

Dogs on Thursday

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." ~Groucho Marx Welcome to a quiet week at Dogs on Thursday!Other than the abundant storms that have plagued our area it has been a quiet week.I hope everyone is fairing well and surviving through these turbulent summer storms, hurricanes, fires and even the earthquake in the west and the sweltering heat that
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Dogs on Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!I have to do a quickie post as we are having thunderstorms here today and the power has gone out and come back on already several times while I was trying to post this morning.For those that are in the DoT's Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap;I hope you are having a fun time collecting items for your pal and her dog(s).If you haven't already contacted your pal
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A Doggie Spotlight for Cooper

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. ~Gilda RadnerWelcome everyone to this weeks Dogs On Thursday!For those that are in the DoT's Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap;I hope you are having a fun time collecting items for your pal and her Pup(s).Also, don't forget to contact your pal (anonymously please) this week and
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Happy Birthday DoT and a Spotlight on Coco

"Chasing your tail gets you nowhere ... 'cept back to where you started..."Happy Birthday Dogs On Thursday!We made it a whole year!(this is not a picture of Elise but of another very cute basset from the front of a birthday card I got years ago.)Dogs on Thursday started a year ago this week because I wanted to give my dog a little more attention on my blog.Then that idea grew into this wonderful
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A Doggie Spotlight for Lola

Welcome everyone and to our newest member Madame Purl to this weeks Dogs on Thursday.It is July already and Dogs on Thursday will be 1 year old next Thursday July 10th!There will be a contest in celebration of our 1st anniversary and it will be announced next week so stay tuned!Also, the sign ups for our Dog Days of Summer Secret Swap are still open and will close at midnight July 8th.I will then
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