

More Vigilance -- and Cold Stuff

Hello everyone! Penny here again. Since I arfed at you last time about all the things I have to watch out for with my humans, I've found another. They call it "thunder". I call it a big booming noise that comes out of nowhere. Know what I did? I barked at it!! One of my very fiercest barking frenzies, if I do say so myself. Did the job and the thunder went away. My humans, however, were
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We would like to offer our congratulations to "Sadie" the Scottish Terrier for her Best in Show win, as well as all the dogs who placed in their Group category and Best in Breed. I for one know that my pups and I enjoyed watching the event unfold over the two night viewing. I think I would not make it as a judge as everyone would be going home with a big blue ribbon!

Another group that deserves
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Pet Overpopulation

As a vet I see far too many unwanted, genetically disastrous, randomly bred dogs. I created this handout to help explain to people the merits of responsible breeding and why to consider adoption from a reputable shelter. Feel free to share this information with others!The Truth About Dog Breeding and the Pet OverpopulationThere is a huge pet overpopulation problem in this country. Please
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Where to?

Things sure have changed in the last few years. Used to be if you saw a dog in a vehicle it was either the dog catcher's wagon or the bed of a farmer's pick-up. Now it is a common occurrence that our pals travel with us not just to the local dog park or hiking trail, but to work, vacation, etc. We want to have them with us and it's great for us and them.
Now at least one automobile manufacturer
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