dogs. Dogs do not self-exercise. A dog alone in the back yard is likely to either sleep, saving energy for when you return, or practice things you don’t want them to learn, barking, digging, and eating things they find laying around. Exercise your dog. A walk is not exercise. Play ball, swimming, hike, jog with your dog, get them running. Schedule a minimum of two or three 20 minute sessions a day of vigorous exercise for an adolescent dog. A tired dog is a good dog. A dog without an energy outlet is like a bored teenager, they are going to get into trouble.

4. Barriers – Your dog needs to be kept in a safe, comfortable, and restricted environment when you are not supervising them. Crates or gated kitchens are perfect overnight or when you leave home. They are also a great help with house training. Bring your dog to their designated potty spot, on leash, as soon as you let them out of their area. Praise and treat them for eliminating in the appropriate place. Have an outdoor play session, then bring them inside and keep them where you can watch them. Allowing them to drag a leash inside your home when you are supervising is ideal. If they should put their head in the trash or get on a sofa you can calmly take the leash and move them away from the place they do not belong. You can also step on the leash using 30 second mini-time outs if your dog misbehaves. Simply step on the leash close enough to your dog’s collar that they cannot move about and totally ignore them for 30 seconds or until they are calm. Wearing their leash inside means you do not have to drag the dog by the collar if you need to move them. You don’t want your new dog to associate hands coming over their head and holding the collar with unpleasant things.

5. 12 Rules for New Dogs and Child Safety

Most dogs rapidly learn to love the children in their family. But until the bond is formed and you, as a parent are satisfied with your dog’s reliability, follow these rules and if you think something is wrong, trust your instincts and end the scenario that is making you unsure.

1. Children and dogs are supervised by an adult when together.

2. Children do not bother any dog, new or old, when they are eating or sleeping ever.

3. If a dog brings a toy or other object to the child and drops it the child can, with adult permission, play with the dog. Fetch is a great game for dogs, use two balls to keep it interesting.

4. The child does not touch objects while the dog has them in their mouth.

5. Some dogs are overly excited by fast motion; small children should not play running games with unfamiliar dogs.

6. Children do not lie on the floor with new dogs.

7. They do not put their faces next to the face of new dogs.

8. Do not let your child grab the dog’s collar to move them.

9. Children never follow a dog into a crate or under a table, chair, or other cave-like area. They never put any part of their body in a dog’s crate or bed. Every dog needs a place to rest undisturbed.

10. Have your children call the dog to them. If the dog does not move to the children it is asking for space. Respect that. Don’t let children mob a dog that needs is unsure or needs a break.

11. Hugging is a human display of affection, to a dog it is restraint and often perceived as a threat. No hugging.

12. Every new child who visits your home is an entirely new animal to your dog. Always supervise your dog when you have young visitors.


This seems like a lot to think about, but following these suggestions will help your dog become a loved, well adjusted family member.

DO join a well-run training class, or seek a qualified private trainer to help you teach your dog that listening to you is fun and rewarding.

DON’T use aggressive training techniques such dominance rolls, pokes, and other physical threats or punishment. Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and other universities have shown these techniques can backfire badly, frightening a dog to the point where they bite because they feel endangered.

If your new dog should do something which makes you nervous; perhaps you hear a low growl when you come near their bowl, or they stiffen and stare at you when you touch their collar, or seem furious when they see other dogs; end what is happening, back away, and contact a qualified professional dog trainer. Stopping a behavior early is easier than waiting until it is entrenched. You can find an excellent dog trainer in the Savannah, Georgia and Bluffton, South Carolina Areas. A good trainer should have experience and be happy to provide you with references, their qualifications and tell you what they will do to motivate your dog. Be careful where you get your advice.

If you want your dog to be a family member; you must treat them with the same love, fairness and respect you’d give to any other member of your family.

Claudia Black-Kalinsky, CPDT-Ka
Phone: 912-677-2861
Savannah, Georgia Dog Trainer
Bluffton and Hilton Head, South Carolina Dog Trainer

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