

Pets as Christmas Gifts

One of the most endearing commercials you will see at this time of year is the one with the little girl, dressed in the Christmassy red night gown, who rushes down the stairs Christmas morning to find the gift she has wished for with all of her heart. A very cute puppy in a basket wearing a big red bow.

While the wishing for such a gift may well be true (not to mention a great marketing
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A Dog Named Christmas

I have to say I am a big softy when it comes to Christmas movies. I know I have watched A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, and of Course A Charlie Brown Christmas probably more then a 100 times each.

I do not care for the remakes of A Christmas Story by the latest rising Hollywood star. Or any of the latest Hollywood spins on Christmas. In fact I was just commenting the other day that
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Thankful November...


You can't buy loyalty, they say
I bought it though, the other day;
You can't buy friendship, tried and true,
Well just the same, I bought that too.
I made my bid, and on the spot
Bought love and faith and a whole job lot
Of happiness, so all in all
The purchase price was pretty small.
I bought a single trusting heart,
That gave devotion from the start.
If you think these
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Puzzle site you may want to try...

99 Walk11Happy DOT's,
HoneyDew, Sampson, and Tina.

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Dog Days of Summer is a great source of information about this subject. What do you and your hounds do to avoid the heat but keep their interest up.

For HoneyDew, Sampson and I we take walks morning and/or evening, preferable in a well shaded area. Also one of their favorite treats is a ride in the car with the windows open and a stop at the local Tasty Freeze. Other than
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Arroooooooo! Calling all DOT's


Every evening as I'm laying here in bed
This tiny little prayer keeps running through my head
God bless my mom and dad and bless my little pup.
And look out for my brother when things aren't looking up
And God, there's one more thing I wish that you could do
Hope you don't mind me asking but please bless my computer too?
Now I know that's not normal to bless a mother board
But just listen
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Happy Dog 2
I’m a happy dog in a car
Hope we’re not going far
I walk up and down the back seat
At each corner I’m rocked off my feet
I’m a happy dog in a car

I’m a happy dog in a car
Zooming down miles of tar
Sniffing around everywhere
I know where we are by scents in the air
I’m a happy dog in a car

I’m a happy dog in a car
I’m feeling well above par
On the window I’m
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Wow, where did everyone go?

Sorry for the long hiatus! Life happens. And around here lots of life has been happening! HoneyDew, Sampson and I have missed you all and hope to catch up on all of your happenings real soon. We will be posting some spotlights on new pups who have found their forever homes, memorable milestones, and some rememberances soon.

I leave you with a cute pic from one of my favorite sites http://
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My Dog by Robert William Service

'Twas in a pub just off the Strand
When I was in my cups,There passed a bloke with in his handTwo tiny puling pups;And one was on me with a bound,Seeking to lick my face,And so I bought him for a poundAnd took him to my place.

Three acres by the shore I own,A hut, a pint wood;And there for fifteen years aloneHe shared my solitude.It was his own, his only world,
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Orangutan and the Hound

Orangutan and the Hound

Happy DOT's,
Tina, HoneyDew and Sampson too!

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A dog owns nothing, yet is seldom dissatisfied. ~ Irish Proverb

And Happy Dogs on Thursday!
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The things we do for our pups...

Ok, sharing time...What is some of the things you have done for your pups that your friends say "only a crazy dog person" about you?

Want to share your stories/pictures? Link In!

Happy Dot's you all,
Tina, HoneyDew and Sampson too!

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Whew what a month!

Whew, what a month!

I am so sorry about the non-posting but I have been under the weather, with a bad case of the flu that my hubby brought home with him after an archery trip. I told him I really prefer chocolates!

Anyway we hope you are all doing well and HoneyDew, Sampson and I can't wait to catch up with all of you!

Happy DOT's,

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Happy Valentines...

To all our furbuddies and their people...

Sending love your way for Valentines Day!
Another lesson we could learn from our pets. They shower us with unconditional love everyday, so to them every day is Valentines Day!
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All across the nation we have had some wild winter weather and it appears that we are in for another artic freeze in the next seven days (depending on where you are located, you may be experiencing this now!). Hang in there furbuddies, spring is on it's way, according to a local source in Puxatawney! But until then it might be a good idea for a refresher (and for some folks who don't usually have
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It's Official...

Headlines today in our local paper read...

"Labrador Retriever named most popular dog in U.S."
...for the twentieth year in a row!
Second place goes to the German Shepard, Yorkshire Terry is third, Beagle is fourth and the Golden Retriever is ranked fifth. Congratulations to all those breeds!

However HoneyDew and Sampson feel there just may be a conspiracy going on due to press publication, and
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Ode to a Faithful Dog

Came across this poem on the internet and thought it would be fitting in light of the passing of one of our DOT friends;

Oh faithful dog, thou most blessed creature!That hath constant loyalty as thy finest feature.It seemeth to me most wondrous fair,To mark th'intelligence in thy thoughtful stare;
And to note the fiercenees in thine eagle eye,Which thy calm repose upon my hearth doth belie.Thy
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My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. ~Author Unknown

We would like to congratulate Amanda and Joe on the new addition to their family, Rocky, a pitbull puppy rescue from the shelter. Amanda says they just absolutely adore the little guy and that he is a very smart puppy with housebreaking and getting along well with two older cats in the home.

Also if you
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Happy New Year!

Ever wonder where you'd end up if you took your dog for a walk and never once pulled back on the leash? ~Robert Brault,

Happy howling New Year!

We are so excited to be starting out the New Year with all our Dogs on Thursday friends! Over the Holidays have been so busy and we have really missed out on catching up with everything, everyone has been upto.

I am not sure who
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