

Happy New Years to all the DOTs!!

Hello! I almost forgot that today was the 5th Thursday and it's my week again! :) Hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday season! Hope all your pups were safe during the Christmas break and that they are enjoying the extra time with you!For anyone who has contacted me and has not received a response or a public welcome, please contact me again at gnatchat(at)gmail(dot)com. I've been away
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A Merry Christmas Eve to All!

Hello everybody... Penny here! It's my very first Christmas. I can tell it's a big deal to my humans because they took me to get my picture made and put on cards they sent out to all their friends. They even signed my name to the card to let everyone know I'm part of the family now!My mom's helping me write this a few days before Thursday, which is Christmas Eve, because we'll be traveling to
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A Very Merry Christmas to you!

I apologize for the delay in posting this morning. I had a minor emergency with one of the elderly ladies that I look after when her son is traveling-but all is well now.

For a truly inspirational story for all dog lovers check this out!

Honey Dew, Sampson and I hope you have a very enjoyable day, and remember the Reason for the Season! Merry Christmas!

With puppylove,
Tina, HoneyDew and
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Dental Care

This month we are going to talk about the importance of dental care for your pet. First I'm listing several reasons why dental care is important...CosmeticCleaning your pet’s teeth involves removing all the tartar and then polishing them so that they will be pretty and white just like after you go to the dentist. Better BreathThe tartar and plaque on your pet’s teeth is a major contributor to the
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Cool Dog Holistic Remedy Joint Care Formula

Hello to this week's late DOT post! Sorry about the late post but the day went away with me.So...for this week's post I wanted to share a new supplement that we have Jackjack on. As many of you may or may not know, Jackjack is my black lab that when he was about 3 years old got hit by a car. If you want to hear more details, please feel free to listen to the podcast episode in which I share
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