

Dogs on Thursday! I'm such a fan. :)

Welcome to this week's Dogs on Thursday post! Hope everyone has been having a good week. Also for all of you who are experiencing some very harsh weather, please keep you and yours safe. We'll be thinking of you.This week we have a big welcome to Dawn, Robin and Cheryl. I hope I'm not missing any welcomes but if I am...Let me know!Also there have been several treats and grocery store brands
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Spotlight : Nicki's Borderblog Pack

UPDATE!!! Please note that the peanut butter recalls now include pet food/treats. More information here. Chan here... Welcome to the fourth Thursday of January. That means it's my week to do a spotlight. I think you'll really enjoy getting to know Nicki's pack. Sounds like if Sissy does want to do agility, I know where to go for more information. Thanks Nicki, for introducing us to your
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Dogs on Thursday

Quick note from Natalie:This is the start of some very newposters. We hope that you enjoy our posts and the different views of all our new posters. We promise lots of cute pictures, laughter, maybe a tear or two, and some information. Please note that these posts are the posters opinion unless stated and should be treated as such. We'd also like to say welcome to Raven, a new DOTer this week.
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Happy New Year Dogs On Thursday!

"Dogs are such agreeable friends, they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms."~George Eliot Elise and I wish all of you a Happy 2009!We had a very nice holiday vacation traveling and visiting family.Elise was quite spoiled everywhere we went as you can tell this by the extra heft she gained between Christmas and New Years! We both have some extra walks to tuck into our daily routine and help
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