

Happy New Years to all the DOTs!!

Hello! I almost forgot that today was the 5th Thursday and it's my week again! :) Hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday season! Hope all your pups were safe during the Christmas break and that they are enjoying the extra time with you!For anyone who has contacted me and has not received a response or a public welcome, please contact me again at gnatchat(at)gmail(dot)com. I've been away
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A Merry Christmas Eve to All!

Hello everybody... Penny here! It's my very first Christmas. I can tell it's a big deal to my humans because they took me to get my picture made and put on cards they sent out to all their friends. They even signed my name to the card to let everyone know I'm part of the family now!My mom's helping me write this a few days before Thursday, which is Christmas Eve, because we'll be traveling to
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A Very Merry Christmas to you!

I apologize for the delay in posting this morning. I had a minor emergency with one of the elderly ladies that I look after when her son is traveling-but all is well now.

For a truly inspirational story for all dog lovers check this out!

Honey Dew, Sampson and I hope you have a very enjoyable day, and remember the Reason for the Season! Merry Christmas!

With puppylove,
Tina, HoneyDew and
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Dental Care

This month we are going to talk about the importance of dental care for your pet. First I'm listing several reasons why dental care is important...CosmeticCleaning your pet’s teeth involves removing all the tartar and then polishing them so that they will be pretty and white just like after you go to the dentist. Better BreathThe tartar and plaque on your pet’s teeth is a major contributor to the
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Cool Dog Holistic Remedy Joint Care Formula

Hello to this week's late DOT post! Sorry about the late post but the day went away with me.So...for this week's post I wanted to share a new supplement that we have Jackjack on. As many of you may or may not know, Jackjack is my black lab that when he was about 3 years old got hit by a car. If you want to hear more details, please feel free to listen to the podcast episode in which I share
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Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone! Penny here, and I'd like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all our US friends!Being only 8 months old, it's my first Thanksgiving, but my mom and dad have told me the proper thing to do is to consider the things that I'm thankful for.I'm thankful that I have a warm bed to sleep in and lots of food.I'm thankful that I have humans who love me and take care of me.I'm thankful for my
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The greatest dog in the a companion who does all but speak. He will be gay or serious; he will console you in your lowest moods.
Ludwig Bemelman

We are entering the time of year that in days of old was a time to rest, reflect, and give thanks. The harvest was put up, the stores for winter use was put away, all the hard work of spring and summer was completed. As the daylight hours
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Senior Wellness

Sorry this is a bit late everyone-the pain meds from my oral surgery must have made me forgetful! Senior Wellness Pets are generally considered seniors when they reach the age of seven, although this can vary some with size and breed. Senior pets, like senior humans, need more visits to the doctor to make sure they stay healthy. In addition to twice yearly exams and annual blood screening, there
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Dirty Dawg Shampoo Bar!

Welcome to this week's DOT post!We have a couple new members this week. Please go over and welcome Gayle and Ella.This week's post I'm going to do some self promotion but only because I really would love you all to go listen to an interview I did with Tim from The Soap Shed about his Dirty Dawg Shampoo Bar!It's in Episode 37: SAFFtastic of my podcast about dogs, knitting, spinning, and my life
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Happy Hallowiener!!!

Hello, all! Penny here for the latest installment of Dogs on Thursday. I'm a little tardy... my mom got confused because she thought the 4th Thursday was today, but it was last week... and, since I'm a puppy, I can't take responsibility for such things. You know how it is.So Saturday is Halloween! Be sure to watch after all your pooches, because I hear that a lot of them get kind of spooked
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Safety Tips

Can you believe it is already October 15th? Halloween is only a little over two weeks away. I was reminded of this when checking out one of my favorite sites for my daily chuckle, and saw this picture:As many of us participate in the activities surrounding Halloween in one manner or the other whether actually dressing up our dogs or passing out treats to little goblins or princesses, I thought I
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Annual Blood Screens

Annual Blood Screening For Your PetThis month we are going to talk a little about annual blood screens. This is a series of simple blood tests your vet would like to run on your pet at his or her annual examination. The older your pet becomes the more important and more comprehensive the bloood screening becomes. The tests included may vary from clinic to clinic but examples of them most common
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Dog Lover's Daily Companion

Hi, and welcome to this week's Dogs on Thursday!We have a couple new members of our pack. Please go over and welcome Janet! If you would like to join us, please email me at gnatchat (at) gmail.comYesterday I came home to a wonderful surprise, I had received a book in the mail to review! I immediately sat down and read the intro and started flipping through the pages. I am really enjoying it
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But I Wasn't Broken!

Hi Everybody! Penny here again for my monthly contribution to Dogs on Thursday. I hope that everyone's had a great month.As for me, it's been a big month here in our household. I had my 6 month birthday on the 12th -- yay me! -- but Mom said it was time to go to the vet and get fixed. I tried to tell her I wasn't broken, but she wasn't buying it. So this past Monday, she took me to see the
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Traveling with Dogs

I know most of the "travel season" is behind some of you, for us however it seems it never ends with children, parents and relatives spread out all over the place. Take today for instance. We have arrived in North Carolina to visit my son and his girlfriend.My pups always look forward to the trips. They know something is up the moment we take the padding out of the kennel in preparation to
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All about Heartworms.

This month we are going to learn a little about heartworms. Heartworms are a serious parasite that all dog owners need to be aware of. Heartworms, in contrast to many intestinal parasites, are spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. The larval stages are injected into your pet and mature over the next 4-6 months into adult worms that live in the heart and larger blood vessels leading to the
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Dogs on Thursday...looking for a pet?

Hello!! How has everyone been doing? My life has been insane but here we are...another thursday so let's talk dogs.First wanted to share that my dogs got to go swimming again and they had a BLAST! Jackjack totally is picking up on the jumping into the pool! You can check out pictures and footage over here.So, for today's post I wanted to talk about petfinder! I'm not sure everyone knows about
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Mom Calls Me an Extortionist

Hi everybody! It's Penny here, and me and my mom Jean are very excited to be talking to you about Dogs on Thursday. I figured, since I'm a dog (or at least that's what they tell me anyway), I'd give you my perspective on things. (Mom's helping by typing for me -- darn this lack of opposable thumbs!)I'm 24 weeks old today. Yay me!! And last weekend, I graduated from puppy kindergarten. Yay me
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Health Benefits of Dog Ownership

Our perfect companions never have fewer then four feet.-----Colette----Let me take this opportunity, to openly confess here in front of you all, that I am...*gasp*...a dog person! I have been as far back as I can remember. Even when it wasn't cool to have a dog in the house, as a dog's place was outside in those days because well you know "dogs were dirty". My how things change!Most people get a
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Another Introduction!

Hi and Welcome to this week's DOT post!This week we are introducing Jean another wonderful person who stepped up to help out the DOT blog!"I'm Jean from Georgia, currently owned by Penny Jasmine (The Princess), who is a black and tan dappled dachshund puppy. By trade I'm a CPA who works to earn dog food and dog toys for The Princess, and when I'm not amusing her, I enjoy counted thread needlework
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Another Intro and another DOT!

Hello and Welcome to this week's Dogs on Thursday's post!This week...another introduction!! Please go over and say hello and welcome to the team to Nicki!A little about me...I'm a small animal veterinarian working in southwest MO. I graduated from Univ of MO College of Vet Med in 2004. I spend most of my free time training dogs! But I also enjoy running, spending time outside, listening to
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DOT...a bit late!

Sorry for the late DOT post today. Was hoping to get this up earlier but just have not had a chance today.Big welcome to Jacki. Welcome to our DOT pack!So today we are going to introduce one of our new helpers!! Tina is our first one to be introduced. This is what she has to say about herself.My name is Tina, wife of Kerry for 27 years, mother of 3 grown sons. Dog mom to our two basset hounds
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Dogs & Yarn

Happy Dogs on Thursday to you. While I realize not all of our participants are knitters, many of you are. And while the contest I'm about to mention is for Ravelry members, (if you knit, spin, crochet, design patterns, etc., you should be a member!) I believe it is worded so that those of you who sew might also give it a go.CONTEST HEREIn short, if you happen to be (or become quickly?) a member
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Tagging fun! Dogs on Thursday!

Hello DOT pack! How is everyone this week? Welcome to this week's DOT post!First off we have a new member Sharon this week. Please go over and give her a nice DOT hello.This week is going to be short and sweet...We are still looking for people to help out with this main blog. Please email me at gnat(at)barknknit(dot)com if you would like to post at least once a month to this blog.So...this
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DOT with a plea for help.

Welcome to this week's DOT post. I first wanted to tell you about a little change in the DOT volunteers. It is sad but both Nichole and Sue have stepped down from posting on the main boards. They are both busy and we will miss them and I thank them so much for their help over the last couple months. They have added greatly to our main blog and I appreciate them for stepping up.This being said
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Paws for Charity

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday post! We have a couple of new people on our dog roll! Please welcome Melly and Roslyn. Go over and give them a tail wagging hello!! :)For this week's post I wanted to talk about a book called Paws for Charity!"The Paws for Charity Art Book Project is a compilation of photography and artwork submitted by artists from the US, UK, and Canada. All the images
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Nailing Down Dog Nails

I must confess, I had another post planned for today, but something wonderful happened at our house, and I wanted to share it with you.Around our house, the Knight - my husband, also known to the fur-kids as Dadaw - has nail duty. He was raised in a home where shelties were raised too, so I suppose he learned to help trim the dogs' nails after he'd mastered trimming his own. In fact, it's not
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Lost Dog

One In three pets will get lost sometime in their lives. Those are terrifying statistics. Are you prepared? Have you taken all the important steps to keep your pet safe? Do you know what to do if your pet does get lost? It's important to know what to do and do it quickly to assure that your pet is one of the lucky ones.First, just as you carry ID when you leave the house, your pet should also
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To Express or Not to Express: Anal Glands

Hi all, happy Doggy Day! Its Nichole here once again and I regret to report that this will be my last article posting over here (no fear - esp you Sue! - you can still find me on my own blog, as well as in the world of Ravelry, Facebook, etc). I have made the tough decision to bow out of the little group that runs Dogs on Thursday (Chan, Sue and Nat will still be here), as in the past month I've
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Dogs on Thursday...summer is here.

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday post.Please welcome two new members this week Cynthia and Rachael. Please go over to their blogs and welcome them to the group.Since summer has come to many of us I figured I would talk about travel sites. First off I hope that all your non-fur babies are all safe over the summer holidays. They will be out of school and this time of year makes me miss
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Dogs & Cars

Welcome to Dogs on Thursday! Today's post was inspired by a very cool site I discovered a while back, but hadn't used a lot until the last few days. You see, I'm vehicle shopping, a few months ahead of schedule. Like most of you, my dogs play a significant role in my decision, so I'm glad I remembered I'll leave you to explore it yourself, but three different reviewers cover a lot of
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Spotlight on Dughallmor Beagles

Welcome to Dogs On Thursday. Today we are turning the post over to Nicky who will introduce us to her Beagle family.Hello! My name is Nicky and I'm owned by the Dughallmor Beagles.....Snoop, Alfie, Rosie and Gabbi. We live in the North-East of Scotland, on the Moray Firth coast.I first got into this breed almost five years ago when, despite saying we'd never have another dog, we realized we
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Agility Basics

Welcome to Dogs On Thursday. Recently a lot of people have expressed an interest in dog agility. It's a wonderful way to combine teamwork and play with your dog, but although it looks like fun, there are certain rules and pieces of equipment that are unfamiliar to some of us.We are fortunate to have some members of DOT that compete in agility and have agreed to give us some information that may
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Dogs on Thursday...Ceaser on Puppy Mills.

Hi and welcome to this week's Dogs on Thursday post.This week I wanted to share an episode of the Dog Whisperer that's airing tomorrow. The following is the press release."DOG WHISPERER: INSIDE PUPPY MILLS Friday, May 8 at 9PM ET/PT Dog Whisperer: Inside Puppy Mills exposes inhumane conditions at these factory-like
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Dogs on doggie blogs.

Sorry for the late posting, I swore this morning was Wed. :)Welcome to this week's Dog's on Thursday post! If you haven't joined are dog roll and would like to or if you have any questions or comments, please email me at gnatchat(at)gmail(dot)com.This week I wanted to mention a couple fun doggie blogs that I follow. These first two are related and if you aren't already reading them they are
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The Dogs Win!

What would a 100th post party be without a word from our founders?"Elise and I feel so honored that your want to post about us for the 100th post.Wow! 100 posts! That is amazing to me since I started this little dog blog as an excuse to talk more about my lovable dog Elise. I had no Idea then, that it would grow as big as it it is now nor that I would meet so many genuinely kind and lovely people
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DOT is 100

Congratulations to all of us. Dogs On Thursday has hitWe need to thank Paula for getting this group started and Natalie for giving her great backup. It takes a lot of work to manage a weekly blog group and keep it up to date and interesting to it's readers. As you can see, the membership list keeps growing and some terrific friendships have started here.Welcome our newest member Lisa and her
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April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

Hi everyone, its Nichole here again. Today we're going to talk a little bit about what's going on with the ASPCA, but first... We have a new member this week! Please wag on over and welcome Deb.Don't forget the Dogs on Thursday 100th post contest is in full swing! Many of you have already sent your links in to Natalie and your efforts are looking, keep them coming!If you're looking
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Dogs on Thursday

Welcome to this week's DOT post!Hope everyone is having a good week. My week has been a bit trying. Sorry for the late post but I didn't realize it was already Thursday. My blogless friend Kelly had to put her Golden, Treydog down this week and it's been a bit tough on me. Treydog was Jackjack's best friend and we will miss him greatly. Because I can't help it, here's the last picture I got
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Ready, Set...

... Contest!But first, let's congratulate Yvonne on her new blog. Please don't forget to let us know if you move so we can update our links.Also, Nichole has a review up on some NuHemp products your dogs might enjoy. Ah yes, I did say contest. We're approaching a blogging milestone here at Dogs on Thursday, so we thought we'd celebrate. Post #100 is coming on April 23rd, and we hope each of you
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A Friend In Need

It's Dogs On Thursday again. We have some new members to greet this week. Gwen and her big dog Faith, Ruth and her baby Misty, Elaine and her fur baby Patrick, Mo and her co-writers Murphy and Dolby and Renna and her little ones Leyna and Pepper. Everyone drop by and give them a big welcome to DOT.We all have dogs that are members of our families, but do we know what to do in an emergency?
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DogTown is back March 20th

Hey everyone, its Nichole here once again... bringing you this week's installment of Dogs on Thursday! Before I beging, please join me in giving a 2-paws-up welcome to our newest member Rose!This week is all about one of my personal favorite shows, DogTown on the NatGeo channel. I was very excited when DOT received the following press release and wanted to share it with all of you. The new
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Germs, Germs, Gersms, who's to blame.

Sorry today's post is a bit late. I hope everyone has been having a great week and your pups are all getting loads of love. Today's post is actually by Yvonne of Purlin Goldens. Enjoy!GnatMany, or most, of us who closely share our lives with our dogs, wonder at one time or another about germs being passed back and forth between us and our canine friends. We share living spaces, utensils,
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Destination Dogs?

Welcome to another Dogs on Thursday! Everyone give a warm welcome to our newest members, Sue and Maurean, and stayed tuned (here and to the media) for news on the arrival of a doggy in the White House. Some are reporting that the Portugese Water Dog will be the breed of choice... Normally, I'll be doing a spotlight on a member or another dog lover, but since we just returned from our first
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No More Homeless Animals

Hello again and happy Dogs on Thursday. Please be aware that any opinions expressed in this post are mine and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the other hosts of this blog.I had my post for this week all prepared. I was going to talk about first aid for our pets, but Nichole brought it to my attention that February 24 is National Spay Day and so I decided to talk about the animals in
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Doggy Love Is In the Air

Hello everyone, Nichole here... with my first official DOT post. Hopefully I won't bore you too much... my post is going to be mostly about various things in the news.Earlier this week DOT received an Gracie's Golden Blogger award from (Not So) Cynical Knitting Girl! Thank You! For all the doggy mama knitters out there, please hop on over to my blog and check out my latest review, Pet Projects:
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Dogs on Thursday! It's me again!

Hey, everyone. It's Gnat again. Hope you guys are all safe and as warm as you can get. We are getting record temperatures down here in Florida. It's supposed to get below freezing and be the coldest night of the year. (I guess when you read this it will have been last night) Well...I hope everyone keeps safe.We have a couple new members this week. First off we have Whitney, who I must admit
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Dogs on Thursday! I'm such a fan. :)

Welcome to this week's Dogs on Thursday post! Hope everyone has been having a good week. Also for all of you who are experiencing some very harsh weather, please keep you and yours safe. We'll be thinking of you.This week we have a big welcome to Dawn, Robin and Cheryl. I hope I'm not missing any welcomes but if I am...Let me know!Also there have been several treats and grocery store brands
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Spotlight : Nicki's Borderblog Pack

UPDATE!!! Please note that the peanut butter recalls now include pet food/treats. More information here. Chan here... Welcome to the fourth Thursday of January. That means it's my week to do a spotlight. I think you'll really enjoy getting to know Nicki's pack. Sounds like if Sissy does want to do agility, I know where to go for more information. Thanks Nicki, for introducing us to your
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Dogs on Thursday

Quick note from Natalie:This is the start of some very newposters. We hope that you enjoy our posts and the different views of all our new posters. We promise lots of cute pictures, laughter, maybe a tear or two, and some information. Please note that these posts are the posters opinion unless stated and should be treated as such. We'd also like to say welcome to Raven, a new DOTer this week.
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Happy New Year Dogs On Thursday!

"Dogs are such agreeable friends, they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms."~George Eliot Elise and I wish all of you a Happy 2009!We had a very nice holiday vacation traveling and visiting family.Elise was quite spoiled everywhere we went as you can tell this by the extra heft she gained between Christmas and New Years! We both have some extra walks to tuck into our daily routine and help
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