

It's Official...

Headlines today in our local paper read...

"Labrador Retriever named most popular dog in U.S."
...for the twentieth year in a row!
Second place goes to the German Shepard, Yorkshire Terry is third, Beagle is fourth and the Golden Retriever is ranked fifth. Congratulations to all those breeds!

However HoneyDew and Sampson feel there just may be a conspiracy going on due to press publication, and
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Ode to a Faithful Dog

Came across this poem on the internet and thought it would be fitting in light of the passing of one of our DOT friends;

Oh faithful dog, thou most blessed creature!That hath constant loyalty as thy finest feature.It seemeth to me most wondrous fair,To mark th'intelligence in thy thoughtful stare;
And to note the fiercenees in thine eagle eye,Which thy calm repose upon my hearth doth belie.Thy
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My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. ~Author Unknown

We would like to congratulate Amanda and Joe on the new addition to their family, Rocky, a pitbull puppy rescue from the shelter. Amanda says they just absolutely adore the little guy and that he is a very smart puppy with housebreaking and getting along well with two older cats in the home.

Also if you
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Happy New Year!

Ever wonder where you'd end up if you took your dog for a walk and never once pulled back on the leash? ~Robert Brault,

Happy howling New Year!

We are so excited to be starting out the New Year with all our Dogs on Thursday friends! Over the Holidays have been so busy and we have really missed out on catching up with everything, everyone has been upto.

I am not sure who
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