

Dogs on Thursday! Falling temperature!

Welcome welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!~Hope everyone is safe and sound. The weather has been cooling off and I know my dogs are loving it. So, I hope everyone can get out and enjoy the changing weather with your pups. We have a couple things this week but first please pray for Paula and her family this week. She has a couple things going on and could use some prayers.~Also remember
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Dogs On Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday.~Please welcome Claudie to our group and go give her a bark!~There is a new pet food recall out there. These are always scary so go check out this Site to see the list of brands that are being recalled for possible salmonella poisoning.~I hope those that were in the wake of hurricane Ike are okay. That was a very bad hurricane!Lots of distruction in the
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Dogs on Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!~First off:Ike is looking very nasty out there in the Gulf it tore though Cuba and the bottom bits of Florida. Those DoT members in it's path and those members that were affected by the past two hurricanes this past two weeks, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Our concerns go out to you and if you need anything please contact me or Natalie. ~Here are a
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Dogs On Thursday Spotlight Diamond

"My dog is usually pleased with what I do, because she is not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing." ~Lonzo Idolswine Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs On Thursday!Our thoughts and concerns go out to those that are are in the path/wake of hurricane Gustuv and the 3 other tropical storm/hurricanes, Hanna, Ike and Joshpine that are on the tail of Gustuv.If there is anything
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