

Dogs on Thursday: A Spotlight on Sue's Dog Pack

Dogs are our link to paradise, They do not know evil or jealousy or discontent. ~Milan KunderaHappy Holidays Everyone!*Sorry this us up late, we had some power outages from the ongoing ice storms.I know there are lots of terrible snow and ice storms throughout the states this past week and many are still without power, I keep praying that everyone is safe and warm while enduring the ongoing messy
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Dogs On Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!It is a quiet week, so I just have a few announcements:For those participating in the DoT Dogs Holiday Ornament Swap if you haven't already mailed your packages, don't forget to do that before December 20th.Speaking of December 20th, for those of you who may not know, our DoT's Natalie is getting married on that day!Please send healing prayers and wishes to
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Dogs on Thursday: Spotlight for Snuffles

"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich."~Louis Sabin Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs on Thursday!A big welcome our newest member Maria from Vienna, to our group and please go visit her awesome blog and say hello!I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a full and blessed event last week. Is everyone ready for winter now?Elise likes
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Happy Woofgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!I hope that all the homes will be filled with peace and thanksgiving to all.Here are some great holiday tips for dogs and their people:Thanksgiving tipsChristmasHave a fun, food filled and safe day!
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Dogs On Thursday: Spotlight on Thor

“For me a house or an apartment becomes a home when you add one set of four legs, a happy tail, and that indescribable measure of love that we call a dog.”~Roger CarasWelcome to this weeks edition of Dogs on Thursday!Please go over and say a warm hello and welcome Rachel and her cute dog Sophie to our group.For those of you participating in the DoT Dogs Ornament Swap, I have already emailed you
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Dogs On Thursday

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have.”~Thom JonesSorry I am running late this morning and for this being a brief Dogs on Thursday.Please Welcome out newest member DK and go over and visit her blog today and give a warm Hello!I am slowly doing maintenance on the blog all this month so if you haven't already please check for your name
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Dogs on Thursday

Wow it is November already! Where did October go? or September for that matter.Newbies:Please welcome out newest members Bibi from Belgrade, Janet who lives with Corgi's, and Soulbrush from London.Go over to their blogs today and howl out a nice welcome to them!Maintenance:Please everyone check for your name on the blogroll and click on it. Is it the right name and does your link go to the right
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A Halloween Dogs Thursday

Happy Halloween Dogs On Thursday!Please welcome our new members Laura who is mom to the pirate dog Rudi and to Tina S. and her very cute bassets. Also please accept my apologies Ally and your sweet puppy for not getting you on the blogroll sooner. Take a stroll over to their blogs and say Hi!It is time for a systems check since I have been so forgetful.Please everyone check for your name on the
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Dogs on Thursday

We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment.~George EliotWelcome to this weeks edition of Dogs on Thursday!~The DoT Bloggerversary Contest 1st place Winner is Kenyetta! With her very creative knitted replica of her dog Snoop!2nd Place winner is Kim with a beautiful quilt piece of her dogs. Please visit her blog to
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Dogs On Thursday

"My dog is usually pleased with what I do, because she is not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing." ~Lonzo Idolswine Welcome to this weeks quite short and quick Dogs on Thursday!~The DoT Bloggerversary Contest was supposed to end on October 15th that was yesterday but since I am nursing a terrible cold, achoooo for the hundredth blank blank time, and studying for midterms this
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Dogs On Thursday

Welcome everyone to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!~Please give a warm barking welcome to our newest member Lyn.~Thank you so much for all who have sent me some very nice emails of encouragement and prayers while my husband was in the hospital. He is now doing much better and recuperating well with Elise's healing slobbers.I am sorry I have been so preoccupied with all this family medical stuff and
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Dogs on Thursday!!

Hi, and Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!Hope everyone had a safe week. Please keep sending good vibes and prayers Paula's way. Her and her family could use the extra good thoughts.This week will be a week of Doggie News.First up DOT information.~Please remember that the DoT Bloggerversary Contest ending date was extended from September 15 to October 15th. Get your submissions together
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Dogs on Thursday! Falling temperature!

Welcome welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!~Hope everyone is safe and sound. The weather has been cooling off and I know my dogs are loving it. So, I hope everyone can get out and enjoy the changing weather with your pups. We have a couple things this week but first please pray for Paula and her family this week. She has a couple things going on and could use some prayers.~Also remember
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Dogs On Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday.~Please welcome Claudie to our group and go give her a bark!~There is a new pet food recall out there. These are always scary so go check out this Site to see the list of brands that are being recalled for possible salmonella poisoning.~I hope those that were in the wake of hurricane Ike are okay. That was a very bad hurricane!Lots of distruction in the
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Dogs on Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!~First off:Ike is looking very nasty out there in the Gulf it tore though Cuba and the bottom bits of Florida. Those DoT members in it's path and those members that were affected by the past two hurricanes this past two weeks, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Our concerns go out to you and if you need anything please contact me or Natalie. ~Here are a
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Dogs On Thursday Spotlight Diamond

"My dog is usually pleased with what I do, because she is not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing." ~Lonzo Idolswine Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs On Thursday!Our thoughts and concerns go out to those that are are in the path/wake of hurricane Gustuv and the 3 other tropical storm/hurricanes, Hanna, Ike and Joshpine that are on the tail of Gustuv.If there is anything
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Dogs on Thursday... Where did the summer go?

Welcome to this week's Dogs on Thursday post. We still have the Dog Days of Summer swap wrapping up so if you haven't received or sent your package please let either me or Paula know.We have three new Members: KO, Cheryl, and NikkiCrumpet. Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Please head over and say hello to them. We have grown so much in the past year! It's amazing!Please head over and send cyber
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Dogs On Thursday

Be tuff! The "dog days" of summer can be wuff!Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs on Thursday.Where friends and family are welcome but fleas are not.We are praying and hoping that those hit by the recent storms in Florida and along the east and gulf coast there and around the vicinity of the hurricane/ tropical storm Fay survived and are well.Please check in and let us know you are okay, that
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Doggie Spotlight on Maizy!

Hi, Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday Post!We've got a ton this week to share so here we go:1) For those in the DoT Dog Days of Summer Swap please send your boxesout Friday August 15th, if not already done so and don't forget toreveal who you are. Also if you are running late don't forget to contact your pal so theydon't worry! The packages that we have been seeing on your blogs are
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If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.~Phil PastoretWelcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!I hope everyone is having a good week and those in the path of the recent hurricane and its offshoot storms are doing okay.We finally got a reprieve this morning out of the very nasty hotttt and humid weather for a couple of days
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Dogs on Thursday

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." ~Groucho Marx Welcome to a quiet week at Dogs on Thursday!Other than the abundant storms that have plagued our area it has been a quiet week.I hope everyone is fairing well and surviving through these turbulent summer storms, hurricanes, fires and even the earthquake in the west and the sweltering heat that
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Dogs on Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!I have to do a quickie post as we are having thunderstorms here today and the power has gone out and come back on already several times while I was trying to post this morning.For those that are in the DoT's Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap;I hope you are having a fun time collecting items for your pal and her dog(s).If you haven't already contacted your pal
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A Doggie Spotlight for Cooper

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. ~Gilda RadnerWelcome everyone to this weeks Dogs On Thursday!For those that are in the DoT's Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap;I hope you are having a fun time collecting items for your pal and her Pup(s).Also, don't forget to contact your pal (anonymously please) this week and
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Happy Birthday DoT and a Spotlight on Coco

"Chasing your tail gets you nowhere ... 'cept back to where you started..."Happy Birthday Dogs On Thursday!We made it a whole year!(this is not a picture of Elise but of another very cute basset from the front of a birthday card I got years ago.)Dogs on Thursday started a year ago this week because I wanted to give my dog a little more attention on my blog.Then that idea grew into this wonderful
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A Doggie Spotlight for Lola

Welcome everyone and to our newest member Madame Purl to this weeks Dogs on Thursday.It is July already and Dogs on Thursday will be 1 year old next Thursday July 10th!There will be a contest in celebration of our 1st anniversary and it will be announced next week so stay tuned!Also, the sign ups for our Dog Days of Summer Secret Swap are still open and will close at midnight July 8th.I will then
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DoT's Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap

Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs On Thursday!Next month on July 10th, Dogs on Thursday will be One! There will be a contest in July to celebrate, so stay tuned. And...Today starts the sign ups for our Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap. Here is a button for the swap, I am not very good at button making so maybe there will be more buttons to choose from next week.The swaps officially Starts on
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Technical Difficulties

Sorry folks, due to many technical difficulties beyond my control Dogs on Thursday will continue next Thursday.For today here is the the Mr. Linky box for those that made a post today and want to sign in.(or I hope there will be a Mr. Linky box when I hit the post button, the way today is going there may not be one.)
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Dogs On Thursday with a bit of Scotland

"Hidden in the misty Scottish Highlands,where the purple bells of heather gently sway,lies the ancient wellspring of our rich endownment,that lives in you,my faithful friend,today..."~Glenny Palmer Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs On Thursday!I hope everyone is staying cool and dry in this early summer heat wave.We have had so much rain here lately that we may be rowing to work soon!I just
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Dogs On Thursday

Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!(Sorry I am running late I didn't have a chance to post before running to class/work this morning.)We have two new members Megan and Alice. Everyone go say Hello and Welcome.I had a fantastic time on my three week trip abroad to Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England.There are no words to describe the emotions I experienced while visiting these amazing
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Gretchen's Paw Prattle

Get my banner code or create a flash banner
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Doggie Spotlight on Magnus! a day late.

Happy Dogs on Thursday on Friday!!I'm sorry I'm a day late. Yesterday was 8th grade graduation at my school and I was busy all day and today is my last day but I'm heading in late so I wanted to get this up now. I start my new job on Monday!! Enough about me. I hope everyone is having a great week. Paula gets back today from her trip so try to stop by her blog and say welcome back.Today's
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Doggie Spotlight on Sissy!

Welcome to Dogs on Thursday!! I hope everyone has been doing well. Paula is still on her trip and we wish her a safe and fun journey. If you have any questions or want to join our group please email me at gnat(at)barknknit(dot)com.This weeks Doggie Spotlight is on Channon's Sissy.Meet our diva. Gaylen announced upon seeing the earliest pictures of Sissy that we had a diva on our hands. A
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Dogs on Thursday!!

Hello everyone!! Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday. Paula is out of town so I'll be covering for the next two weeks. Let's all wish Paula a great trip. I just got back from another one of my trips so I haven't had much time to get a post together. We'll get back into the swing of things soon....stick with us.Well, for this week's blog post I wanted to share a news story from a neat
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Dogs On Thursday On Saturday

So Sorry this is such a late post and a vanilla shortie too since I am leaving a few min. to go to the airport I don't have much time.We had some pretty weird storms and knocked our power out for a bit and I was unable to post until everything seems back to normal.I will be gone traveling through the UK until May 30th.Natalie is back from her awesome trip, go see her pictures! It has been a quiet
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