

Ready, Set...

... Contest!But first, let's congratulate Yvonne on her new blog. Please don't forget to let us know if you move so we can update our links.Also, Nichole has a review up on some NuHemp products your dogs might enjoy. Ah yes, I did say contest. We're approaching a blogging milestone here at Dogs on Thursday, so we thought we'd celebrate. Post #100 is coming on April 23rd, and we hope each of you
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A Friend In Need

It's Dogs On Thursday again. We have some new members to greet this week. Gwen and her big dog Faith, Ruth and her baby Misty, Elaine and her fur baby Patrick, Mo and her co-writers Murphy and Dolby and Renna and her little ones Leyna and Pepper. Everyone drop by and give them a big welcome to DOT.We all have dogs that are members of our families, but do we know what to do in an emergency?
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DogTown is back March 20th

Hey everyone, its Nichole here once again... bringing you this week's installment of Dogs on Thursday! Before I beging, please join me in giving a 2-paws-up welcome to our newest member Rose!This week is all about one of my personal favorite shows, DogTown on the NatGeo channel. I was very excited when DOT received the following press release and wanted to share it with all of you. The new
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Germs, Germs, Gersms, who's to blame.

Sorry today's post is a bit late. I hope everyone has been having a great week and your pups are all getting loads of love. Today's post is actually by Yvonne of Purlin Goldens. Enjoy!GnatMany, or most, of us who closely share our lives with our dogs, wonder at one time or another about germs being passed back and forth between us and our canine friends. We share living spaces, utensils,
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