

DoT's Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap

Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs On Thursday!Next month on July 10th, Dogs on Thursday will be One! There will be a contest in July to celebrate, so stay tuned. And...Today starts the sign ups for our Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap. Here is a button for the swap, I am not very good at button making so maybe there will be more buttons to choose from next week.The swaps officially Starts on
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Technical Difficulties

Sorry folks, due to many technical difficulties beyond my control Dogs on Thursday will continue next Thursday.For today here is the the Mr. Linky box for those that made a post today and want to sign in.(or I hope there will be a Mr. Linky box when I hit the post button, the way today is going there may not be one.)
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Dogs On Thursday with a bit of Scotland

"Hidden in the misty Scottish Highlands,where the purple bells of heather gently sway,lies the ancient wellspring of our rich endownment,that lives in you,my faithful friend,today..."~Glenny Palmer Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs On Thursday!I hope everyone is staying cool and dry in this early summer heat wave.We have had so much rain here lately that we may be rowing to work soon!I just
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Dogs On Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!(Sorry I am running late I didn't have a chance to post before running to class/work this morning.)We have two new members Megan and Alice. Everyone go say Hello and Welcome.I had a fantastic time on my three week trip abroad to Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England.There are no words to describe the emotions I experienced while visiting these amazing
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Gretchen's Paw Prattle

Get my banner code or create a flash banner
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