

Dogs on Thursday: A Spotlight on Sue's Dog Pack

Dogs are our link to paradise, They do not know evil or jealousy or discontent. ~Milan KunderaHappy Holidays Everyone!*Sorry this us up late, we had some power outages from the ongoing ice storms.I know there are lots of terrible snow and ice storms throughout the states this past week and many are still without power, I keep praying that everyone is safe and warm while enduring the ongoing messy
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Dogs On Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!It is a quiet week, so I just have a few announcements:For those participating in the DoT Dogs Holiday Ornament Swap if you haven't already mailed your packages, don't forget to do that before December 20th.Speaking of December 20th, for those of you who may not know, our DoT's Natalie is getting married on that day!Please send healing prayers and wishes to
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Dogs on Thursday: Spotlight for Snuffles

"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich."~Louis Sabin Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs on Thursday!A big welcome our newest member Maria from Vienna, to our group and please go visit her awesome blog and say hello!I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a full and blessed event last week. Is everyone ready for winter now?Elise likes
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