

Going on Vacation...

Recently while planning our trip to see our son who lives in a different state than us, I came upon this link, Bring Fido.
I found this very helpful as not only did it list the hotels in the area that accepted dogs, but also gave the nightly rate, pet fee, pet amenities at the hotel, and information such as off leash dog parks, dog beaches, interesting places to visit with your dog as well as
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Rally Obedience or Rally-O is a fun new sport where dogs and handlers negotiate a course of signs than give them directions on a specific maneuver or exercise to perform. Rally is a lot of fun in that you can talk to your dog and encourage him all you want while in the ring. This is in contrast to formal obedience competition where you can only give a command one time and no talking to your dog
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Sorry this is late in the day...

...unfortunately my main computer is down with the flu, jk, actually it is at my computer guys who assures me it can be fixed. This also means that for today no pictures are available and that this will be a very short post as the computer that I am on is archaic and extremely slow.

HoneyDew and Sampson are away to a new groomer who opened her business at the beginning of our road and are having
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