

Needing someone to take over...

Hello!! Hope everyone is doing well! I know you haven't heard from me in a long while and so much has been going on! Work has been busy and life is going to be getting even busier.We recently found out that we are pregnant!! Yes, Jackjack and Abigail are going to have a human sibling! My due date is not until Nov, however, I have a lot to do before then and a lot on my plate. With saying
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Visitors in the Den

Hello all! Penny here for yet another late edition of Dogs on Thursday. I'm pondering whether or not to fire my typist, considering she's late getting my post up yet again. This time her excuse is that we have visitors here in the den -- some friends from out of town. Problem is that my typist also is responsible for my dinner, and I don't want to jeopardize the continuing stream of food and
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Alternatives to Kenneling

Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends.
~Alexander Pope
In our area, we have three local kennels available to board your pup at if you need to travel and cannot take them with you. I myself have only used the services of one of them on only one occasion, years ago, when my husband and I went to Canada. They are the old fashioned type of kennels that basically
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Endocrine Disease

Endocrine diseases are some of my least favorite topics. They can be confusing and complicated and hard for clients (and often veterinarians) to understand. Today I thought I would do an overview of some of the more common endocrine diseases in dogs in hopes that it might help someone better understand them, or what to be watching for in their own pet.HypothyroidismHypothyroidism is an
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Happy April Fools Day!

Quote for today:
You can't keep a good man down...or an over affectionate dog.-Anonymous
Some of the great (and humerous) mysteries of dogdom:
Why or what is it about a particular scent that determines/dictates that a dog rolls in it or pees on it?
Why does time after time a dog eat grass only to throw it right back up?
Why does a dog have to sniff over the same area to pee, every time it goes
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