

Happy Hallowiener!!!

Hello, all! Penny here for the latest installment of Dogs on Thursday. I'm a little tardy... my mom got confused because she thought the 4th Thursday was today, but it was last week... and, since I'm a puppy, I can't take responsibility for such things. You know how it is.So Saturday is Halloween! Be sure to watch after all your pooches, because I hear that a lot of them get kind of spooked
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Safety Tips

Can you believe it is already October 15th? Halloween is only a little over two weeks away. I was reminded of this when checking out one of my favorite sites for my daily chuckle, and saw this picture:As many of us participate in the activities surrounding Halloween in one manner or the other whether actually dressing up our dogs or passing out treats to little goblins or princesses, I thought I
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Annual Blood Screens

Annual Blood Screening For Your PetThis month we are going to talk a little about annual blood screens. This is a series of simple blood tests your vet would like to run on your pet at his or her annual examination. The older your pet becomes the more important and more comprehensive the bloood screening becomes. The tests included may vary from clinic to clinic but examples of them most common
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