

Happy Woofgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!I hope that all the homes will be filled with peace and thanksgiving to all.Here are some great holiday tips for dogs and their people:Thanksgiving tipsChristmasHave a fun, food filled and safe day!
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Dogs On Thursday: Spotlight on Thor

“For me a house or an apartment becomes a home when you add one set of four legs, a happy tail, and that indescribable measure of love that we call a dog.”~Roger CarasWelcome to this weeks edition of Dogs on Thursday!Please go over and say a warm hello and welcome Rachel and her cute dog Sophie to our group.For those of you participating in the DoT Dogs Ornament Swap, I have already emailed you
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Dogs On Thursday

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have.”~Thom JonesSorry I am running late this morning and for this being a brief Dogs on Thursday.Please Welcome out newest member DK and go over and visit her blog today and give a warm Hello!I am slowly doing maintenance on the blog all this month so if you haven't already please check for your name
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Dogs on Thursday

Wow it is November already! Where did October go? or September for that matter.Newbies:Please welcome out newest members Bibi from Belgrade, Janet who lives with Corgi's, and Soulbrush from London.Go over to their blogs today and howl out a nice welcome to them!Maintenance:Please everyone check for your name on the blogroll and click on it. Is it the right name and does your link go to the right
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