

Winter Exercise for Your Pups

First things first...

Happy Birthday Abigail! You can read about her here.

I have a subscription to Dog Fancy and every month I enjoy reading the different articles about dog care, breeds, tips, etc.

I have read many articles on winter exercise for dogs. Some as simple as just letting them run in the back yard for 15 minutes. Some as complicated (to me) as training for sled dog competitions.
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Introducing New Additions to the Household

First up in the Spotlight, we want to say a belated Happy Birthday from all of us on DOT to Buckey of Bits and Pieces who turned a happy 15 years last Friday!

If we have any newbies to the site here please leave a comment to introduce yourself and leave a link so we can get to know you!

So over the past month we have introduced a kitten into the house. And some have wondered how to introduce a
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I received one picture for the DOT Costume parade and it was of beautiful Sydney submitted by Janet...

Thank you Janet!
HoneyDew and Sampson did not dress up this year as someone was under the weather but here was a pic from last year.

As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, a time of reflection and thankfulness for blessings (I am sure our dogs fit in to the 'blessing' category) I would
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October 21st...

Happy Dog's On Thursday everyone! In my last post I had mentioned that we would have a birthday spotlight for everyone who submitted the information to me. Please click on the links below to stop by and visit them I know they would love the Happy wishes.

Sissy and Gretchen at Don't Mess with My Tutu were celebrating Sissy's birthday and Gretchen's Gotcha Day.

Sue's pack at the Portuguese
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A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours.
In light of it being October, I thought once again you might all enjoy having another costume parade for our pups. If you are interested in participating, whether you dress them in full costume or just a bandana or bow, just send a pic and name of your pup to:
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Going on Vacation...

Recently while planning our trip to see our son who lives in a different state than us, I came upon this link, Bring Fido.
I found this very helpful as not only did it list the hotels in the area that accepted dogs, but also gave the nightly rate, pet fee, pet amenities at the hotel, and information such as off leash dog parks, dog beaches, interesting places to visit with your dog as well as
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Rally Obedience or Rally-O is a fun new sport where dogs and handlers negotiate a course of signs than give them directions on a specific maneuver or exercise to perform. Rally is a lot of fun in that you can talk to your dog and encourage him all you want while in the ring. This is in contrast to formal obedience competition where you can only give a command one time and no talking to your dog
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Sorry this is late in the day...

...unfortunately my main computer is down with the flu, jk, actually it is at my computer guys who assures me it can be fixed. This also means that for today no pictures are available and that this will be a very short post as the computer that I am on is archaic and extremely slow.

HoneyDew and Sampson are away to a new groomer who opened her business at the beginning of our road and are having
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I went on vacation!

Hi everyone! Penny here, wishing everyone a happy Dogs on Thursday! Since we last barked, my family took me on vacation to Highlands, NC. We stayed in a wonderful pet friendly hotel.Here I am in my car seat... riding like a good girl. It was very interesting to be able to travel. The best thing about being in Highlands is that it was about 15 degrees cooler than where we live in Georgia. Wow
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Dogs are amazing...

Although this video was posted over a year ago, I hadn't seen it before this week and thought I would share it with you.

Wasn't it awesome?!

Happy Dog's on Thursday,
Tina, HoneyDew and Sampson too.

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Shed Happens

I frequently get asked if there is anything that will make a person's dog shed less. And the answer is no. There is not anything you can feed your dog, put on your dog, bathe your dog with, etc that will eliminate shedding. It's biologically impossible.Dog (and cat) hair grows in three phases: Anagen-the growing phase, Catagen-the in between phase, and Telogen-the resting phase. Telogen hairs are
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...enjoying the 'dog days of summer'. We hope you and your canine pals are finding ways to stay cool and making the most of the summer we have left. We are! We will be back with lots of pictures to share and will be looking forward to seeing yours too!

In the meantime, Happy DOT's from
Tina, HoneyDew and Sampson too!

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Just a Reminder

Penny here again. I know I'm preaching to the choir for all the folks who read this blog, but it's really nasty hot in most of the Northern Hemisphere right now. So remember those of us with heavy fur coats in this weather. Make sure we have lots of water and shade to stay in (if we're not ensconced in your houses).And please, please... don't leave us in the car!!!
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A New Enemy

Hello everybody! Penny here, with this week's Dogs on Thursday! I hope everyone has had a good month since we last barked. I'm feeling much better and am back to my old bossy self. Here in the US, we celebrate our independence on July 4th. I was a tiny puppy last year, so I really didn't pay any attention to what was going on around me. I was pretty content to let Mom and Dad handle security.
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In the spotlight...

In my last post, I had requested that if anyone knows of, is involved in, or supports a fundraising event that benefits our canine friends to leave a comment and I will be happy to post it here in our forum. Here is today's in the spotlight submitted by Vivian and her son Henry...

How this all started

Henry is going to have the entire August off with no summer camp or pretty much anything
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Needle Biopsies

This month I'm going to spend a little time explaining one of the more common and simple tests that your dog may need at some point in his or her life. This is one of my favorite tests to perform as it is quick, easy, and and give us important information!A fine needle aspirate or FNA is also known as a needle biopsy. This is a simple procedure that is no more painful to your pet than giving a
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Summer Fundraisers for a worthy cause...

In our area we have had several fundraisers recently for our local Humane Societies. In Crawford County there was the Barking Lot event...

(My cousin Jonathon Southwick in the red shirt and Tikaani the Husky enjoying the event.)
All different breeds, shapes, and sizes.
"had a barking good time at the 4th annual Barking Lot Fundraiser. This event was sponsored by Palmiero Toyota, Dad's Products
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I've been sick...

Penny here. I've been sick this month. Not to worry, because I'm ok now, but I want to alert you to what was wrong.I had some tummy troubles -- wasn't feeling so well and threw up several times. The last time had blood in it. Mom and Dad took me to the Emergency Vet. Mom was scared that I had Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE), which was something my brother Oscar had a number of times. I had
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Sweet summertime...

Link sent in by Rose and MaggieMae.

I wanted to share a bit of information with you all that I just found out. After having HoneyDew for going on 7 years, she has come down with her first bad ear infection. Ear infections are common with any drop ear dog but Bassets are very susceptible to them. The vet prescribed a course of antibiodics for her. I asked him if I get them at the regular
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Urine Screening

In the past we have talked about routine blood testing. This month we will discuss a little about routine urine testing as it often goes hand in hand with blood testing.Although it can sometimes be a challenge to obtain a urine sample from your pet, it is a very important test, especially in older pets. It is ideal for your vet to evaluate a urine sample on your pet at the time of his or her
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Dog Trivia

Did you know:

In New Zealand, a dog named Tisha protected and raised orphaned rabbits.
In 1910, Jean the Bitagraph dog (a collie mix), became the first dog to star in American movie.
Dog whiskers are called vibrissae. Located on the muzzle, above the eyes and below the jaws, vibrissae can sense very small changes in airflow.
According to legend, a dog named Soter was the only one of fifty
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Travelin' Pooch

Hi everyone! Penny here. Since the last time we barked, I've been on a vacation! I took my very first out of state trip with my pack. Mom and Dad were nervous about how I'd behave, but of course, a Princess has to be on her best behavior at all times with her subjects, so naturally, I put my best paw forward!We traveled by van from the Atlanta area (my home den) to Pigeon Forge, TN, where my
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Can I vent?

How can I say this in a manner that won't offend or upset any of our readers?

Maybe just by saying up front that this post is not to criticize but rather to educate anyone who comes across this page if they would happen to google puppies or dogs.

It has happened again in our neighborhood where a person has gone to a pound and adopted a puppy only to surrender it to the same pound in less then
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Ocular Disorders

This post is about some of the more common disease of the eye seen in pets.Nuclear or Lenticular sclerosis is a normal age related change of the lens. This is what gives your older dog that hazy look in his eye. This causes no appreciable vision loss, is not a cataract and does not proceed to blindness.Cataracts are an opacity of the lens. They can be congenital, inherited, secondary to diabetes,
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De-Spooking Clinic with Olly, April 2010

Bill Richey’s De-Spooking Clinic at Free Spirit Farms, Freehold, N.J.
After a slow trip down the NJ Turnpike with the horse trailer, my friend and I arrived at Free Spirit Farms in Freehold early Friday evening, receiving a warm welcome from owners Ken and Rosanne Vaccaro. Ken even backed the rig down the driveway, giving us the premier parking spot, next to their extremely large and lovely covered riding ring.
Parked, our truck was surrounded by horse pens, each occupant looking curiously over the fence. Across the narrow driveway our nearest neighbor, a huge white long horn steer, stared. He was probably mooing something friendly, but Joanna and I both expected the noisy bovine to unhinge our horses before we even got them off the trailer. It did not happen. Although we walked past his pen, over and over, all weekend long, the horses never glanced at the giant cow with the wide-spread, fantastically curving black and white horns.

Saturday morning, after assuring ourselves that my gelding, Olly, and Joanna’s mare, Rita, were calm and safe in their private open air corrals, we went to the barn for coffee, bagels and to meet our Bomb Proof instructor Bill Richey. Bill is a slow talking, smiling, southern ex-cop with years of mounted police experience, training horses for Mardi gras crowd control, search and rescue, parades, and just plain old keeping horses and riders safe. He has that twinkle in his eye that lets you know he will make fun of you when you whine, and laugh at you if you fall off. On the other hand if you try like hell he will do everything he can to help you and your horse go through fire, literally.

Bill gave a presentation which included the most basic of drill team commands, and then we saddled our horses and went to the ring. I have to admit, I am fussy about Olly. And Olly is fussy about his personal space when it comes to other horses, probably because I have kept him at a very small barn and ride with a very few people. So here we stand in a line with 15 strange horses. And every rider is sizing up the others.

We start our drill team work, and the jockeying for position begins. There are some stable, quiet animals, and because they are organized from the get-go they tend to be towards the front of the line. Everyone wants to be with one of them. I keep calculating my place in the drill team line, “How can I get near that horse, and what do I have to do to stay away from that other one?” Heaven forbid someone infringe on Olly’s personal space or misbehave in our vicinity. Yes, Olly was not pleased, but I did earn an approving “That’s the way to do it,” when I got after him for bucking along the rail when someone’s horse spun too close.

The next 90 minutes was spent weaving around the ring in drill formation. Columns of one, columns of two, columns of three, we wind around and twist back on ourselves linking and unlinking our columns. Soon, despite my best intentions, I have been next to every darn horse in the ring, and some of them have definitely infringed. By the time we’re done I realize my idea of Olly’s personal space has shrunk from yards to feet and if someone bangs into us, we won’t die, we just go on. It’s time for lunch, and I’m already impressed.

Fortified we begin with simple obstacles. Bill has a theory that proves correct. When presented with a new obstacle your horse may hate it, most horses may hate it, but there is a very good chance it won’t bother one animal. That horse becomes the leader for that exercise. The horse that is competent over the new obstacle goes first; a small group of horses follow him. One or two get past, they go past again, this time with less reaction. Soon there are 4 leader horses, then 8, and everyone tucks in behind one of them. Bill did say that every horse would complete every obstacle before the end of the clinic. He was right. Foam finger doorways, fringy overhangs, teeter-totters, all sorts of tarps and mats, tires strewn on the path, and (Olly’s least favorite) a big sandbox full of empty plastic bottles. At one point I was so busy going through foam doorways I did not notice someone added flashing police lights by the teeter-totter until I was face to face with them. My horse and I instantly dismissed the lights and concentrated on marching over the wet, tippy wooden bridge. Though I’d ridden for hours on Saturday I was sorry when we finished. Olly did not mind stopping. Brushed and rain-sheeted he went happily to his corral.

Sunday we worked with more extreme conditions, smoke, flares, fire, sirens and emergency vehicles. Smoke bombs, I hate smoke bombs. They whistle before they go off. When you hear that whistle you know a bang is coming, so does your horse.
We did our drill team work, and then our drill team became an emergency vehicle extraction unit. We pretended we were mounted police and needed to escort an ambulance out of a crowd. Eight horses, column of two, we approached our stranded emergency vehicle, ignoring the lights and sirens and yelling at our imaginary crowd. “Move it fella. Get away from the vehicle. Back up, Buster.” We surrounded the vehicle, and swung around head in, tail brushing back our crowd. The lead horses form a wedge in front of the vehicle, nose to nose and tails to fenders they side step up the ring with the emergency vehicle driving inside their wedge, sirens and lights going. The six other riders surround the sides and protect the rear, moving toward safety. Did Olly side-step up a ring in front of a shrieking ambulance which drove so close I felt hot air from the radiator on my leg? Yes. Do I believe it myself one day later? I hope someone took a picture and puts it on the internet.

The day was over and we gathered for the final time at the end of the ring to listen to Bill. My Olly stood in a group of horses so tight we could have comfortably exchanged handshakes, and fell asleep on his feet with me still on his back. I know this because when the horse next to us sneezed he woke up, blinking. So much for Olly’s personal space.

About an hour before this Bill came up to me and said, “He gave you a few rough moments. But that son of a bitch is a good horse.” That is probably as close as I’ll ever get to feeling like I’ve won the Kentucky Derby.

Claudia Black-Kalinsky
April 27, 2010
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Our apologies that this post is so late and a very quick one at that. Our grandma arrived from way down south somewhere so our mom is taken up with her and other human family!

Grandma came with some treats, but she forgot to bring Izzy, so Sampson has been very cross with her. He even growls at her! Mom gives him time out in his kennel when he does this.

I of course, have been Grandma's angel,
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Needing someone to take over...

Hello!! Hope everyone is doing well! I know you haven't heard from me in a long while and so much has been going on! Work has been busy and life is going to be getting even busier.We recently found out that we are pregnant!! Yes, Jackjack and Abigail are going to have a human sibling! My due date is not until Nov, however, I have a lot to do before then and a lot on my plate. With saying
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Visitors in the Den

Hello all! Penny here for yet another late edition of Dogs on Thursday. I'm pondering whether or not to fire my typist, considering she's late getting my post up yet again. This time her excuse is that we have visitors here in the den -- some friends from out of town. Problem is that my typist also is responsible for my dinner, and I don't want to jeopardize the continuing stream of food and
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Alternatives to Kenneling

Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends.
~Alexander Pope
In our area, we have three local kennels available to board your pup at if you need to travel and cannot take them with you. I myself have only used the services of one of them on only one occasion, years ago, when my husband and I went to Canada. They are the old fashioned type of kennels that basically
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Endocrine Disease

Endocrine diseases are some of my least favorite topics. They can be confusing and complicated and hard for clients (and often veterinarians) to understand. Today I thought I would do an overview of some of the more common endocrine diseases in dogs in hopes that it might help someone better understand them, or what to be watching for in their own pet.HypothyroidismHypothyroidism is an
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Happy April Fools Day!

Quote for today:
You can't keep a good man down...or an over affectionate dog.-Anonymous
Some of the great (and humerous) mysteries of dogdom:
Why or what is it about a particular scent that determines/dictates that a dog rolls in it or pees on it?
Why does time after time a dog eat grass only to throw it right back up?
Why does a dog have to sniff over the same area to pee, every time it goes
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Dogs on Friday??

Hello all! Penny here. Yeah, I'm late. My typist used the lame excuse that she's been doing taxes to try to get more money to buy me dog toys. Really. I deserve dog toys, treats, and everything else I can get. I'm a princess, after all.I'm now a year old. My birthday was March 12. Mom informs me that I'll no longer be able to use that "puppy" excuse for not listening to her when she tells
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Mud Puppy Parade..

Only one photo was submitted but I think that you will agree this picture says it all! The picture was submitted by Kathy who says:
"This is Lucy. The photo was actually taken Nov. 2008 but I hope that's ok. We are at the dog park and she found the muddiest part of it. It must have rained the day before. Yes, she had a shower before she was allowed back in the Jeep."
Thanks for sharing your
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Senior Wellness revisited

Previously I wrote about senior wellness screening that your vet may want to perform on your pet. Today we are going to revisit senior wellness but from a "what can I dog at home?" perspective.1. Lump and Bump check: Once a month feel all over your dog, checking for new lumps that may be under or on the skin. Many of these may be benign age related changes but only a quick needle biopsy can tell
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Happy March!

We are in the home stretch now, as the first day of spring is only 16 days away! We are excited even though you know what comes with spring...MUD!

To celebrate the season I thought it might be fun to have a photo "parade" of the muddiest pictures you may have of your pup(s).
To participate, just email your pictures to me at thegardner63ataoldotcom by March 17th and the parade will be posted on
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More Vigilance -- and Cold Stuff

Hello everyone! Penny here again. Since I arfed at you last time about all the things I have to watch out for with my humans, I've found another. They call it "thunder". I call it a big booming noise that comes out of nowhere. Know what I did? I barked at it!! One of my very fiercest barking frenzies, if I do say so myself. Did the job and the thunder went away. My humans, however, were
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We would like to offer our congratulations to "Sadie" the Scottish Terrier for her Best in Show win, as well as all the dogs who placed in their Group category and Best in Breed. I for one know that my pups and I enjoyed watching the event unfold over the two night viewing. I think I would not make it as a judge as everyone would be going home with a big blue ribbon!

Another group that deserves
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Pet Overpopulation

As a vet I see far too many unwanted, genetically disastrous, randomly bred dogs. I created this handout to help explain to people the merits of responsible breeding and why to consider adoption from a reputable shelter. Feel free to share this information with others!The Truth About Dog Breeding and the Pet OverpopulationThere is a huge pet overpopulation problem in this country. Please
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Where to?

Things sure have changed in the last few years. Used to be if you saw a dog in a vehicle it was either the dog catcher's wagon or the bed of a farmer's pick-up. Now it is a common occurrence that our pals travel with us not just to the local dog park or hiking trail, but to work, vacation, etc. We want to have them with us and it's great for us and them.
Now at least one automobile manufacturer
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I'm in charge here!

Hello everyone! Penny here. Hope everyone's having a good month and had a good New Year's celebration.I'm now 10 months old. According to some of the books my mom reads, I can be considered an adult dog. I'm here to tell you that I'm a Big Dog, regardless of what some may consider my diminutive size. At last weigh-in, I was 12.8 pounds of dachshund fury (ignore those people who maintain that
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AAarrroooo to a New Year!

A fresh new year for all our DOT pals! Aren't you excited? Lots to see, do, and experience in the upcoming year! I know my hounds are looking forward to finding new trails to explore, new treats to taste, sniffs to experience, there's a new dog park that isn't too far away, well you get the drift...we are ready to get started!

Plans are already in the making for some of our favorite doggy events
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Safe Surgery for Pets

Sorry this is late. I've been wrapped up in repainting my bathroom. This month I'm going to list some things you need to be sure and ask about when your pet is having surgery. This is one of the areas that most pet owners fret the most over and making sure your vet us up on all best techniques and equipment helps to make sure your pet has a safe and comfortable experience.Pre-anesthetic
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DOT late!

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday. Work has been a bit crazy this week and I've been getting off work late every day and going home and pretty much just vegging. Last night, my husband and I took the dogs for a long walk in the cold weather and they both had a great time!! My pups are loving this cold weather in FL! Today is 50 and that's the warmest it's been all week! It's supposed to
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