

I've been sick...

Penny here. I've been sick this month. Not to worry, because I'm ok now, but I want to alert you to what was wrong.I had some tummy troubles -- wasn't feeling so well and threw up several times. The last time had blood in it. Mom and Dad took me to the Emergency Vet. Mom was scared that I had Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE), which was something my brother Oscar had a number of times. I had
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Sweet summertime...

Link sent in by Rose and MaggieMae.

I wanted to share a bit of information with you all that I just found out. After having HoneyDew for going on 7 years, she has come down with her first bad ear infection. Ear infections are common with any drop ear dog but Bassets are very susceptible to them. The vet prescribed a course of antibiodics for her. I asked him if I get them at the regular
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Urine Screening

In the past we have talked about routine blood testing. This month we will discuss a little about routine urine testing as it often goes hand in hand with blood testing.Although it can sometimes be a challenge to obtain a urine sample from your pet, it is a very important test, especially in older pets. It is ideal for your vet to evaluate a urine sample on your pet at the time of his or her
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Dog Trivia

Did you know:

In New Zealand, a dog named Tisha protected and raised orphaned rabbits.
In 1910, Jean the Bitagraph dog (a collie mix), became the first dog to star in American movie.
Dog whiskers are called vibrissae. Located on the muzzle, above the eyes and below the jaws, vibrissae can sense very small changes in airflow.
According to legend, a dog named Soter was the only one of fifty
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