

I went on vacation!

Hi everyone! Penny here, wishing everyone a happy Dogs on Thursday! Since we last barked, my family took me on vacation to Highlands, NC. We stayed in a wonderful pet friendly hotel.Here I am in my car seat... riding like a good girl. It was very interesting to be able to travel. The best thing about being in Highlands is that it was about 15 degrees cooler than where we live in Georgia. Wow
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Dogs are amazing...

Although this video was posted over a year ago, I hadn't seen it before this week and thought I would share it with you.

Wasn't it awesome?!

Happy Dog's on Thursday,
Tina, HoneyDew and Sampson too.

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Shed Happens

I frequently get asked if there is anything that will make a person's dog shed less. And the answer is no. There is not anything you can feed your dog, put on your dog, bathe your dog with, etc that will eliminate shedding. It's biologically impossible.Dog (and cat) hair grows in three phases: Anagen-the growing phase, Catagen-the in between phase, and Telogen-the resting phase. Telogen hairs are
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...enjoying the 'dog days of summer'. We hope you and your canine pals are finding ways to stay cool and making the most of the summer we have left. We are! We will be back with lots of pictures to share and will be looking forward to seeing yours too!

In the meantime, Happy DOT's from
Tina, HoneyDew and Sampson too!

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