

Dogs on doggie blogs.

Sorry for the late posting, I swore this morning was Wed. :)Welcome to this week's Dog's on Thursday post! If you haven't joined are dog roll and would like to or if you have any questions or comments, please email me at gnatchat(at)gmail(dot)com.This week I wanted to mention a couple fun doggie blogs that I follow. These first two are related and if you aren't already reading them they are
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The Dogs Win!

What would a 100th post party be without a word from our founders?"Elise and I feel so honored that your want to post about us for the 100th post.Wow! 100 posts! That is amazing to me since I started this little dog blog as an excuse to talk more about my lovable dog Elise. I had no Idea then, that it would grow as big as it it is now nor that I would meet so many genuinely kind and lovely people
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DOT is 100

Congratulations to all of us. Dogs On Thursday has hitWe need to thank Paula for getting this group started and Natalie for giving her great backup. It takes a lot of work to manage a weekly blog group and keep it up to date and interesting to it's readers. As you can see, the membership list keeps growing and some terrific friendships have started here.Welcome our newest member Lisa and her
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April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

Hi everyone, its Nichole here again. Today we're going to talk a little bit about what's going on with the ASPCA, but first... We have a new member this week! Please wag on over and welcome Deb.Don't forget the Dogs on Thursday 100th post contest is in full swing! Many of you have already sent your links in to Natalie and your efforts are looking, keep them coming!If you're looking
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Dogs on Thursday

Welcome to this week's DOT post!Hope everyone is having a good week. My week has been a bit trying. Sorry for the late post but I didn't realize it was already Thursday. My blogless friend Kelly had to put her Golden, Treydog down this week and it's been a bit tough on me. Treydog was Jackjack's best friend and we will miss him greatly. Because I can't help it, here's the last picture I got
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