

Just a Reminder

Penny here again. I know I'm preaching to the choir for all the folks who read this blog, but it's really nasty hot in most of the Northern Hemisphere right now. So remember those of us with heavy fur coats in this weather. Make sure we have lots of water and shade to stay in (if we're not ensconced in your houses).And please, please... don't leave us in the car!!!
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A New Enemy

Hello everybody! Penny here, with this week's Dogs on Thursday! I hope everyone has had a good month since we last barked. I'm feeling much better and am back to my old bossy self. Here in the US, we celebrate our independence on July 4th. I was a tiny puppy last year, so I really didn't pay any attention to what was going on around me. I was pretty content to let Mom and Dad handle security.
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In the spotlight...

In my last post, I had requested that if anyone knows of, is involved in, or supports a fundraising event that benefits our canine friends to leave a comment and I will be happy to post it here in our forum. Here is today's in the spotlight submitted by Vivian and her son Henry...

How this all started

Henry is going to have the entire August off with no summer camp or pretty much anything
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Needle Biopsies

This month I'm going to spend a little time explaining one of the more common and simple tests that your dog may need at some point in his or her life. This is one of my favorite tests to perform as it is quick, easy, and and give us important information!A fine needle aspirate or FNA is also known as a needle biopsy. This is a simple procedure that is no more painful to your pet than giving a
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Summer Fundraisers for a worthy cause...

In our area we have had several fundraisers recently for our local Humane Societies. In Crawford County there was the Barking Lot event...

(My cousin Jonathon Southwick in the red shirt and Tikaani the Husky enjoying the event.)
All different breeds, shapes, and sizes.
"had a barking good time at the 4th annual Barking Lot Fundraiser. This event was sponsored by Palmiero Toyota, Dad's Products
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