

Doggie Spotlight on Magnus! a day late.

Happy Dogs on Thursday on Friday!!I'm sorry I'm a day late. Yesterday was 8th grade graduation at my school and I was busy all day and today is my last day but I'm heading in late so I wanted to get this up now. I start my new job on Monday!! Enough about me. I hope everyone is having a great week. Paula gets back today from her trip so try to stop by her blog and say welcome back.Today's
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Doggie Spotlight on Sissy!

Welcome to Dogs on Thursday!! I hope everyone has been doing well. Paula is still on her trip and we wish her a safe and fun journey. If you have any questions or want to join our group please email me at gnat(at)barknknit(dot)com.This weeks Doggie Spotlight is on Channon's Sissy.Meet our diva. Gaylen announced upon seeing the earliest pictures of Sissy that we had a diva on our hands. A
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Dogs on Thursday!!

Hello everyone!! Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday. Paula is out of town so I'll be covering for the next two weeks. Let's all wish Paula a great trip. I just got back from another one of my trips so I haven't had much time to get a post together. We'll get back into the swing of things soon....stick with us.Well, for this week's blog post I wanted to share a news story from a neat
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Dogs On Thursday On Saturday

So Sorry this is such a late post and a vanilla shortie too since I am leaving a few min. to go to the airport I don't have much time.We had some pretty weird storms and knocked our power out for a bit and I was unable to post until everything seems back to normal.I will be gone traveling through the UK until May 30th.Natalie is back from her awesome trip, go see her pictures! It has been a quiet
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