

I'm in charge here!

Hello everyone! Penny here. Hope everyone's having a good month and had a good New Year's celebration.I'm now 10 months old. According to some of the books my mom reads, I can be considered an adult dog. I'm here to tell you that I'm a Big Dog, regardless of what some may consider my diminutive size. At last weigh-in, I was 12.8 pounds of dachshund fury (ignore those people who maintain that
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AAarrroooo to a New Year!

A fresh new year for all our DOT pals! Aren't you excited? Lots to see, do, and experience in the upcoming year! I know my hounds are looking forward to finding new trails to explore, new treats to taste, sniffs to experience, there's a new dog park that isn't too far away, well you get the drift...we are ready to get started!

Plans are already in the making for some of our favorite doggy events
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Safe Surgery for Pets

Sorry this is late. I've been wrapped up in repainting my bathroom. This month I'm going to list some things you need to be sure and ask about when your pet is having surgery. This is one of the areas that most pet owners fret the most over and making sure your vet us up on all best techniques and equipment helps to make sure your pet has a safe and comfortable experience.Pre-anesthetic
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DOT late!

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday. Work has been a bit crazy this week and I've been getting off work late every day and going home and pretty much just vegging. Last night, my husband and I took the dogs for a long walk in the cold weather and they both had a great time!! My pups are loving this cold weather in FL! Today is 50 and that's the warmest it's been all week! It's supposed to
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