

Dogs on Friday??

Hello all! Penny here. Yeah, I'm late. My typist used the lame excuse that she's been doing taxes to try to get more money to buy me dog toys. Really. I deserve dog toys, treats, and everything else I can get. I'm a princess, after all.I'm now a year old. My birthday was March 12. Mom informs me that I'll no longer be able to use that "puppy" excuse for not listening to her when she tells
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Mud Puppy Parade..

Only one photo was submitted but I think that you will agree this picture says it all! The picture was submitted by Kathy who says:
"This is Lucy. The photo was actually taken Nov. 2008 but I hope that's ok. We are at the dog park and she found the muddiest part of it. It must have rained the day before. Yes, she had a shower before she was allowed back in the Jeep."
Thanks for sharing your
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Senior Wellness revisited

Previously I wrote about senior wellness screening that your vet may want to perform on your pet. Today we are going to revisit senior wellness but from a "what can I dog at home?" perspective.1. Lump and Bump check: Once a month feel all over your dog, checking for new lumps that may be under or on the skin. Many of these may be benign age related changes but only a quick needle biopsy can tell
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Happy March!

We are in the home stretch now, as the first day of spring is only 16 days away! We are excited even though you know what comes with spring...MUD!

To celebrate the season I thought it might be fun to have a photo "parade" of the muddiest pictures you may have of your pup(s).
To participate, just email your pictures to me at thegardner63ataoldotcom by March 17th and the parade will be posted on
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