

Nailing Down Dog Nails

I must confess, I had another post planned for today, but something wonderful happened at our house, and I wanted to share it with you.Around our house, the Knight - my husband, also known to the fur-kids as Dadaw - has nail duty. He was raised in a home where shelties were raised too, so I suppose he learned to help trim the dogs' nails after he'd mastered trimming his own. In fact, it's not
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Lost Dog

One In three pets will get lost sometime in their lives. Those are terrifying statistics. Are you prepared? Have you taken all the important steps to keep your pet safe? Do you know what to do if your pet does get lost? It's important to know what to do and do it quickly to assure that your pet is one of the lucky ones.First, just as you carry ID when you leave the house, your pet should also
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To Express or Not to Express: Anal Glands

Hi all, happy Doggy Day! Its Nichole here once again and I regret to report that this will be my last article posting over here (no fear - esp you Sue! - you can still find me on my own blog, as well as in the world of Ravelry, Facebook, etc). I have made the tough decision to bow out of the little group that runs Dogs on Thursday (Chan, Sue and Nat will still be here), as in the past month I've
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Dogs on Thursday...summer is here.

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday post.Please welcome two new members this week Cynthia and Rachael. Please go over to their blogs and welcome them to the group.Since summer has come to many of us I figured I would talk about travel sites. First off I hope that all your non-fur babies are all safe over the summer holidays. They will be out of school and this time of year makes me miss
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