

Destination Dogs?

Welcome to another Dogs on Thursday! Everyone give a warm welcome to our newest members, Sue and Maurean, and stayed tuned (here and to the media) for news on the arrival of a doggy in the White House. Some are reporting that the Portugese Water Dog will be the breed of choice... Normally, I'll be doing a spotlight on a member or another dog lover, but since we just returned from our first
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No More Homeless Animals

Hello again and happy Dogs on Thursday. Please be aware that any opinions expressed in this post are mine and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the other hosts of this blog.I had my post for this week all prepared. I was going to talk about first aid for our pets, but Nichole brought it to my attention that February 24 is National Spay Day and so I decided to talk about the animals in
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Doggy Love Is In the Air

Hello everyone, Nichole here... with my first official DOT post. Hopefully I won't bore you too much... my post is going to be mostly about various things in the news.Earlier this week DOT received an Gracie's Golden Blogger award from (Not So) Cynical Knitting Girl! Thank You! For all the doggy mama knitters out there, please hop on over to my blog and check out my latest review, Pet Projects:
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Dogs on Thursday! It's me again!

Hey, everyone. It's Gnat again. Hope you guys are all safe and as warm as you can get. We are getting record temperatures down here in Florida. It's supposed to get below freezing and be the coldest night of the year. (I guess when you read this it will have been last night) Well...I hope everyone keeps safe.We have a couple new members this week. First off we have Whitney, who I must admit
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